As We See It The Editors Corner From The Files JO And 50 Years Ago by observing Tors cm rowers who had kept book Serving Newmarket and the rural districts of North York The Newmarket Era 1852 The Express Herald 1895 Two llnl7a in advance copies are 18e Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly mMmMnt AniM Ian Baxter Publisher Caroline Ion Editor George Haskett Sports Editor Racine Production E W Stefaniuk Advertising THE EDITORIAL PAGE THURSDAY THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYNINE Campbell has Mayor Betugins Report On The Towns Business thin subject that the planning VANDALISM MUST END Several acts of vandalism wan reported to town council this week They are a sorry reflection on the entire community Although the wanton destruction and disregard for other peoples properly can he attri buted to a small group of selfish illbred malefactors all must share the blame police and taxpayers parents and children teachers and students clergy and laymen We realize that this is a sweeping statement but we are prepared to justify it The acts of vandalism are continuing This shows a disrespect for authority not for the police hut the home school church and community at large The general public with the exception of a few weak protests has not demanded a mnre concerted effort to halt the mischief This reveals pride The day after the aluminum louvers were installed at the new boy scout hall they were destroyed Every window in the swimming pool building has a broken month the clubhouse of the lawn bowling club was en tered furniture damaged dishes broken and locks J smashed A car was driven on the soccer field at the fairgrounds ruining the playing area This list could lie continued but the malevolence as outlined is suffi cient to establish the point that vandals are at work in Newmarket Will their actions be tolerated Wilt their disre gard for the rules of society go unpunished- The answer rests with all of US Instead of covering up for youngsters when they damage other peoples pro perty parents and leathers should refer them the authorities A and determined effort hi all of is required In halt this germ from infecting HOW SILLY CAN YOU GET M Mr The Canadian National Railways the one with the lilC million dollar deficit has just launched a campaign Arthur in the United States to persuade more firms to locate spent a few days in Canada along its lines Here is the plan which was Mr chosen by the CNR and its US advertising agency after This week every one of those selected top brass pros- HH will receive through the mail a railway spike with the name of the engraved upon it Next week an illuminated screwdriver the following week his name of Mi on a luggage tag then a mineral sample box and finally lPr a pair of maple leaf cufflinks The cost or per executive does not include the cost of the twoyear Gall- survey to get the 1200 name- It does show how small with a deficit wo last year tin- gov Andrew Murdison meni would find it lough to locate a buyer if it didnt Heart Throbs Humor throw into the deal The soled however by Che above method Ise t ho prospect the the screwdriver ITS YOUR MONEY week dcall villi Hie frown operated by the federal government such pi- which tins been closed since Ma result f a labor dispute This week due le iloiikint el his OPERATION FRIENDSHIP A discharged patienl from a mental hospital when asked what had Hie most to help him recover plied Friendship the friendship of the doctors social workers and attendants at Hie Hie friend- ship of the volunteer visitors the friendship of former associates who let know I was alone All of us are aware of the desire within health TH CAD HOME TOWN Teas We the kn ledge at are loved Hot much greater per these ceils mils the ho II Friendship friend 11 IS Bid id iieiital nit Opera ionwide SIS Who feel some Headship lias the Canadian hole ai Post These lleallli i have field Ion In Hi Kill III there are of this special state lb ill hesitate lo offer thei il and I pm Tonight April III all lal incline of Hie branch at the Kit Operation Friendship need your MORE SMALL CARS plated the I had ted Hie Financial DRUM SONG In idol be mad 11 a largely a of how well the flation current models sell this year Several other factors default affeel the decision in Imported cars also will accounted for onefifth of all new ears sold in all do Canada last year said