HELP WANTED WORK WANTED Full child week Phone Street Montreal ys high period To MRS WALKER 38 Thomson St PA FOUND if A WOOD SALE Dry POULTRY FOR SALE killed S litis Any further inforr starting to lay Bruce Pais PRODUCE FOR SALE Phone TW TRAVEL IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS are official agents for a TOWN OF NEWMARKET i To Sussex pullet fried in stock and up lion nylon tcrylenc ex- GLOBE PHONE TU 47851 CALL US COLLECT GOING OVERSEAS USED CARS FOR SALE Studehaker Lark custom dual headlights while Is tires low mileage Phone Chevrolet bucket Call evenings or Sat urday at 272 Maple St phone Austin body J Mercury 2ton stake TENDERS Tenders will be received by IB undersigned up until 8 Thursday Oct 1961 For replacing Church Ontario Sept accepted CORPORATION OF THE Town of Newmarket TENDERS FOR FUEL OIL Municipal Building Tenders will be received by fuel oil fcr NOTICE TO CREDITORS USED TRUCK SPECIALS lathe Matte or the Estate nsIlM The BEST DRUG STORE Int Harvester Store LANDRACE BOARS CORPORATION OF THE Town of Newmarket INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER EMPLOYMENT OFFICER Unemployment Insurance Commission Newmarket Ontario 11 oil FARM HEMS FOR SALE DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED c per week II Hill I lassllicil Ira in till Ml Iteelsir III nils iiiil lie phoned In to or tell iiiliil t III nirptiil lliriiuch tin mil y of sender is indicated Int Harvester Store RAY Markham 1160J Collect TORONTO AND YORK ROADS COMMISSION TENDERS FOR SAND up for J ar now an II I a kIS s THE BANK OF NOVA Clin TORONTO AND YORK ROADS COMMISSION TENDERS For RENTALS of TRUCKS For SNOW REMOVAL SALE REGISTER Pise The Newmarket Era Express Sept It Saturday Sept and equipment An- grandfat coal oil I including grandfather trcial dryer and Of These CHURCHES CALVARY VOICE OF PROPHECY SI CARD OF THANKS I UNI in Jill I lit- St Pauls Church Era and Express Classifieds bring results Ph TW 52331 Deadline Tuesday 530 pm