MALI HELP WANTED FOR THE RIGHT MAN IN THE NEWMARKET AREA TAKE SHORT AUTO TRIPS ITO CONTACT CUSTOMERS Write O Swallow F Southwestern Petroleum Co Port Worth Texas wanted Good nearby toeondua Home I Service Dunnes with cod pii i i Richelieu Montreal Bakery route salesman rout good opportunity for ambitious man Write box Era and New mar stating MISS Secretary Treasurer St E AURORA ONTARIO WORK WANTED Excellent Opportunity r Era and Express CAREER SALES OPPORTUNITY I afraid of He work All SALESMEN MACHINERY selfpropelled Maun 10 ft Slarkham LOST Wednesday ity Queen and Main to Peter Phone Newmarket PETS FOB SALE op quality mlnia- registered kennels Aurora a half month old Healthy puTp registered Beagle PA PA Aurora I Keswick Pop v and tan hounds or brown USED CARS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS REMOVAL SERVICE Wo are tlcensed animal tipple inspected rendering Free Removal to ZENITH GORDON YOUNG Limited Toronto License No and 12RB2 and Thursday Aug Clearing horn and Hereford cattle of Sutton tush Sate ONTARIO forms sup- by Department will 965 556HI Ili2 iM Queen after Angus motor body mi EXPERIENCED HELP WANTED NURSES OHMS help Call TENDERS TENDER Township Of North Gwillimbury Clarke Pi entice ENGAGEMENTS Cliurcli King In loving memory- of Page IS The Newmarket Era Express Aug fade away AT HOME Carl Gordon We mud that Iovmcly il by King In lomr of remembered by of York County dear father Stan Time the edge of Hut memory turns back every and in alt his ami Irne in and by I at there should COOL LOUS SCRAP WANTED DISPLAY Mir HATE I day tit may phoned In to felt Charles SI Adv through 111 mail only where name I clearly Indicated Aurora Bradford Holland landing I GOING OVERSEAS ie pans on all Trio BEST DRUG STORE Renal Niwnurkrl phone 11001 TRAVEL IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS We are old lal lor all and Air Line GLOBE Call Collect TU AUCTION SALE ON FRIDAY NIGHT AUGUST OAK RIDGES BARGAIN CENTRE IN I Wit Ml 1011 Era Express Classifieds Bring Results WEST MONTROSE CLAIMS THE Of ONTARIOS COVERED