GOING OVERSEAS WE engage on all Trans Atlantic Lines Our Information THE BEST DRUG STORE phone market Ebb Grading Station horses for slaughter Phone lect or Ed DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary or Tore Smiths Feed I ITEMS FOR SALE PUREBRED Prince Edward Is land Yorkshire hog 20 acres EXCHANGE OR TRADE DODOE ton Phone PR boat GARS New- Business Professional Services DRUG STORE NOTICE SUNDAY NOV ATKINSON DRUGS STORE OPEN I PM TW Dross v Nov I Until PRESCRIPTIONS ty OUR SPECIALTY LANES Prescription Pharmacy Open Every Monday Sanitary Contractor VETERINARIAN DR J BENNETT 591 Queen St Phone Newmarket INSURANCE JOHN Confederation Life Association Tension Life and Group Fire Automobile and Casually Auto Financing i Eagle PHONE TW INSURANCE House Fire per off Rates Bill NEWMARKET ABEL FAST COLOR PHOTO FINISHING LANES Preicription Pharmacy Fred Penrose Newmarket LOU MUELLER Beverley HUU Keswick PLUMBING HEATING BURNER SERVICE Furnaces Qutensvllle NEWMARKET ERA EXPRESS Classifieds Bring Results A A C0NLIN 252A Main St Chartered Accountant ami Notary Public Telephone Roches Point FLOYD E CORNER Notary Public Etc AURORA PHONE PA Wellington St Stiver- Vale and Vale I AT A MILLS BARRISTER SOLICITOR a NOTARY PUBLIC Main St Newmarket CLASSIFIEDS CONTINUED USED CARS 1949 sedan in Rood con low mileage Reasonabh George P WRECKING Ford all pari for sale Phone New CUSTOM KILLING or write phoni Nicholson Phone CHEVROLET club i sell One Ford radio Phone PR Bradford 1947 DESOTO rebuilt good condition Term HUNDREDS of ornamental la tree Mug ho Juniper Colorado and many Some Colorado Spnien each Fall 1956 BUICK down payment CHEVROLE mileage low TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL sedan full 1949 PLYMOUTH sedan two to CHEVROLET sedan perfect Price Private Newmarket Saturday Can Newmarket or all good rubber sip Terms 1950 CHEVROLET Rniiford St Phone EARL G BLACK BARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R ROSENBERG Harper and Co Chartered Accountants 55A MAW ST NEWMARKET TELEPHONE J Jackson Resident Partner Telephone Strasler Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Flower Shop FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty Main St Newmarket DR NOBLE DR KELLY 4 Main Stree DR E Dr J W Bartholome and Roadhouse Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed AH Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phoiw TW 54862 PURE Suffolk phono POULTRY FOR DRESSED 100 LEGHORN pullets old Phone worlds best flock a and it applies Ir Any amount We will pay prices right at Phone TW New- to nines Closed Thurso indas Clarke Vie Centre Belfry Dr off Davis Dr SI to 25 Sundays Clarke Violet for fireplace a Albert phone TROPICAL and gold fish Many special vnrlellc Tropical Aquarium at Blvd phone HOGS IN POUND toll male toy by Saturday Nov REE good home Lome Baker and ic hosiery or those phone HE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP prompt arid effective the relief of bronchi Best Drug Store ablet MUCOUS IN THROAT other disturbar that have been Store phor market SALE REGISTER household appliances etc the property Morning Moslej TOWNSHIP OF EAST COURT OF REVISION hereby given lhaUhe for the Township East will hold iu Aral or 1 950 ng bush The Era and Nov MM Caretaker f TAKE NOTICE that from Hill Street a dlsane DO paid by the i Till The instal is of Revision in ill HaluwoBotsfoVd front n Hie 18th day at pm in Committee Room of Tow Botsford St Ontario for against the proposed and dcsii In make law by DATED at Newmarket litis day of November Wesley Brooks Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET TAKE NOTICE that the questlor copy of lite question lo be tub millet l a vole of the elector of the Town of a on December 1 AND lhat on day of November the Mayor shall attend at the office of the Clerk qucslcd ap in writing signed by him persons to attend at the summing up of the voles I Clerk and one person at polling Place no Hie persons interested I lll all- right to vole subjects Municipal submit the Tow who twenty i Ft THEREFORE EXACTED least I of hi ffif 2 That Ihe day of No vember the Mayor shall of the Corporation for the pur pose appointing and if re quested to do so shall appoint writing by him persons to attend at the final up or the votes I Clerk and one person to voting for said by lav bylaw PASSED TENDERS TENDERS Will be received by the undersigned up to November 105S or the of High for calendar year for specifications etc enquire Mr Rowland Head I my lender accepted D Brow Lome i Newmarket TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION GEORGES A TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATION BUILDING SEALED lenders will be latci Monday November he Archi- THE Plan and Sped fictions by undersigned Office Plans and he aIII be required for draw in good CUE lowest or any tender no icei accepted rill awarding of contra i iubjeel to ihe approval the Municipal Hoard Signed HE WEIll Oni Architects Irving NOTICE TOWN OF NEWMARKET VOTERI LIST HIS HONOR Judge Frank Ben- ton will hold a court In the Com mittee Room Town Hall St reel Newmarket on Friday Hie day of Novem ber the hour oclock in the to hear nine all complaints been lodged with the Clerk Willi in Ihe I SIM TOWNSHIP OF NORTH POLICE APPLICATIONS SEALED applications clearly marked will be received by undersigned on or before 12 10 B or of of ant- must state age weight and salary expected also as to abil ity and experience Applicant will be hired on six months pro bation No applicalions will be considered unless clearly marked police Lowest or any tender not Signed Frank i of ASSOCIATED WITH Co of Canada The Mutual JAMES Estate Analysis and Planning- Business and Personal Life Attend One Of These CHURCHES Meeti Nov Quarterly Meeting on Mil Quarterly Meeting dwells within CHURCH Minister Rev Fred Musical Stephen Baptist of Ontario and Quebec am Morning worship pin- Your favorite hymns In NIT CHURCH Whltt REMEMBRANCE VICE Parade of UNITED CHURCH SUTTON Preacher Rev A BOYLE Guest trio The TUESDAY NOV 11 REMEM BRANCE DAY PRAYER VIGIL FOR PEACE The til You are to period will be a short Act of Remembrance 11 Alt are at Tri mist St Pauls Church am Holy Communion am Combined session Junior and Senior Depart ment Miss E will show colored slides of Her work with Sunday school Car avan Mission in western Can- i MORNING PRAYER Miss E will speak her work with the Sunday school Caravan Mission pm Holy Baptism VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH I angelical Sunday School Morning Worship FREE METHODIST J Slack Minister Director John Swindells 10 am Bible school pm Appreciation The Bible School for all of 1st Corinthians Genesis Abraham Monthly Fellowship p m SALVATION