If The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday CHARPENTIER Mr and Mrs Fred Birch Richmond Hill Cook Richmond Hill a DUNCAN Oa Tuesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Duncan a On Friday Nov to Mr and Mrs John J Dug Bradford a daughter DOVEOn Sunday Nov FARM TRACTOR LIQUID INFLATION ROAD SERVICE COMPLETE LINE OF FARM TRUCK TIRES TARPAULINS IS STOCK or MADE TO ORDER SPECIAL PRICES ON B FGOODRICH FAMOUS SNOW TIRES REX TIRE AND EQUIPMENT SALES Smith R- Aurora a SHROPSHIRE On Mont Donald Shropshire R daughter Mr and Mrs Der 1958 to Mr and Mrs John Per- pie a daughter a ind Mrs Clarence only gallon SLESSOR motors Start New United Church Nov 16 In East Subdivision trough York Presbytery ant the new subdivision on During the early fall a si was made of the new of East school lie school off Longford Drive was making his home in Newmarket congregation He has recently border of the en it became apparent that was needed the service of Trinity United church were which has been distributed nds and neighbors to attend WILSON On Thursday Nov R Tottenham Mr and Mrs Elmer Norman Joseph of Newmarket Clarence of Service was held on hough absent you 3 DAYS ONLY Thurs Fri Sat Nov 13 14 REDUCTION ON ALL WINTER Rubber Leather Footwear POLLOCK SHOES LTD 223 Main St Newmarket Ont 10 I work develops REV W JEWITT portables For this first kindly touch a smile are all he needs lift this brother Lillian Collier Gr Reprinted from Child Limited Washington Dan Chosen For SixWeeks Course At School In Detroit Increase In License Fee Turned Down By Council lowns bylaw maximum penalty laity at With one member of was given its second crease in license fee Count who had supported that inc voted against raising the i Four Youths Crash Teen Dance After Assaulting Three Girls by Metropolitan police Accosting three H who promptly the boys followed and tried to f and tried to talk iely slapped on he Clothes lutside and he young people by this lime Bruce Pollock a high school older attackers swept their the off in both cases and Point Saturday morn- is in Toronto the follow and detained and Georgina township charged them with assault cau bodily harm and causing Willow Beach school incident Friday in Newmarket court Students Plan Study Of Housing Development On The Community Life students of the University of ill be under the direct udents will spend a study being came studies are underway rough and North York towi isive investigation of NEWMARKET DAIRY PURCHASED THIS WEEK BY GLENYHIE FARMS A major in th dairy business read hi Glenvllle Newmarket Dairy operated by the since 1917 and sale of the business mar- end of a long era for a family being one of the will Jobs in the is a factor in the r Vale Kudelka Mr and Barry Lloyd Wins Oratorical Finals Barry Lloyd is top man on the public schools He defeat ed five other finalists for the County public speaking test at the county building on the University or Clark in the larger study 1 be used by in the lai Prince Charles school Others participating in the competition were Jane Smith and Lloyd Gra ham Stuart Scott school Yvonne Alexander Glen and June Prince Charles contest had hydro ax a mission joined with I the tion Wu will at the OEA convention during Judges for the NewmarXct fi nals were Mrs Nelson Ion J Struthers and Alex Eves They were introduced by the chairman son the conclusion of the con test points on public speaking were outlined by the judges with rovincewide Winners from the building on Prospect ownership to operate the dairy bar weighed pound PRINTING is a highly specialized trade A CUSTOMER GETS THE BEST RESULTS when he brings his order in plenty of time for the printer to do the best possible work Check Your Stationery Supplies Order Early FOR THE BEST RESULT NEWMARKET ERA EXPRESS