operation Hospital CORRECTION hour following J Cody thanked i behalf of Trinity Thoughts Of Spring NEWS of the WI Womens Institutes of On- and public AfTKulture and Ire Mm Harold I take for granted that ITEMS OF INTEREST Phone TW 56452 Ontario Women Liberals Hold Annual In Toronto and Mrs T A Mil and Mr Don mother school Sue SI available dp all jlli- organ- tato HOLD SUCCESSFUL BRIDGEEUCHRE Lets Play Golf THIS YEAR AT We view Golf Club VANDORF PA Membership- Initiation Annual 50 Juniors DAILY FEES Weekdays Weekends and holidays FOR INFORMATION KEITH NISBET BOX AURORA On Sunday afternoon follov log the baptism in Trinii Hugh Shannon entertained h amity Rev Duncan performed the ceremony Shannon and daughter Sea named the as a liberal Tab dub Sharon attended the cantata and Mr aid j PEA CONVENTION lJiillZ Is Grammar Important uiiE Asks Walter Carpenter feeling thai laugh EXCEPTIONAL SPARETIME OPPORTUNITY An all manufacturer ami wholesale distributor seeks a scions man in his own licinilv Titer part We do the ground work for vou A few spare hours weekly provides a steady income which can lie I full time capital This fullv secured Down paviuenl required A lot depends Trinity Groups Hold Thankoffering within 15 days 11 are wile full Voltl self 1 persona inter irw Ilcts lit CO speci pll- IK so applies oldie tnto A PROGRESS REPORT to our Employees Customers and friends in the Community from GLENVILLE FARMS DAIRY LIMITED Just annul one ago the name took on new meaning for many folks in Newmarket It was an old York County name spread far and wide by Parma the home of a famous herd of cattle ill a local dairy adopted the name people took over active management year ago this week the dairy bar on Davis ame a favorite place for This year Glenville Farms Dairy will put into circulation nearly among the merchant industries end just plain folks in our Townships of Whitchurch the King Vaughan and Heres how it breaks down NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Newmarket and Aurora plants Routemen and Services Offices Bradford and Newmarket Dairy Bart PAYROLL yearly PREMISES Total square feet Taxes MILK PRODUCERS Gallons of Milk annual LOCAL EXPENDITURES Products and Services 250000 on of the highlights of our first year They make I significant because they make possible the quality New in The Home Plant buildings have be for handling new mm bottles for precise control ilea at to apply At the South Plant ice cream processing has been modernised and enlarged Bulter- lipment has been installed One of Ontarios The Dairy has been Equipment Is allnew the sinless in kitchen and counter There is refrigerated storage space for the full line of Fine Dairy Foods m of confidante has made it for to build rm Dairy into one of the major Industrie of thin in which we feel the entire community can share our GLENVILLE FARMS DAIRY LIMITED NEWMARKET