Newmarket Mr and Mrs Earl Vacation in Florida guests of Mr and Mrs County Hospital tet and Mrs Fred Peel are ting their daughter Miss Feel in Toronto for a few Mr Barton Mrs Alma Hall was sol Mr Bradford was a tfae Hall home Miss attends the for the weekend parents in Scotland Ken and monthly meeting of Miss Sadie McQueen Coll id was a Saturday guest I and Mrs Frank Wil third three children Net ions Club estival Vocal solos classes Wednesday Wood And Scout News leadership of Brown Owl VALUES SPRING FAMILY FASHION SHOW THURSDAY MARCH 7 PM THRIFTY CJHHADIAwa SAVINGSPRKEl SPORTS TOPPER 1 77 DRIPDRY SUMS TOTS DRESSUP SPECIAL SAVE 11il 5 Pee CHROME SET BUY NOW CHARGEli DOWN SAVE 1022 16 Sidewalk Bike Special 2477 RES 2199 RECLINING CHAIR ADJUSTABLE BACK Assorted colon 4799 3888 more big buys holds Li- gala- RtTAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS