Hasketts HASH By GEORGE HARNESS RACING FAIR BARRIE SAT AUG 11 Hot Simcoe Pennant Scrap theyll have to take Park Board to install the hottest battles on have totnke f the Merchants And Elliotts Tie Bills got you on the hop Hun ci II I the Redmen Lose To Kents Bradford Skids WINS I Erupting tor In Bob Lynns time- ith gelling ion midge on pitching item This Emblem Identifies You Welcome Harvesters In Sponsors Jaycees Romp I Home Against SkSS Team and chic life of your Beat Hawks Harts Win The Second MOTOKS NKWMAHKKT A FOR THE PRICE OF Fly Soccer Notes WRESTLING at BRADFORD Friday August 10th IN THE BRADFORD ARENA Dick I Iib BULLDOG BROWER BILL RED LYONS MIDGETS Merchants Win This Beaulilul IMPERIAL WRITING SET WITH EVERY ORDER OF 750 OR MORE WHATS MORE Ml SHAVE Die OFFICIAL IIXMiiiOK I ISIS IIAVF Till SIUCK IN CANADA coirs nous translations FOR EVERY HAVE llll 1ARGISI SELECTION This sum us I BRIEF CASES COLES NOTES TRANSLATIONS I COLES FACT FINDER SERIES Monday September COLES Newmarket Plaza Davis Drive OPEN EVERY NIGHTS TIL