AVAILABLE i WHEN FOR QUALITY IN PORTRAITS WEDDINGS CHILD and FAMILY PICTURES I AURORA PHOTO STUDIO AGENTS WANTED FIRST TIME IN CANADA direct selling side line Any- can sell Free detail Skyline St ROOFING SIDING INSULATION STONE FRONTS No Down Payment Convenient Terms FREE ESTIMATES WARD ALLAN LTD TW 55111 or TW 52154 nh INtone TW Newmarket REUPHOLSTERING Chairs etc SIDNEY PEACOCK St PROMPT SERVICE MACDONALDS WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE JANITOR WORK Phone TW 54172 Newmarket In our field Ills Is not a hard Job It Is pleasant occupation that of- happy healthy working Crawford Refinery Corp Fort Worth Tea ANDYS ELECTRIC SERVICE and REPAIR HI Burners Power Tools iniiship I NEWMARKET WELDING Rent Garage and Tools per hour All types of welding is lie Up to a time to mode HELP WANTED work neighborhood ollingwood or phone and biology In important Willing nartmif additionally TROVER NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE HELP WANTED II modern I Ont YOULL NEVER KNOW Till You Try This f there is any doubt In your mind whether you can really Into a big money selling position yon ran find out about your past Your ambition and ability are more important to salesman We can prove this from other cities paid iridic j TRANSPORTATION Florida desire GOING OVERSEAS WOOD FOR SALE MERCHANDISE NURSES UNIFORMS Carried in stock and Cotton nylon registered Dawsons 13 weeks Id Mount Albert Phone CHRISTMAS TREES CHRISTMAS TREES me of delivery and Beagle lading to dog Phone LUMBER F SALE CASH AND CARRY LUMBER and PLYWOOD s5951 Mahogany Plywood 10c and each Primed White Doors 20 24 and x each to Mahogany Plywood Fir Factory Grade USED TRUCKS FOR SALE low mileage good tires Phone tedding for sale by the Iron phone Me for sale pickup or delivered P phone per quotations will credit I per bushel Midler Mills HATCHING EGG FLOCKS WANTED FLEMING FARMS Limited Mount Albert Phone 178 USED CARS FOR SALE Wednesday November A 1960 at in the afternoon at Thompsons Gar- Newmarket Ontario rf 5000 at time of sale Three days to arrange financing De livery only on payment in heriff County of York DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT id and crippled GORDON YOUNG Limited Toronto POULTRY FOR SALE Phone Git or best offer 478 Keswick TURKEYS We pay premium prices lor or phone PR CANARIES A lovely collection of Zebra and Blue FINCHES Also PEAKINS ROBINS AVARIES TW 52812 Newmarket Baby budgies Hart phone I CARS FOR SALE INSURANCE plates license No Dr phone TW nerds some body work Imdrii I I Dodge May fair il into the Gray Coac Office Nov- 16 kind NOTICE TO CREDITORS Lloyd lute of the Town of Newmarket In the County of Credilors of the York about the lay of October The Trustee Act to undersigned proof of their day of December i ii iii hi I of the led regard only the claims Stiver Vale and Errington Newmarket Onlario Solicitors for Joseph Vale and Marjorle J Wood NOTICE Is hereby he the unending its Act of Incorpor in- ii Kin iil i 103 by repealing Section I Subsection there DATED at Toronto ROGERS ROWLAND Township of Whitchurch Thinsi Pay promptly and Newmarket Hydro will he moving then- office Timothy Street to The Ontario Municipal Board Ontario IN THE MATTER OF Sections Act of the electors respect to the purchase National Cash Register Machine at a cost of and the issue of approval of reeding two years and capital APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING ONTARIO MUNICI PAL BOARD hereby appoint 10th day of November Acting Secretary SEAL day of November IN THE Hoard a authority to dispel Sir of Lot Plan and part of nit approval of A Plat Departments APPOINTMENT FOB HEARING THE ONTARIO MUr- PAL BOARD hereby Ten oclock in She it Main Sheet Con Newniarket for the licarir all interested persons in said application sley Brooks Clerk IN THE COUNTY COURT of the COUNTY OF YORK HIS HONOUR JUDGE DAVID EDWARD KEITH Upon the application by of the on the 3rd day of Ang led and ii ORDERED amending the same 15th the Coun 1 be good of Summons am Edward Bunker of trie County of York City Hall Toronto On Ambrose Shea Plaintiffs claim lintiiW damages caused by the negli and driven by Holland Landing County of Page Newmarket Era Express Not 1MM SALE REGISTER it Extensive Saturday N supplies for any type lumber finishing sash ft it yours elf kits complete lin type build- frames NOTICE BYLAW a for the removal terials doors materials shingles etc hardware fenc ing piles of cedar posts boats boat kits ine power plants in complete imts space heater chests done with miscellaneous etc at CNR Ith Village of ice from the on the highways In alongside or at the buildings within all snow ar of the or building foils or ings within limits of the Police Vill shalS clear of ing or sidewalks In can- of tt residential household fun cash clerk if bad weather we hope Saturday Nov Monster weekly monthend auction at the Stotiffville Sales Arena include this Bylaw shall forfeit and convicting Magistrate a penal Fifty Dollars or event exclusive of PASSED this 18th Andrews the misecllane- for a one ic whole family ale of Oak Ridges Bargain ikets number of Township miles Tuesday ly of John eon weal and mile south of bridge head of cows numb fresh cows horses to McCormick tractor manure rubber Case bin clerk sale of farm stock and imple ments head of purebred ft power mower Little Giant hay elevator Mc fertilizer seed drill full line of machinery the property of Harold E King to Mr Robert Cedar Valley Mrs George Mayer the wedding to take Village IT III J Parr Clerk SCHEDULE A ALL and SINGULAR those and premises situate ly- Township of East bury in the County of York and being composed of part of on a plan the Registry North Riding of the York as Number id parcel of particularly described COMMENCING Hiding of the County of as Number which said parcel of land more p follows southwesterly jingle of the limit 1 USE WILDINGS TO HE ERECT EAST IMHIIRV WHEREAS Bylaw Number as amended of land and East in Hit AND WHEREAS the apphrs to all lands J AND said Bylaw so Hint none of part of En in A BE IT THEREFORE ACTED the Muiicip of bury as follows of Bylaw Die words SECTION law shall apply to all la within the Townshii described A hereto attached the ly ly from the sc of th northerly the lim THENCE the THENCE south south deg distance of less a point if limit of the Block southerly along limit of Hie Block of joint of SECONDLY i- the Resist Office for Ihs ejsistry Division of the Riding of said xJllMKNCINOal a point in Die northerly limit of the said lent westerly the inters with Die southerly limit THENCE CO to a point dicular lis thence limit of Block A if to a point south deg W A THENCE south deg NOTE of this provide thn being the use of I spate el buildings Number 554 being a Bylaw regulating the location spate hnll apply existing the East thanks and appreciation f sMflty fin I II I husband and fa- W Advertising Manager 52333 DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATE 10c per line Contract Rale lines per year minimum per line lines per year minimum per line per line depth 14 lines depth Inch for avery column only additional CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE Up to words cash per week phoned in with 10c discount if paid within 3 days of publication per word aver display an Inch Coming Events 4c per word minimum Sate Registers per week Card of Thanks Wedding and Engagement if paid within days of publication In Memorlams 125 for each insertion plus cents a Hue for verse less If paid within days of publication Classified advertisements may he phoned In to or left at The En and Express office Charles St Newmarket phono the Misses Wood Store St Aurora Mrs Rolling phone King with any cor respondent Advertisements accepted through the mail only classified advertising to pm Tuesday