1 Mi- Ilul litriiiMiint i Dr Crawford Rose of Aurora is shown above with of tin J York County row liil to rtsnt Mi- mv is Miss J 7cSr ic handed Newmarket Male Chorus And Guest Pianist To Stage Concert lion of hldm linn mi pianist of i works by Brahms Remembrance Observance being staged in Brunch Vldd Page by In his in E G Heights News Hospital on November and grander Art m and Mr and Mrs l Church News jctlng for and odds and cuds future Friends of the A Mrs Lackey TOWN OF NEWMARKET VOTERS LIST 1962 and RESIDENT VOTERS LIST Notice is hereby given lhal have complied with vole In Ihc llci In law Hie lis the INFORMATION FOR VOTERS Clerks tiffin lay of January the lime above NOMINATIONS ADVANCE POLL ELECTIONS em ST JOHN AMBULANCE FIRST AID COURSE Sponsored by oft wooV If Whitchurch Conservation Club For Information tall Fred Kirstrin J bail server a Corn- or Harold PA Aurora Sellers CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET REMANDED YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK Canada the general population unaware more than per cent of all teenagers believe In and members of these Optimist clubs feel that 1 to people sod ihsl iiiis to llihl and the rltlicna of Newmarket to Join the lob of Newmarket in its wish to express sin- see and appreciation for these people Chatham police pleaded uli- t tool lo IN Ill as Youth Appreciation A KENT Mayor ami me mini had only was token in To OD Till QUEEN fine for while aotd touched of God BUDD STUDIOS s E of LONG PLAY E C 0 D S BUDD STUDIOS 20 off Complete Stock DAYS I ONLY NOV 10th Dont Miss This I SPECIAL Band ransislin- RADIOS While They Last 44oo HIGH FLIGHT wot hilled flying Spit LINE CABLE ACCESSORIES LTD Newmarket Ontario RECORD PLAYERS 2995 p RADIOS con STUDIOS Next Door To The Post Office TW 52041