By Andrew Heart Throbs Humor and impress The Press 0 The Province BIBLE BUSINESSMANS in The two ranking tenders of tie British Labor Pa and Revan visited Prern Khrushchev in the Soviet Union shortly hitters departure for his trip to the United told sonic of his impressions of the Sov The Canadian Pacific and Palladia Nation- al taking this ide so passe and this week thev m of reduced fare and Pullman traffic What a to Line about Its erne petttors and pro- that bee of them it IS rates This of Is the tradition attitude a lone- ide ttdet vice vet determined that shall be allowed do of but and then seemed to enjoy The So the two alphabetical giants and con- to offend We trust that Mr will iake up his mind before the next election and rid the taxpayer of this expensive experience in State Ownership of Communications Our Readers Write the Marina Pitches of Kent win kitted an leg War stale is the tenant not the master of the people the stale is their infringement on their rights then agent in international national issues it not the function of the to assume the of those activities which rest on individual choice Sea fa- li would HUM