TableRite BEEF Round Up IGA CHOICE SAVE APPLE JUICE BRIGHTS SAVE Tomato Juice SUGARIPE SAVE LARGE PRUNES HALLOWEEN CANDY KISSES 3 35c FRUIT VEGETABLES SHELL OUT A HALLOWEEN TREAT SNOW APPLES LB CELLO BAG RED BRAND BEEF ROASTS BONELESS ROUND RUMP POINT SIRLOIN AND TABLERITE RED BRAND BEEF STEAKS SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE OR WING BURNS DAISY BRAND BREAKFAST BACON TABLERITE EXTRA LEAN SLICED COOKED HAM ECONOMY CORNER CHOICE PEACHES 2 31c CRISr AND CRUNCH CELERY HEARTS PEI POTATOES 2 bunches 101b bag 35c THE PREMIUM TAIILE EMPEROR GRAPES KELLOGGS SAVE CARROTS lb teg 2Rfftg36 CORN FLAKES FRESH DATES M0NA Margarine 33H CHEESE SPREAD Dividend Credit Boosters Effective Oct Nov 1 Thuri thru Tue CORN 2 15oz tins 33c TOMATOES tin SUGAR 2lb bag 22c2BJffE Frozen Foods FISH and CHIPS MIXED VEGETABLES HAVE YOU JOINED THE FAMILY DIVIDEND PLAN LITERALLY THOUSANDS ALREADY HAVE IF YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THIS TUNITY WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO READ THE FOLLOWING DETAILS HOW THE PLAN WORKS they apply a Addition Dividend Issued with all purchases the Family Dividend Plan a Dividend Credit equal Is one HOW TO USE YOUR DIVIDEND CREDITS Dividend Credit may be used on presentation at the Family Centre whose name and address they bear They may be used either to purchase any item said In the IC wins- purchases to applied The Newmarket ITS A Womans World By CAROLINE ION council meet- pounds Yes he lielh which had been reprinted from the Enterorisc you wont on the Editor as much id is anions and his fir people Church News CRUSADERS are back in town hall this week and Halloween parly The children pumpkins will decorate Ihe pi be enjoyed and then ihe child bracket church tti Ihe is own department with within itself A tca of understanding WEDDING Townsley parlour brides Foods And Fashion Show Repeated For Second Year into his lice Yea a pent tcllclh of the himself on the story solid And Ihe fair i him a bid to wedding feast and behold the bids are fashion ed by Muntfiummery Hawbuck in a far city Flowery and long is the The minister 111 editor off for a 13month sub editor prinlclh a death nolice lodge notices a cubit of poetry Nora Stevens Wins Atkinson Bursary At Hall Mils Nora Stevens daughter of Mr and Mrs Stevens Kalhryn has been a wan and Express Thursday Out IMS inns drew a large crowd to ihe lown hall on October Pro ceeds from Ihe event assisted community and church This was the second annual Belly Bright school to be held in Newmarket mits Die Usui played Lucky draws for delicious foods j during school iati sports ensembles and jackets There wen for ail from the teen Models in the show were Mrs NEWMARKET Social News Hems for the Social am Personal column must reach each Tuesday Send them b mail or telephone TW Royal Military college Kingston his aunt Mrs Mr and Mrs J Slruth attended a parly marking thi official opening of the Simeon Flying School Saturday was held at the J restaurant near Baldwin for St Andrews Presbyter Pauls church SI Andre dinner last night Trinity United chinch dinner was held on gallons an- participating Sector plan Mr and Mrs Arthur tended a wedding Laymen taking part i Burton Hathaway Four members of the Harry and Legion Plans Poppy Campaign Memorial Parade This year the Canadian Newmarket branch is making a py fund under guidance of help of Holme Legion naire manager of ihe to SI is Poppy day Tuesday and Wednesday Nov and The Naked and The Dead a new war drama Ray Raymond Throughout the week Legion- There will be a memorial and church service In on Sunday Nov fl parade will be at 10 am meeting place at the town lark ng lot behind cnotaph and then to the United an White The Legion reminds all of the branch members of CWL MUM TEA IS WELL ATTENDED The chrysanthemum tea of John church was well attend It was held in the firehall Mrs Harry Fee welcomed were Mrs John West and Mr Sam supervised by Mrs Bernard M Millard J Queen SI CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS Buy your CANADA SAVINGS BONDS the easy way instalment plan Canada Savings bonds through The Bank of Nova Scotias convenient instalmentplan away a few dollars each payday and in almost no time at all your bond is paid in full Your nearest BNS manager will be glad to help you invest in Canadas and your future the easy way Come in and see him today buy your CANADA SAVINGS BONDS at The BANK of NOVA SCOT I MORE THAN 500 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA