E Heights Sail and Timmins visit- ind family Walter Ave Tues day July Mr and Mrs W Downey and family Ave have returned from their vacation alter spend- Henderson was hostess her party Susann and and Mrs Huggins Ottawa Saturday from Britain month with so nd daughter Mr and children Combines The H 35 SELFPROPELLED it ARTS GARAGE Your MaaseyFerguton Dealer QUEENSVILLE PHONE CR OR CALL Maxwell Harrison Mewl Albert Phone QUEENSVILLE tirche held a retreat at i SS On Sunday Thomas SSlHi SFIIfESrS SHSsl HOLLAND MARSH FOR YOUR SCRAP Let ui pick up your metal Can and Trucki HIGHEST PRICES PAID PRoipect 52549 SATURDAY2tsaie AUGUST ALL Isabel Colville CITIZENSHIP attendant alone In the days of the pride of citizenship did tile Roman Empire crumble aide reset the power of Spain FREE Second Week Grand Opening Special FREE August 10 to 15 FREE 10c DRINK OR 10c OFF ANY I LARGER DRINKS COASTER WAGON FREE during second week of grand opening Gat Details at Yewr tafteefreez aee waelaieaM aaiaaaNty Tom and Joan Clemi AURORA TASTEEFREEZ MOUNT ALBERT MOUNT PLEASANT William Hendry An Inventor Syndicate plan will In li you to haw enough in the future A plan con be tailored to suit your objective whether it a owning a new home ed ucating your children buying a or pro viding for NEWMARKET 2nd ANNUAL TRADE FAIR Day a Sept 16 19 Bigger And Better LIMITED SPACE STILL AVAILABLE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL TW 52385 llnvnalon a iru ft STEWART BEARES for Home or Holidays TORONTO PRICES OR LESS PLUS THE BEST LOCAL SERVICE TRANSISTOR RADIOS 30 to 6950 PORTABLE TVS Reg 239 189 MANTEL RADIOS Only 1850 SEE US FOR RECONDITIONED Refrigerators FREEZERS CHEST TYPE HEAVY UNIT YEAR WARRANTY 12 CU ft 245 ft 269 cu ft 289 cu ft 339 REFRIGERATORS 299 I960 Electrohome RCA TV Sots NOW ON DISPLAY 10 DOWN Up To 24 Month On Balance STEW BE ARE NEWMARKET