The Farm And Home Page Hints Lois Restricted Feeding Of Pullets Needs Care Reds Get Holsteins bull Smithcroft SUTTON SCULPTURE TO BE AT EXHIBITION No Work Just Play For Vintage Steam Engine THE With off on dirty fields weeds have been problerr Chemical sprays have bee a great help in weed the best lime of year to thistle twitch graft Canada thistle an several bad weeds en be killed by regular from now until late fa There it always some to lbs- implemer Disc harrows have bee widely used but probably the surface where I rale of help in daily if they are the wild College They become led by inhaling the dried pigeon dropping Ihe drippings DEALERS WILL SEE NEW AG EQUIPMENT IP NEW TRACTORS COMING Hay Enters The Sandwich Era Yen the rumors are true that John Deere will soon be announcing a line of tractors We be previewing them Deere Day in Dallas August 30 Whats more weve been told that these new tractors represent an amazing leap forward in power farming an advance progressive that it seta an all new high in tractor performance ease of handling and operator comfort Watch for our announcement date when we re turn from Dallas We are looking for ward to showing firsthand what jthese tractors are going to mean to you in greater production lower labor costs and more leisure time KEN MAYNARD FARM EQUIPMENT Sduxnberg Phone 133 Pigeons Cause Virus Pneumonia In Cattle of by thai of carried the healthy Apparent another Increased lerized by runny end operates dealers from this that will be put on the sell and John Deer I DAIRY FEEDS ULTRALIFE on the program MORE MILK HEALTHIER COWS MORE PROFITS Make all your farm jobs easier Heres modern power that puts more profit back into farming by doing more jobs faster and easier Your jobs today call for a tractor built for today and thats the No 460 New multirange smooth cylinder power new FastHitch with Traction Control and Tel A Depth Torque Amplifier i arm chair comfort and convenience I Only a demonstration does justice to yon and International Give a a caL Int Harvester Store Oriflnall- Cm Constable Ban George St Newmarket