Out By Margin In Mount Albert ASA Intermediate Playoff Downs Flyers initd to fiot started last night the Aurora Town game is needed ii goes mid CraRR Lake In it 13 Thud Lake Simcoe League The Newmarket Era ft Express Sept They are LtiniK by Colin Playoffs Start In Ball League Softball League playoffs SOCIAL SCENE Don Walker follow grounder LAST WEEK TO ENROL If win between the ages of Hi anil l single and lite in New market or area YOU COULD BE MISS JAYCEE TRADE FAIR AND ALSO WIN lt Prize Wardrobe Voucher unci cash 2nd Prize Wardrobe Voucher Inl Prize Wardrobe Voucher ENTRY FORMS Saturday To See Softball Event IMPROVEMENTS and pleasantly OLD FASHIONED PERSONAL SERVICE at MAIN ST NEWMARKET at Brice s Meats BUTTER PORK LIVER CoVtAGE ROLL 55H I SMALL LINK 51 Pork Sausage 3 99c Wieners Mi- SMOKED HAMS 45 rt Minced Beef 3 119 COOKED HAM 99 YOU GET THE BEST BEEF AT BRICES Brices Home Freeier Service are hooked FREEZER 209oo It Allied by ViJJinl lot for 110 111 in jiluy I POKERS PARADISE Quality Used Furniture ft Household Effects ANTIQUES China Glass and Furniture Come in today to HIRST at QUEENSVILLE Era and Express Classifieds bring results Ph Deadline Tuesday 530 pm People who Suffer from Nervous Headache Can Get Dependable Relief in Minutes ache threatens to spoil your day It will relieve that headache confidence for teouBhtCuirclicMton special message to all parents of boys and girls now in high school You can guarantee your youngsters College Education in partnership with IBM dp Bank of Montreal UNIVERSITY EDUCATION PROGRAMME A comprehensive lifeinsured plan for financing a college education for boys and girls now in high school If you arc like most parents with of the own how to join the programme hi liih arc Several plans arc available See the people at your and these vary hood of blanch Volt will of years in which piy a 111 astaif to make monthly pleased to r 11 give you details and to help you select a to your alum- till I lie ink liav ili first life- Usui dpi mull id ilk for I payments to amounts they without hardship parent is only a fn of interest paid on it IS musts A ID a years 2 years Illl It 12 Swats Plan i7 ail livirs 1 years annuiniU V IlV ill A Bank of Montreal