Mayor Kent Presents Report On Vital Convention In Winnipeg lull an for This Emblem IB Identifies Your Wagon i3rH Mi p si to t f SUBSCRIPT UNS Sponsors TW 52679 RIDE In style GO CANADIAN NATIONAL Canadian Nationa Disused Ice Box Danger t Is Emphasized By Jury PROPOSED RENTAL HOUSING PROJECT Town of Newmarket ATTENTION IF YOU HAVE ONE OR MORE CHILDREN OR ARE SIXTY YEARS OF AGE OR OVER IF YOUR GROSS FAMILY INCOME IS LESS THAN PER YEAR THIS IS OF INTEREST TO YOU The Council of the Town of Newmarket together with federal and Iluviuriul is the development of low reotiil housing project in the constructed would he of eilh construction Units would geared to the Income or of their gross income in re piece pick up Mr might REMEMBER Id lie I All llAl Ill HI Newmarket should he III of all oil company product research in Canada is done by Imperial fetS3 Which car could a Scotia Plan Loan help you buy one limn or small hlJuuiiiKniwfuiiiiiuro Hie mlviiit d for paying medical I THE Of arc working at working Calgary laboratories on ways to find and product mora Canadian crude oil and natural ii Imperial covers many fields from mote all oilier oil companies in detergents Another I jo Canada combined ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST