and fyftm Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation and Class A Newspaper Serving Newmarket and the rural districts of North York liiiih year of publication Ilthed every Thursday at Charles St Newmarket the Newmarket and Express Weeklies of urn of Circulation Department Ottawa Publisher Philip Jones Editor pan Audit Single in Weekly Masked Sports Editor Arnold Business Mar THE EDITORIAL PAGE The Express Herald Heart Throbs Humor by Andrew Murclison THE GAME The petty tilings of life about the Brest game self curling and now that the While thickest in the strife anniversary of the He never gains an unearned Passing Glances By A Gamble birth my FIREMEN ASK TAX EXEMPTION volunteer fin ted to their Ontario association it the governments taxing of fire- farttime earnings from fighting The firemen intimate that as they arduous public service often eking their lives any reimbursement obtain should be exempt from tax re is a fine sentimental appeal in he firemens demands for exemption and which could find popular public particularly since the individual While ition of an early general election giound rapidly during the voir until i was siiielched by Mr none of the opposition parties I net pluming was farthest advanced At a study conference on national prob lems last August in Kingston Ontario bushel of ideas some of them good some of them not so good to quote the partys monthly The Canadian Liberal was produced for study at the national Liberal rally held January 11 but help feeling that such a request com ing from a large provincial body to any government is irresponsible While we wholeheartedly support the countys the job of protecting property in many communities they work we cannot help feeling that of them who are paid should be expected If the subjected to exceptions precedent is i differentiations between we can foresee demands for similar concessions coming other professions With some doctors could ask for income tax since they serve humanity Stretching the same argument street car operators also serve Obviously the quickly becomes ridiculous A gov- nor can it assess personal taxation in any other way than by an al income totals A GENERAL ELECTION The American tourist who visits this year may find himself en- Joying from a ringside scat an election campaign being fought with all the vigor bitterness that characterized the Presidential contest waged in the US last Chief Smiths Falls Out rk bureau of the p current issue of The News of plan policy i match Of course it was Some folk i outdoors and after the snow try taste of real enthusiasm at takes to the original stones Gran- too This is a long- Uncle John took Oil- and ill come under review by a irge segment of the partys rank and file at the annual meeting March lb 18 national director said the meeting will take the form of a series of seminar dis cussion presided over by cabinet minis ters on the affairs of the party The Other two parties of consequence in fe deral politics the CCF and Social Cre dit which lost all its Commons seat in are less prepared now for a ge neral election The party being formed by the CCF and the Canadian Labour Congress is to have its founding conven tion July August at which it will elect a national leader and lay down its election platform expected to be a left- wing one appealing to both farm and labour voters Social Credit which was reelected in itih Columbia this year plan- a platform policy committee meeting in preparatory to a national leadership convention July Indications from its recent meetings are that the party will softpedal its preparation for the round of con ventions the Liberals and Parly sought to widen the base of their supjKrt by appealing to all Canadians Aware of the in roads the New Party might make on his forces Liberal Leader Pearson told a September pi conference We are still Liberals and everyone else is trying to become liberal Why doesnt the CCF talk about socialism and the Conserva tives about conservatism Whether liberally minded or not Canadian sentiments as measured by public opinion polls shifted away from the Conservatives They got per cent of the popular vote in the March general election The rolls gave them per cent in September In the same period Liberal support rose to per cent from and the climbed to 13 per lough has the larg- He nearly left them lying four to all skips who THEYRE RIGHT how niggardly the hud I instead drink Hades or high nee To play the game though highway accidents a dime ve for Mid fires Now not only do the horn- By the time his chicken- gloom but also help oodle soup is plonked down front of him he is so full Ad- night to find out the Cash a and I Love TriCounty Planning Committee Says Lets Get Together For Planned Future phenomenal S on the In dies of Peel Ye die York Com From The Files Of And 50 Years Ago ty Planning Conn oar 1M0 Hi of Conservative legal life of the Sen Hie IS public ho shift of the IP IVM THEY POINT THE WAY Any earlier criticism that may have voiced about the lack of parking in Newmarket can now cease In seeks handsome redgreen on the towns work I hat the members edicts of