HELP WANTED TRAVEL BOATS FOR SALE FEMALE fulllime for down- Please state age Experience helpful but not essential Write GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines etc Our information and service Is reliable Come in and talk over your proposed trip with Chester Best THE BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket phono TW FIBREGLASS BOATS Hulls Hull Covering Repairs and Material Available JIM Ontario St EOGEVILIR MOTORS STOUFFVILLE TRANSPORTATION WANTED mechanics clase A license for 215 Slouffville DAILY to Golden Mile arriving Phone NURSES UNIFORM USED CARS CARRIED in stock and tip agent for firm we Alter ed Dawsons opposite the LEAVE Newmarket am to pm Phone Newmarket 1051 METEOR convertible Good mechanical condition only Business Professional Services DRUG STORE NOTICE SUNDAY NOVEMBER The Beit Drug Store STORE OPEN 5 PM Phone TW The Rest Store WHl Be Open Alt Nest Week November November Until pm MILES NORTH PRESCRIPTIONS t OUR SPECIALTY LANES Prescription Pharmacy WE PICK Sanitary Contractor Brains Cleaned and Repaired INSURANCE JOHN E JARV1S NORMAN W INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD Timothy St Newmarket JOS P CHAS ABEL FAST COLOR PHOTO FINISHING LANES Prescription Portico Bill CLARE C GREEN Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public FLOYD CORNER Notary Public AURORA PHONE Wellington Stiver Vale ami Errlnofon BARRISTERS Main St Newmarket CLASSIFIEDS CONTINUED USED CARS BUICK Special CHEVROLET PURE Suffolk TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH SNOW REMOVAL SEALED lenders marked ai to undersigned until oclock standard to the Ballon in St phone This car is in new car condition Has to be seen to he appreciat ed Will take trade and finance FONTIAC 2dcor newly balanced CHEVROLET in real good DON CAMERON MACHINERY FOR J TRACTOR model FARM SERVICE DEAD horses cattle and hogs Nothing under lbs Picked up for disposal buy old horses for slaughter Phone col Uxbridg or farm promptly DEADSTOCK disposal to EM GORDON YOUNG PR 35312 DRIVING SCHOOL LOU MUELLER Beverlev Hills PLUMBING SERVICE Wednesday Flower Shop FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty Main St A A C0NLIH 2S2A Mam St Chartered Accountant EARL BLACK V1LLOWDALE I Harper and Co J Jackson CA Strasler Son QUEENSVILLE AMBULANCE ELECTRIC SEPARATOR for window sash all sizes Phone MANURE earth Seed phone T ilii POULTRY FOR SALE DR WONOBLE DR C E Dr J W Bartholin Roadhouse Rose Funeral Directors MAIS STREET NEWMARKET McCaffreys Fl OCCASION MAIN STREET Phone TW DRESSED Juniper Colorado Some Spruce each is the best Cedar Valley con Whitchurch 3 FOR SALE HARDWOOD Albert phone tanks and al phone CANARIES and budgie males Cage supplies Gold plated phone Months Phone Dalmatian 10 LOST MISCELLANEOUS WELL Son for kei 30 and THE BEST BRONCHIAL ins ready to iMy POULTRY WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MUCOUS IN THROAT for the dropp SALE REGISTER TOWN OF NEWMARKET NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE ESTATE of COLIN iNLEY late of the Township of East in the County of York Gentleman CREDITORS of the above nam of Newmarket nly of York on or day of April Act to send lo he ned proof of their the 30th day of SNOW plough to ruck by December levelling 1158 and til March TENDERS must slat sower rating of truck day by time hip to supply wing ma Road TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH for treated screened sand SEALED lenders marked Tci and will be received until oclock SAME to be ship yard TENDERS The ana M date the Batata will will tben ATEO at Newmarket this October Main St Newmarket for Administrator FOR YEARS ASSOCIATED WITH The Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada JAMK CLU Estate Analysis and Planning Bunnies and Personal Life I Attend One Of These CHURCHES SUNDAY NOT Yielding Rofsford Rev A am Bible School Thr in a study of The of Mr lames Lewis tenor soloist Study in Joshua with map Thursday at pm Teacher Friday at pm Crusaders see ad this page People Fellowship every third Tuesday of the Radio broadcast CFOK Sunday NOTICE hereby given thai have complied with Section of The Voters List Act 1951 and that I have posted up in my the of a day Thereby cat last day or Ihe will hold a in Com- November at oclock all complaints with re TOWN OF NEWMARKET COURT OF REVISION Court of Revision on assessment hold its first silling in the TUESDAY November Minister R Stuart Johnston Onanist Mr Rowland METHODIST Sunday Evangelist THE SALVATION ARMY Queen St Newmarket heme TW TEMPLE BAND Nov 1 and Sunday am Holiness meet- The Salvation meeting VICTORY BAPTIST Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches Newmarket Pastor G E Barton Classes for all n li Womens Meeting am of Worship Prayer meeting in held ome is extended 3 all CHURCH I I AEARENE Rev Earl CHURCH Holy HOLY CORfMUNIOrT HOLLY COMMUNION Corporate the foil Teacher Training am HOLY and SERMON pm HOLLY and SERMON Corp or the leac school followed by SESSION lunior and I Kindergarten CHURCH I J Slack MtnUtf Sunday School FRIENDS MEETING Street by Monthly Meetin and worship with us WARREN ROGERS COMING Oct 28 Nov REV WARREN ROGERS OF DETROIT MICH ana NIGHTLY PM SUN AM 11 PM THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE CORNER OF MAIN QUEEN YOU WILL RECEIVE A WELCOME AT THESE SERVICES