KESWICK COMETS Curling Chatter and Alex pace who as his curling Jack King 10 en ships Bill Bales tailing shots for Ken hockeysoft dropping 126 sportsman Alex 13 Mcrv Hen- a key sii- bo v star Hall the following Thursday GIFT A I FOR THE WILL BE APPRECIATED FOR YEARS HOME CHESTERFIELD SUITES 159 HASSOCKS 375 DYERS FURNITURE easy TERMS I EASY I TERMS I Voters of East The Decision Is Yours These are the facts on the plebiscite You should consider them carefully before marking your ballot Saturday They should be the basis of your decision at the polls 1 Do you want your township And area to develop prosper and expand If you do you will also want to see modern hotel and recreational facilities available under proper and competent management 2 The proposed motor hotel would he a further step in obtain additional commercial and industrial assessment which in turn will ease the burden on the borne owner It will equalize the tax burden throughout the entire township The proposed licensed outlet will assist in eliminating licensed and uncontrolled nutlets now existing in the To ship in which people are breaking the law and being and will little or ito control There are four ballots to he marked on Ibis issue An affirm ative vote on any one of llietn will permit the issuance of banquet permits in the township We of the plebiscite committee are recommending thai you cast your ballots Saturday to permit the establishment of a dining lounge and cocktail facilities If this is done it is proposed to construct a modern equipped motor hotel to serve the increasing needs of this expanding area The establishment proposed will provide modern and attractive room accommodation with all the facilities to he found in the best metropolitan establishments It will have a dining room that will compare favorably with the finest in metropolitan centres featuring a cuisine of the finest and most exotic American and European delicacies There will he a cocktail bar or attractive decor featuring evening suitable to such establishments Recreational facilities provided will include a curling link and swimming pool and these will be separate from the licensed facilities so that young people may use them freely The building and grounds for which architects plans and specifications have been prepared will when Completed provide the area with a show place for accommodation and entertainment which will attract attention and custom from a wide area anil attract substantial revenue into the district The proposed facilities will stimulate a healthy tourist business It will compare with the proposed facilities of the same nature being planned lm ml Richmond Hill What Do You Want For YOUR Township NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT VOTE FOR PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY VOTE FOR THE BEST INTEREST OF EAST Township of East Gwilli Plebiscite Committee