Ira and Heart Throbs Humor W A Gamble Member Audit Bureau of Circulation and A Newspapers mod the rural district of North York publication by Andrew Murclison every Charles lited Member of A Weeklies of Canada Canadian of Circulations Post Office Department Passing Glances every j i- Company Limited Subscription KM each M Association and the years advance Singh as Second Class Mail THE EDITORIAL PAGE THURSDAY THE OF MARCH NINETEEN HUNDRED SIXTYTWO COUNCIL SHOULD ACT It is good news indeed that the Inter national Plowing Match is to be held in York County in Members of County Council have quite properly taken the lead in securing this welcome decision And are to be highly commended for their successful efforts in that connection Consideration now being given to number of possible locations within the county for the event Two of them are the Newmarket Walker and Bales Brothers Farms It would certainly be an excellent thing for the town if one of these locations should be selected And there is no reason why this should not be the case The matter is one which might well engage the attention of town council We feel that a very cordial in vitation should be officially extended to the plowmens organization to select one of these two farms as the locale for the match and that every possible offer of consideration and cooperation should be The event will be the biggest happen ing in the county in a considerable length of time It will bring many thousands of dollars to the county as well as world wide publicity There is no reason why that financial benefit and publicity can not come to Newmarket The matter ii of sufficient importance to receive the serious attention of the members of town council and to warrant any possible ac tion on their part Certainly an official invitation should go forward from the town without delay In addition consideration should be given to any reasonable inducement to the committee to decide to hold the event here Since the alternative sites are being considered at the present time this is the acceptable and proper time for action to be taken The mayor And members of council will be serving the citizens and carrying out their wishes In taking whatever steps are possible to bring the match to one of the two local EDUCATION WEEK This is education week in Ontario I As such it In being observed in munici- large and small throughout the province Teachers and trustees groups are meeting to discuss their problems ex change ideas based on experience and I become better informed on new trends I in this vitally important aspect of modern life Government officials are taking ad vantage of the opportunity to obtain the viewpoints of the trustee and teacher I groups and also to place their own forward The subject Is admittedly a very portant one probably the most in the realm of public discus the present time For the competitive times assuming evergreater significance there is every indication that this t be accelerated in the future J In earlier days the emphasis was on Jthe three and on the sciences and culture were practically syn onymous and there was little attention to practical training This meant many pupils finished high school Smith a limited academic education and bio preparation for the practical problems life Then there came the growth of mech anical trade and commercial training at secondary school level This admittedly a prog development and its value has been pro- over the years However a tendency gjeveloped for many pupils to completely he arts languages and other with a cultural background and entirely on utilitarian sub sets This too was a retrograde step l that it meant they went out into the World with a very narrow and restricted background The current trend a most commend able one combines the good parts of these two divergent points of view and applies them in a manner beneficial to the cultural and also the of the student Thus basic given in cultural matters in the stages of secondary school training Fol lowing that stage an option is provided Those intending to go on to university and the learned or scientific professions continue their classical education- Others who are not contemplating attending higher educational institutions are given expert practical training of a nature calculated to enable them to bet ter face the increasing economic challen ges and problems of modern life This means that they are not discharged onto the competitive labor market unprepared but rather that they are at least specially trained and equipped to make their way we noted this dual approach is still in its initial stages Much work re mains to be done and progress will largely be by trial and error But it can be said at this point with certainty that this approach is a realistic and practical one and there is every reason to believe that its official adoption will be increasingly justified on the basis of results and ex perience THE PARKING PROBLEM The question of adequate parking facilities and the form they should take in the central business section of New market continues to engage the atten tion of council the parking authority and the merchants The matter is one of considerable importance to all sectors of the local economy and it is important that it be approached and handled in a sane and reasonable manner In this connection the old adage the heat the less the light would have particular application There are two points of view from which the question may be approached and each has a degree of obvious validity The basic requirement Is for all those concerned to realize that the mailer is a definite problem a very practical one and to appreciate all its implica- merchants want downtown park ing That is to be understood They wish that parking to be as near to their places of business as possible to afford the maximum convenience to potential I f I el We dont know but John Public r ia x vices and i tibia the they wish to patronize That is also obvious And naturally they would much prefer facilities to be free On the other hand the town is in Ihe middle so to speak The officials and the narking authority are anx ious to satisfy both points of view From The Files Of 50 Years Ago Competition Winners