CIRCULATION Vet lis Mirth IMS Trading 1 Others Total I the Bureau of to audit and Copies Paid For Each Week Total Distribution 5408 YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONT THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1962 NO SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH KAN ARRESTED AT GUN POINT Couple Die As Two Cars Collide Intersection of Vivi comfortable I I or Ave To- driver Hie earl on Highway Hit Bad Cheque Artist Glenn Phillips Memory Leads To Apprehension If Captain J G Moore Is County Council Approval Is III Earned To Target Area Accorded To Road Proposals questioning and holding iiic the area adjacent to the of Si ll the of municipally 12- The kill hold liison for i r e -Ntwinar- Today Amu mm Hull mem iri furl hi ini pi- IV Coming j ilrn Club departure inter