SERVICES AVAILABLE SANITARY CONTRACTOR Complete septic tank and weeping bed installations BUTHAM FARM EQUIPMENT ALLISCHALMERS I and Utility aYi it Phone Firm mi ROOFING SIDING INSULATION STONE FRONTS Convenient Terms FREE ESTIMATES WARD ALLAN LTD TW 55111 or TW 52154 or established Watkins necessary Nothing Street Montreal SEPTIC TANKS Complete Installation Call ONTARIO WELL DIGGING Company Phone Newmarket 5G725 52069 SIDNEY PEACOCK Congoleum Rexoleum VinaRug CongoWall Inlaid Linoleum by the yard Complete Installation Service of all Products Sold Here CROWN DIAMOND PAINT colors to choose from Wallpaper PITKIN FLOOR COVERINGS Wellington St E Aurora PA 76741 RUG and UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Floor Maintenance Window Cleaning Insured for and PO Maintenance 64 Martin Court Newmarket TW 59372 TRANSPORTATION am 815 am returning Phone and j and Express Newmarket Dekalb pullets readytolay 20 weeks old mid f beautiful productive HELP WANTED ATTENTION What section do you liv calling on you you dont an open territory which 1 afford you a good If you would sell Avon please Box 160 or one family Mrs Sandier Gr Keswick White Rock pullet duce hatching egg ling to hustle Guaranteed plus incentive bonus employee benefits Phone for appointment Redhead or Jack Spillette KIT for sale Lome Baker St phone Newmarket mid tible fully Mills Ltd Volkswagen 13000 miles seats reasonable Phone GR FARM ITEMS WANTED oats barley rye Pay barter grain against feed FARM MACHINERY dore loader and shovel attachment Apply Clark R 1 Sharon phone International power off binder Phone Phone Kes USED FOR BALM showroom nylon top 56653 Township of Whitchurch TENDERS FOR SURFACE marked a CAR BUYERS you buy your ne SMITH INSURANCE phone plainly will be received by the undersigned August I960 he application of sur face treating approximately 3 110 miles on Lake Road and approximately miles on Vivian Road Contractor to 1 Sweep supply and apply asphalt emulsion at the rate gallons per mile Supply spread and roll hot USED TRUCKS SALE covered with plastic windows 150 Apply Fred Evans BOATS FOR SALE Working WHEREAS petitioned Building pits Tenders must be submitted obtained from the Township Lowest or any tender accepted CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET BYLAW NUMBER 1138 A Bylaw lo provide for the of Newmarket IAS Factory Shop and Sing Act M 126 for quiring the shops within the Town of Newmarket on the days and during the times specified in WHEREAS on differ from the days as set out hours of barbers market WHEREAS the that the pi tion hereinbefore referred TOWNSHIP OF NORTH PROCLAMATION on Monday July 18 1960 I Township of North Monday August 1 I960 Civic Holiday hereby themselves of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes re ceived from many friends neighbors and relatives We Newmarket Ira the Duncan visits consoling words wife and fireplace lengths ount Albert 27 POULTRY FOR SALE Babcork produce the kind of eggs pullets availab live poultry Best WORK WANTED UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasion- any fabric Apply Sargents babysitting Phone Betty i housework Palmer PROMPT SERVICE MACDONALDS WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE JANITOR WORK Phone TW 54172 Newmarket ELECTR0LUX SALES Service SUPPLIES Herb Hill Hamilton St Newmarket 59544 or 22000 MODERN ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING SHEET METAL WORK Phone TW Newmarket Leaving Newmarket at am and University returning at market Era and Express Classifieds room TW Newmarket leather clipon case between Church on Friday July GOING OVERSEAS Atlantic Boat Lines etc is reliable Come In am over your proposed trip TheBEsfpRUG STORE Newmarket phone 54991 MERCHANDISE registered Dawsons opposite PRODUCE FOR SALE Raspberries Come Phone TW crop white clover Cedar Brae Raspberries Phone I breed black and silver bowls tanks and all supplies Lauries Tropical Aquarium Newmarket CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS Frenchs Beauty Parlor USED CAR HOLIDAY WEEKEND SPECIAL Newmarket Motors Ltd hardtop hardtop 1956 Plymouth deluxe sedan 1956 Chevrolet sedan 1954 sedan 1953 Plymouth sedan 1954 sedan delivery 299 Boy with confidence at your local ft Weymouth 2595 ft bought with MISCELLANEOUS crippled horses cattle and according to size REMOVED FREE SALE REGISTER Thursday July At hi i I I 1 1 chairs buffet bed- and other small Cash No reserve NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Henry Bert known as