AT THESE USED CAR SPECIALS BOCK FORDO HARDTOP New Car Price PRICED AT ONLY V ACXHALL VICTOR Radra tires feh auks Priced at only lf5C BUCK TCDOR titer extras FORD PICKUP Never for commercial PLYMOUTH DELUXE Priced at alj FORD TUDOR while wall tires twotone fratso Priced at only PLYMOUTH FOKDOK SEDAN DOWN SIM 1M COACH ltt SEDAN WILLIAMS MOTOR SALES DEALER probably MISSOURI PLEADS FOR WORKERS City With NOTICE TO MOTORISTS who have not obtained 1960 Licences Your drivers licence and vehicle permit will ex pire at midnight March After this date it will be illegal to drive with 1959 licences or plates Licences have been on sale since January Get jours today from one of the Agency Offices throughout the province Avoid delay and inconvenience Dont wait til the March deadline RENEW YOUR LICENCES NOW AN IMPORTANT REMINDER Yen mast show proof of liability insurance when you apply A POLICY FOR THEFT AND COLLISION IS NOT LIABILITY INSURANCE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT goes especially if they e rear the river They fa trying to discover have hurried the volunteering service in seas mission fields Speaking to a he related his breach despite the growth of populatioi other countries early churches Gordon Agar in India inti the scripture It Council Accepts Ditch Estimate am To proudly held colors York Rangers Parade For County Warden have suffered attacks and en- Gn SHARON lames Anglican Chore held each Sunday s ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS Ratepayers signed petit the North York York Rangers It whose keeping last month county night J V the men in dress by York County Warden William in the New Rogers Rogers Church News hers will round t complete service lie prayer A baby sit complete Bible Study mi ISLINGTON CURLERS TOP SUTTON CLUB iub Islington entry in the jour I dealer invites you Creature of un ALLFAMILY See all thats new in boating FEB MARCH 5 its FREE its FUN Bring ait I he family 11 fuiiotithetaler when come and bring jour family to ihi exciting Outboard Boat at jour dealers Check his advertisement in this paper for exact time Then hurry do EVINRUDE MOTORS CANADA WTMUII Slaffors and included J Warrant Officer A and Sgts Vcrral headed the February William centred on rep William SHEPPARD In It of a dear father A pard who passed i who pas new faces in I like the CARD OF THANKS ess our gratitude to I 1 We only CARD OF THANKS and neighbors of Sharon for farewell party held on Januar CARD OF THANKS c family of the late La cnden wishes to thoughtful during the til CARD OF THANKS Albert Fire Department for Ml nunc