Inside This Week Grade Results Plus Public School Registrations CIRCULATION null mitt Wis linn US 1ST paid Mil Dae Ml at to and Student Book Lists Class Registration Pages ERA 1MTH YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST 1980 SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH Parents Receive No Word Of Son Beaten In Congo A Newmarket couple I hours this past week since Ik DONALD Mr and Mrs William Hark- Andrew Sa New- While naturally wo me old Signalman Donald mother stated wit quiet bride that if the Can dian contingent could he would seem worthwhile experience for before he departed for the Donald has in the soldier He then spout two it well known in New- Alexander and Stuart Barry Buckler Mary Stevens Top NHS Grade Students BronM Dahlla Winners At Local Flower Show spectator sport and has taken Car Crashes Into Store Kills Mar Hurts Girl St Osh speed along the highway brakes ho spun and The result of the impact COMING EVENTS Friday Aug St Join Sept Carnival draw 11 pm King softball booths even dance Wednesday Oct 19 Fall fashion show by Morgans of Calholic League St Newmarket I p LIONS CLUB ASKS COUNCIL ASSISTANCE Alex Hands that ted to the SCHOOL REGISTRATION BE HELD SEPT 2 registration for pupils have not yet registered attendance this September public schools and for ill other pupils In all other grades who will be attending Ave from Friday Sept It most Imp this registration b in order that organisations if irgrounds tonight at won the opener in the inning August at Aurora COMMUNITY CENTRE FOR Y0NGE STREET on HI of curling giraffe This r Wild Flowers Joanne Bo Wendy Cam Sandra Pen while wailing for their oases by Magistrate O S the room will be set aside for the police in NEWMARKET GIRL ON BALLET TOUR fcirl Wash Canada of Mr and Mrs James Mi day on her first trip with N G Ratepayers Pressure Council As Political Storm Clouds Gather trie association attended the Billed as an annual meeting the affair soon turned into a and President David D Mar- asked to attend of unity between I attended on although his head various accusations it Option Extension For Parking Lot Developer parking lot lo be constructed the lown was in the Newmarket Town Council months which to pick up hi option on this 75000 land par The boundaries under land will cost the developer further Mr now has the lasl of attracting a large retai chain to the site and of sup free parking shop Ball Club Beer Seized ham Township an member of Markham Club was an unhappy man t Ihey barged with possessing liquor n a place other than his resi le nee and pleaded guilty as harged He was fined costs hut his request that the liquor should he relumed NEW ARENA ROOF ihe shingles for the Although highe from a Toronto firm SPORTS DAT until Saturday Aug potential lessee The development is expected be bigger than originally an- in Hie area under op- Mail Robbery Suspects Given Further Remand briefly in Newmarkets day and through counsel ask- the necessary bail has rest by East Po lice He was granted a remand until August at which time period Gauthcr bail granted a HAWAIIAN PASTOR VISITS RELATIVES Rev Emerson Hickman Sanderson Fay Meadows a Baptist Church and his on Maul for the sum mer months On invitation from Mr Sanderson the Day ton pastor supplied his church while enjoying his own Mr Sanderson and his Hong Kong Bangkok Singa pore India Paris London and at Million Id visit New Before returning to Maui QUASH FLAG DEMAND overly enthusiastic about around from the and assessment rates Submitting the financial r was queried on this Chairman Martin called on Gordon to by the association Mr Gayford expended the bylaw that prohibited a new business operation in a restric- matter was carried to The meeting accused coundl of complete Indifference In th matter and had made no effort to support their case Replying rather heatedly Continued Page Col Lacrosse Gaels Enter B Finals 11 thriller over Owen Sound at Newmarket Are- Saturday evening to earn advancement to the Ontario Lacrosse Association Interme diate B scries group finals the Gaels the semi- Midway through the fin period the Gaels protected a 116 lead but were forced rallied 1 it close this stymie Sound sharpshooters most effective handing out some jar body checks that showed the way in the Gaels scoring with threegoal trick performances Lot tons the night After taking Bob Lot ton spurted and whirl et through the entire Sound checking corps to score Lightning Kills Cattle In Pasture Lightning struck and killed last Sunday Tht ths time J but v the farn I lo freshen In belonged to Micks 1 ing on the f field the Hows That Again a should have been