1 The itonaW Bin 1MI REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OLIVER Real Estate REAL ESTATE FOR SALE STILES NEWMARKET on crescent lovely ravine REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JOSEPH QJINN NEWMARKET LIST HOUSES FOR RENT tyle house on Crescent Available Sept Ideal WANTED TO RENT Apartment close to hospital One room kitchen and bath- ARTICLES FOR SALE projector kodak veri- SERVICES AVAILABLE INVISIBLE MENDING apposite post office by expert weavers Burns tears Bring your roubles also your alterations HELP WANTED SALESGIRL down PHOTO COOP BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Welding Business in a only SHOO getter 60 monthly rental SUBURBAN lite room bungalow water acres two separate pond bank area close to highway with Golf course site 100 acre a BEFORE BUYING JOSEPH Main St Newmarket Must sleep five and he Newmarket 3 HOUSES FOR SALE service Janitor work monthly sSriS home Would coosi- mort- Sixroom white owner moved anxious to sell Price at St Mod with large once with Fiveroom brick bun- price 20 with Five mites from Newmarket dining area modern kitchen rooms bath Water soft- Many other good home avail- Building from to STILES REAL ESTATE 214 Main SI Newmarket cycle motor ncheAp Ply 158 St 4172 Newmarket tf27 Chesterfields and All work guaranteed Phone Aprons handmade full and Newmarket xlw30 3941 or Write Era and the and New- LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED on landscaped lot Keswick TVs From Easy deluxe washing machine LIMITED NEWMARKET PLAZA feS Private 1500 down mortgage 6room experienced preferred hour IX d NEW FREEZERS Battery Company heavy duty volt a heavy duty oil Eagle St New- other R CASE REALTOR SPECIAL SACRIFICE NEWMARKET Aurora Genuine sac rifice in lovely dlit level bungalow with R CASE REALTOR imerlst Appliance Service Appiv ln is only a phone call NEWMARKET TV APPLIANCE Timothy TW We Repair Anything Si Best Drug Store phone Sieis EXECUTIVE HOME Schoolboy help will area Tiled bathroom with Alt types Of Insulin always re- WORK WANTED Onh nne Lanes Phone Grading Gardening BILL METCALFE Newmarket Young married experience PROPERTY FOR SALE lirlt Drug Store phone Newmarket Bookkeeping Systems Income Tax Consultant Frank SI Phone 54905 MAGNIFICENT VIEW AURORA Builders own home Lovely ranch style bungalow Attached garage finished basemen forge beautifully phone LOST FA 74288 11691 Nwoark1 en CO- HOT STEWART FOR REST anirsiariieHUolrtcmm ARTS LAWNMOWER ii phone s i l BRANDON and HOPKINS FARM FOR SALE every Monday white Phone 5421 New- NEWMARKET Trl Level brick and stone fcsr steel roofing DILLONS DRIVING SCHOOL Special FREE PICK- UP It no answer phone Collect Fair of on and CHARLES E BOYD LTD of garden land located FOUND lots of space Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE Final notice Found BUILDING FOR REM Refrigerators From MOVING STORAGE For a complete moving Ver reasonable term livingroom huge modern kit Place icreeneT Price SI 1300 room modem modern kitchen fcfi the balance payable per from hi XC Id wMhtnifiViVr call us now for an appoint BOYD LTD Main Mum- apply 114 Queen St ket and identilym An ford Crate 53483 ki balance nuninane AVAILABLE j lir of n l Newmarkel and cold rim Beet and large MORTGAGE iji VENETIAN BLINDS Hill work- REUPHOLSTERING All kinds Workmanship SIDNEY PEACOCK Newmarket COTTAGE FOR SALE Newmarket St Newmarket If27 WANTED Preston south room ROOMS FOR RENT full Sue Appiv In person TRANSPORTATION able low price of with room with running ihtuil- pink tablets in for many years by adults Price The BlSTtavfngTtaStJ Cinlombult biick St Street Montreal EXCHANGE WELDING Newmarket Electric ami weld slop Exchange 7ioom modern rtlie MERCHANDISE ShSpyHl 1 10 down rostey Kenwood Includes mix for borne encnil 100 P iVriimc Newmarket ZwLi3 ROOFING SIDING INSULATION STONE FRONTS WARD TW or TW flosiVcd lio nil frtnt deiilifl i Mi lll Phone PA Aurora Moiofi prion 1V2J71 linijiwccklv Phone PA 74091 Aurora barber for Bradford modi guaranteed Phone 16J96 GR a 4101 pinning ciJI worth Ltd Cedar Valley phone 731 Mount Albert htr IVOOII FOR SALE Dry hardwood In stove Air On c of nut p ROOM AND BOARD livered Warren Graves pho Sid rw Room and for USED LUMBER FOR sell for licl PniMlv- in w ORNAMENTAL IRON in Hand Wrought etc FOR RENT Floor Sander ami ISO Srioild SI I Sanitary Contractor uid All work MtlltRAV BAKER TW Newmarket It a mi Martin Qlrli til le COINS WANTED ISIO iwroH A I If i7 SuAnurkat LEO SPIERINO CONCRETE TW Newmarket t WASHERS USED AMI US From I1BAHF POULTRY FOR SALE BRANDON and HOPKINS MEAL ESTATE BROKERS Summer ram Commercial VnccllMled pullets wee old reared for JIM unit Mutt me le ahi Heal l-