Mental Health Week April To May 2 Harvest Years Can Be The Best and Anyone who dreads depend upon physical right adjustments to Frustration I employ simple speech York Curlers Conclude Season Hold Presentation Honor Night The Yates trophy CNIB PROGRAM AIDS BLIND The promam rehabilitation recreation and rmwirch of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind provide this community with a battery of service cope with the setbacks caused by These services provide Newmar ket and district with an effective combatant disability through loss of vision These re vital to ear community The serve Mind men and child ren this The Institute also has a prevention of blindness program which provides for consultation and treatment purposes and other services for those who are irtrthle to afford The Newmarket and District Advisory commits is conducting its annua appeal for funds from April to May The past interest and generous support of the campaign by local residents has been appreciated said Mr Murray chairman of the Newmarket financial assistance is now It will CNlBa help the Wind help missed by the canvasser end your Mrs Donald Hi Raglan St Newmarket ITEMS OF INTEREST Phone 56452 CNR Police Continue Probe After More Rocks On Line OPTIMIST CLUB HAS LADIES Apr Lai- To Hold Literary Trial CHURCH NEWS isKcotffd DR HAMILTONS PIUS EXIRACTOK MOW k iSff a IT ll OWinmt Dr It a i2 Musk Festival Now appointed by Chrysler to bring you SIMCA PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS LAST WEEKS s CROSS WORD ANSWER TO LEASE New BP Service Station EAGLE SCOTT STS NEWMARKET For furihfr Information Apply BP Canada Limited J 171 ST TORONTO King George HomeSchool Observes Library Week lis here The nov from Par- Take one drive and youll know Thai of all healer and worlds economy cars Chrysler of Canada ha safe ire slope a Dig panornmc von glass net- Tone soindprclnc vmirmlion ll Is price lass for mM solid ballIrani and ivy SIMCA is The Economy Winn of tars with front engine safely and I door family sue room I he car Ihanhe low low po lie Chock again gel I A McNEIL SALES LTD MrFiSynink wit Davis Dr Newmarket Ontario Phone