larkrt I I No LUBRICATIONS GENERAL REPAIRS TOWING HILLTOP SERVICE STATION Farm News Effects Of Contract Farming Big Topic For OFA Convention READ IT and REAP If your grammes are abulsin And a tucker bet For the crop hat been a good one And ita cost you lots of sweat Then youre for a market For your oats your torn and heat And you wanna make a dollar Cause the kids they gotta eat Then take It from a feller Who hat been around awhile You can walk it off to market And youll wear a broader smile For the best durn way to cash it But dont leave til too late It to mix it then to feed it With a SHURGAIN Concentrate Theret your antwer and your market For the grain youve got at home For the detailed SHURGA1N program Youve only got to phone You neednt ponder longer At you view those bins Choose vour SHURGAIN feeding program BALANCED FEEDING ALWAYS WINS If youre in your feeders Theiet shipping fever risk SHURGAIN Cattle Booster Sweetened And they go on feed right brisk This question resolutions had been formulated and other members the that farm people are deeply concerned over the CASE and DIKE Ltd MOUNT ALBERT PHONE RIDLER MILLS NEWMARKET ONT Era and Express Classifieds bring results food producer held by i challenge rhe program will be the address of Gordon Greer to be delivered during highlight years New Role Market- be Dr the OFA expected to cor invention from and from to optional a mo Congratulations are a Mis Travis on I birthday on Sunday Nov Sympathy is extended to M Hillary Slcphi and Mr and ft loss of Hillary Nov iter church Sum I two parties for th young people of li on Halloween nigh children were the church evening of frolic rful Halloween pari munily of the Baptist church Pretty paper we much in evidence following United church Nov at of the chin Hog Producers Warn Against Some Contract Promotion Claims will undoubtedly promote investment by operative pig hatcheries and people looking the months ore the sow the PER TON OFF FOR 5 TON ORDERS DELIVERED BEFORE NOV IS CASH DEAL THIS OFFER APPLIES ON ALL OUR PURINA DAIRY CHOWS AS LONG AS COMBINED ORDER EQUALS TONS Put in a good supply of Purina Dairy Chows now Save pes ton or a full 2500 on a 5 ton load DONT DELAY GIVE US A PHONE CALL OR DROP IN SMITHS FEED and SEED LTD PHONE QUEENSVILLE ONT We have publicly tin- pa iciilarlt illy VANDORF attended and the llrmhl kr A or I- f To Hold Mission Service At Sutton United Church will be conducted in Sutton United church this ng week Committee Is comprised of Duncan White Newmarket Robert Cur lb Mount Albert Robert J Mc Naught vllle Rev Donald C and Rev Stanley Scars Sutton from Keswick Mo Ihe of Im a clock each evening a forceful message he has chosen arc ind Hell Tuesday Our of Christianity of Liars In our Churchoi On Thursday afternoon Nov at Mr Vlnct plans hold a womens meeting invited Ch the 1 Is i irks he i SAM ROLLINS Representative IIOMFMAKFR ALUMINUM FULL FRESH COWER Dry Charged or FactoryFilled Fully Guaranteed WILLARD BATTERIES a kw y in 33 Set Your Dealerl Basil with PIONEER A with instant servicing GEORGE CONSTABLE SON LTD 39 Davit Dr Newmarket TW The Bank of Nova Scotia brings you another new service NOW GET A BANK LOAN EASILY FOR ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE through Heres news for you The Bank of No Scotia introduces a complete consumer len ing program Scotia Han Loans design serve the credit needs of Canadians means you may borrow quickly easily a economically You can get a low cost Scotia Plan Loan to buy a car or truck lor example lo con solidate debts lo meet expenses such as medical hills and loans will be life insured at no extra cost lo you Scotia Plan includes tonus on your signature on your home furnishings and on your automobile You dont to be a BNS customer to borrow mono through Scotia Plan Repayment of your Scotia Plan Loan It made convenient for you The is as interested as you are in keeping your finances a sound basis and the monthly deposits your Scotia Plan Loan are tailored to your own budget needs Your Scotia Plan Application is handled promptly lit most cases youll have your hours Youll be delight ed with ihe absence of red tape The time to find out about Scotia Plan If NOW be happy to discuss a Scotia Plan Loan with you Just visit the SCOTIA PLAN DEPARTMENT of any branch of the Why not come in The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA