Our Readers Write the writers mutt be the editor iHd You are request d to publish he Toe Alpha Ess conies subjecls we by Alpha The winning will be for J youth Secretary for Tor Alpha I to be not lew following Alcohol A Health Problem fey a list of specific pamphlet etc The judges will Alpha Davenport Road Ontario SB SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL Served from noon Vegetable Beef Soup Mashed Potatoes and Turnip Hal Apple Sunitai of the judges by and third of originality Alpha and cannot judged ROSS CHAPMAN IS NAMED DIRECTOR airmanship of Ross Chapman One God One Church Civil Defence by ARTHUR J DA VIES D COORDINATOR Rescue Class on two planks and o MUSIC NIGHT SfSS of eorulruc- J I bTwhi e E rinlfc- J the S- attend Open Ho t enough to m noons the week Apt CO I the Christian churches of and ultimately we towards complete corporal John has called for way of worshipping YOU can SAVE HUNDREDS OF 1959 DEMONSTRATOR G OfFICIAL CARS ONLY 1959 BUICK SAVE SALE PRICE 1 ONLY 1959 PAR1S1ENNE SAVE 80000 ON THIS CAR 1959 I door sedans Vg engine transmission SAVE ON EITHER of THESE CARS 1959 VICTOR SUPER SAVE AT 1895 motors NEWMARKET LTD 3S1 EAGLE ST NEWMARKET PH AFTER HOURS TW The cars and trucks we sett are backed by service Pontile CMC Trucks EAGLE ST NEWMARKET one of them wa trapped under a img a tripod and chain for ia and ome idri ivn that P debris and had the purpose Of a f t inn of Cm e The tiling thai important though is lhat acknowledge- one another ni1icai in pulpit LADIES GIVEN LIFE MEMBERSHIPS Mrs John Rutledge read I TojKoot Prices Are Marked Down For a Quick Clearance STORES SPRING CLEARANCE of MENS TOPCOATS OSLY DAYS LEFT Suit Sale Ends Saturday Its lot a remarrable choose yourself allwool complete ft two pairs pants Striking patients in richly muled fabr including new cluster stripes deigns beautiful solid shade YOU SAVE ON EACH SUIT Theres a Jack Store near you