Transportation Has Come A Long Way In Years In of Merchant Majority Unhappy With Thursday Night Opening to the day of dirt presented lo trlainly deserve n at Sharon there they brought ail their hold effects and clothing leather trunk trimmed their York Pioneer Historical Society by Frank Webb Detroit uplcd by tractors bulldozeri nil hone For many things nth as stump pulling oxen more useful than horses They will work longer hours than a horse and still be fresh at the beginning of the pace is slower but they are steady plodders timbers into place for the of the temple Some men kept their beasts especially in the winter id there is a pair of oxshoes open bite on night by I the allowing Thursdays In addition to took advantage of remain the Friday condemning the Thursday night opening on the grounds that the trade does not exist although one merchant point- out that many of the public King Council News NEWMARKET A leather top hat or a eather on a ladys bonnet At Sharon Temple the v BUYING SELLING ERA EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS PRENATAL CLASSES for EXPECTANT MOTHERS A course of weekly classes beginning in Newmarket October and in Aurora October 1961 at pm in hygiene of pregnancy how baby grows food for the family feeding of the baby the hospital stay and other subjects of importance to expectant mothers REGISTRATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED AT York County Health Unit Newmarket Avenue TV PR 35332 Aurora Yonge Street PA WEEKLY SPECIAL FIREPLACE Modern Styling Tile and Brick Combination Width at base 50 Coal and Spinner included townshp council village board have been left trading Company d with to the M- r t FOR LEASE SERVICE STATION EXCELLENT LOCATION WITH HIGH RECORD COMPANY BENEFITS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GIVEN Apply J SMITH Lawrence Ave Orillia 51730 N Gwillimbury Social News company has award- About memheri of the family gathered at burst Park for a re- Church News and Mr the other shop would the same There is also night should dropped Thursday evening because ith the of s planed that as far as was the modern approach to Birthday are extend- this week to Mary Ann Elizabeth Sheri dan Newmarket 1 year Friday Sept Phyllis Moor- old on Sunday Pair The Newmarket Bra Sept Santa Parade Organization Elects Committee Heads years old or Shirley Monica Sister New- Plans for Newmarkets II Another in the arm held at the ian Legion Hall Sept to organize the parr of the Odeon Theatre It thill th The parade will follow Plaza Davi ill go Davis the planning for stand and take Next time you need printing try the Era and Express If Youre TIRED APPROVED BY THE ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD EFFECTIVE OCT 1 1961 Consumers offers another new service Now a Natural Gas FLAT RATE WATER HEATER For the family whose hot water needs are moderate or who wants to enjoy the benefits of automatic water heating at lowest cost NOTHING TO BUY NO INSTALLATION CHARGES NO SERVICE FEES Only J a month supplies the Automatic Water Heater and tor the g used TWining 54577 Tho Consumers Gm Comoony ISO Main St Newmarket Ont I am In mote Information GAS FLAT RATE WATER HEATER NAME