Myers against the Estate of Henri known as Myers late of Village of Zephyr in County of Ontario who diet February 1959 are notified to send full particu- signed an or the U the which date the inly day of July 1960 I Crosby CLARE C GREEN TENDERS FOR KING CITY GARBAGE COLLECTION be obtained later than August 15 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET Number 965 being a bylaw to establish and maintain a system for the collection re moval and disposal of ashes in the bylaw to provide for the working of bar be Newmarket TIER that before signed by the Municipality belonging to the class of Barber Shops BE IT THEREFORE EN ACTED by the Municipa Council of Corporation follows Subject to paragraphs within the Town of following days and time namely Tuesday lncsday following day during the White and Dr help in mother Mr Wilfred and Family CARD OF THANKS wish to extend miff tfelt thanks and message of and floral offerings re vived from relatives nelgh and friends in the lots beloved husband and father lany thanks to Dr Mane and Dr the nurse and staff of York County hos pital and Rev McLean for Ml consoling messages Mrs Jack Gable and family I of the Corpora tin garbage refuse domesti therefrom or in covered met a for one man t which said receptacle hall be placed and kept undo until collected as here provided Such Tuesday Wednesday applicable during the bylaw shall forfeit a vol exceeding exclusive the sum of Thr Dollars I before collecting refuse and domestic garbage and refuse e securely wrapped and shall receptacles separate from That Seetion 14 of Bylaw by deleting the words and repTa the same with Ihe words and res Three Hundred Doll 30000 PASSED this day July I960 James Mayoi DATED at Newmarket this TOWN OF NEWMARKET TENDERS will be the undersigned pm August Specification- from the Municipal Newmarket on or a The lowest or at Wesley Brooks Newmarket Tenders to be King City Trustees our friends and neighbors for dance Everyone helped to Mr and Mrs Race TENDERS FOR TRANSPORTATION the NewmarketSuttor High School Board before August 11th provide transportation for pupils to the Newmarket and Sutton High Schools during Tin wiU y Brooks Clerl Jufyl I96U ANNUAL CONFERENCE FREE METHODIST CHURCH EAST ONTARIO to be held en the PINE ORCHARD CAMP GROUNDS MILES EAST OF NEWMARKET BISHOP L R MARSTON Presiding COMMENCING WEDNESDAY AUG I and continuing to SUNDAY AUG Inclusive and all day SUNDAY THURSDAY AUG pm Great Centenary Service being held la the FIRST FREE METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA at ARMADALE Oat Special Speaker Attend One Of These CHURCHES ALL SAINTS CAN KING ANGLICAN CHURCH NG I Holy Sunday m Sunday school CALVARY UNITED CHURCH of Davis at Water Tower TWO MORNING SERVICES SCHOOL dially Welcome TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev Dnnean White MA BD Minister Leon Nash ARCT Music Director Joint services ENGAGEMENTS the engagement Saturday August I960 rccious and the late irch Aurora Sep tern- their kindness Victoria J Rhodes and help necessarily be accepted Par ticulars of routes may be ob tained by application by mail to the Secretary District High School CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our friends for their gifts and to our son aid while in York County hospital and special thanks to William and Margaret Mr and Mrs Murray I in aptist CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHCRC Main Street Mr Da Morning worship United Church service will be ihe Christian Baptist AllVei Chris- iX CHURCH Mr David Penney JOINT CHURCH the I Minister FREE METHODIST CHURCH In Organist Picnic Park WELCOME FAITH TABERNACLE COMING GREAT TENT REVIVAL TABERNACLE filiated with the Pentecostal Assemblies Bible study ay p An enthusias tic Youth service welcome is sincere tor Rev Ronrdai CHRISTIAN REFORMED a Newmarket Parkview CHURCH Millard Ave Pastor Rev D Radio Broadcast Sunday I pm CKLB Oshawa Baeil GRACE CHURCH Botsford Street PastorRev A Bible School for sH The message The speaker Mr Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer Thursday pm Colts and Mrs Stevens Always a welcome al Cannon Rhodes After Trinity Holy Communion FRIENDS MEETING 1 am Meeting for worship Come and meet with us to God and leave them Pastor Rev- J- a m The Lutheran CFHB 1010 Sundays pm This is Life VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Arthur and Streets Newmarket Pastor Goodhand The pastor will speak at Evening message Are Yew Midweek- Tuesday Young Peoples volley- Wednesday pm