Page The BRANDON AND HOPKINS EXCELLENT BEDROOMS located on one of ALEX LIMITED JUST CAME IN I A beautifully kept landscaped I Toads to umTfntide thermostat Kilcl ably lo older couple partly fur- I J llullll good repair rooms and another bathroom town Modren bathrooms fuify deco nsr home on beautifully landscaped EARL V STEWART Real Estate Broker General Insurance Agent UGHTMANS bargains ROLLAWAY bed complete NEWMARKET TELEVISION and RADIO p SERVICE round Corner Alain St South Come to first COMBINATION pla INCOME family METCALFES ELDERLY couple Holland life SALE the most de- Spacious PRIVATE home and antique Opeii evening bedroom LOTS FOR SALE Phone VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made Repairs HeMo deling Skilled English Craftsmen PEACOCK phone position WINDOW CLEANING Sril Co pho limited tVlvniui the relief r chesty and 1 In teu at PAINT County Hospital line 5 CUTTING OF WEEDS TOWN OF NEWMARKET complete display l pol office SBccr wlmmrCiclmnrlervS WANT radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed WORK in- MOVING STORAGE UPHOLSTERING 4031 SERVICES AVAILABLE suites n and till a complete moving packing wis BARCLAYS Phone TW s DILLONS FILTER QUEEN A I DRIVING SCHOOL SALES SERVICE n i U28 Toronto all ruin lied car- Apply man ALLENS TW J A WILLOUGHBY LARGE garage at of Row ROOM AM 12111 Hie Wool Store St Aurora Sons Limited Realtors room board tor to GOING OVERSEAS Atlantic Boat Lines tCunard THE BEST DRUG STORE