QUEENSVILLE Robert Associate to returned home after Director of thy Evangelical will be speaker Maple Hill Bap- Queens Unit Holy Communion A rally for boys and J Tyros and Sigma of York Presbytery will be held York in Saturday Sept 30 tuday Sept IS improving rapidly Mr and Mrs Ed and Mrs Charles Cowii Brampton and Mr and John Erin guests of terial at Browns Comers Church Don Mills Thursday Sept as a the Evening Auxiliary of the She was by Miss Bates Mr and Mrs Arthur Henry Mr and Mrs Green- and Mr and Mrs Mux- Sedore attended the recent Church News Thanksgiving services held both morning and with good congregations Margaret Morning her two children accompanied her husband when he was ap pointed to the faraway The rector thanked the Chancel Guild members who decorated the church and all Mr who made the at Don Mills Sep- the York Presbytery tented at the SharonMope in mind the date of ay Oct for the all- day Autumn Festival in the Parish Hall Members of the Parish Council attended a Corporate Business Professional Service Accountant A A Botaford St Chartered Accountant Bank of Nova Scotia Building Telephone Aurora PA Houston Coasar and Co Chartered Accountants MAIN ST NEWMARKET J Jackson CA Legal DONALD M I Donald F Downey ft NOTARY Main Street Newmarket Ontario Office Residence rtoyd E Corner BARRISTER SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC The Bank of Nova Scotia Building AURORA ONTARIO Telephones Office PA Res PA Stiver Vale and Errtngton BARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIES M R Stiver Joseph Vale M Peppiatt William Com Clare Morrison MAIN ST I IM571 Newmarket I Bolton A Dillon BARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIES ETC John SI Bolton array Dillon HA Street South Ontario PA 79861 Toronto Office VIOLET PUBLIC Pharmacist ROBINS PHARMACY formerly Lanes PRESCRIPTIONS PICKED OP Insurance CAR INSURANCE DUE FOR INSURANCE CAU CLARE SALISBURY STATE FARM MUTUAL Toronto INSURANCE LOW RATES BILL MdNTYRE TIMOTHY ST NEWMARKET PHONE TW Miscellaneous FULLER BRUSH Sales and Service District Manager Era and Express Classifieds bring results TW 52331 Deadline Tuesday pm Hours to 530 pm DRUG STORE NOTICE SUNDAY OCT 1 The Best Drug Store Phone Store open 15 October The Best Drug Store Store open till 8 pm Miscellaneous CHAS ABEL FAST Color Photo Finishing ROBINS PHARMACY formerly Lanes MAIN ST NEWMARKET LAND SURVEYOR John C Moore OLS and Phone RES 35 Lane CHARLES LLOYD OLS LAND SURVEYS SUBDIVISION DESIGN STRASLER FUNERAL HOMES Toronto ROSE FUNERAL SERVICE Rodney R Funeral Direct Planter Donald R MAIN ST NEWMARKET McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERT OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over The World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone 54862 Automatic and Standard PA SCHOOL OF BRASS Learn to Play Trumpet Euphonium Him Trombone Horn Bans from professional The Girls Auxiliary ipper meeting Monday and t at Park Friday evening Sept York Mrs Ross Arm stage id by District George H September Prior to his to bed for His built up but was forced his health key Audrey Grace Wednesday Sept Newmarket held Cancer Society District Council for Mrs White and Mark Anniversary With Garden Luncheon King At West Winds Mr and held Septet To celebrate their 20th wed Love gave a buffet pool on Saturday Sept 23 Mrs Love is the d aught Sir Ellsworth and Lady on whose Ktngswold estate West Winds was built couples joined t teenage sons Club Clippings Page IT The Newmarket Era Express Sept PINE ORCHARD Union Church Sunday and officers elected us will be the business ill obsi and special the monthly of Mrs Han St Pauls United on October Unlon- Co preside The for a Maurice Grimes executive of Ontario Division nits and branches which are to attend and exchange leas with other unit and ranch members A highlight in District ill be the education rally by South Peel Unit be held in the Ken- Secondary Schof Oct 19 theme To Tell the Truth will be developed by on TV specialist Allen Lassies Oust Stouffville Looking very much championship timber market Aliens deft Stouffville at the grounds Sept to then lost last This all Important niftv three hitting Aliens actually chased market Barbara Scott a Helen Watt Cain Shyrteii Preston Swaile King City News the Royal Conserva- Music will be guest accompanied by Mrs Royal by YOU ARE INVITED TO COME OUT J Motors Ltd DAVIS DR NEWMARKET TO SEE THE NEW LEAN BREED OF DODGE for 62 AND THE 62 VALIANT KING 01 The Compacts ON THURS FRL SEPT 28 29 Open House Opens New Nursing Home House Davis Dr East on Saturday to help Mi elebrate select and licensed ield horn the Mrs Edna Hilts and Mrs Wright nurses from the local Among the guests were Mr Cooper president of the local Nursing Home Association Cooper Hon Ray HUGE SAVINGS ON TVs at STEWART BE ARE LOCATIONS MAIN ST NEWMARKET PLAZA RCA MOD Screen New VistaTuner Twin Speakers Reg with trade FORGET THE TAX PRICES WERE NEVER LOWER WATCH FOR OUR BARGAIN BARN OPENING SOON When the heats on Your fuel payments are down Rogers popular Fuel Oil Budget Plan It more convenient for our customer to meet heavy winter expenses There are no extras no interest no carrying charges of any kind for this service PHONE US FOR INFORMATION ROGERS FUELS LTD ALEXANDER CORNER DAVIS DRIVE TWINING