Pftwmarfert and Member of Bureau of Circulation and Clus A newspaper Serving Newmarket and the rural districts of North York Our Readers Write every at Charlet Limited Subscription Association and publication Newmarket the Newmarket Era and Expres and then there are ihib Ihankiiig the happened- Father fur this repealed con In case there are those in firmatlon of His lunmtf iuuknng abmii I day the Liquor Plebiscite A little weary from would like to tell you thai preparations but knowing their null paid fu the The tin- anna Commission nloitpid a Canadian Weekly Newspaper Office Department Ottawa THE EDITORIAL PAGE 5thursday our best I look day A far fetched theory if OF DECEMBER NINETEEN AND SIXTYTWO PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN tumult ami the shouting have te municipal election is now a falter of history as is the liquor fete The people have spoken as ia democratic privilege and indeed heir duly The proposals for liquor consumption in Newmarket have bean defeated he people had the right to decide and heir decision at this time was quite To those who feel badly about it might be pointed out that here is no use crying over spilt milk has certainly been spilt and for the present hut is it The three senior officers had been previously been chosen to serve the in 1963 There were Candidates for the six council seats This is a very hopeful sign It clearly Indicates that there are men of knowl edge experience and responsibility pre pared to serve the municipality in muni- jyna1 office- There are many municipal not the that dons not fall nto that Unfortunately only six could be elect That meant that eight aspirants for seats had to be defeated That a simple mat it of mathematics Those failed to gain the accolade of Ilia Electors should not feel dow ted They certainly have no cause lo ha shamed It is no disgrace to lose an and good men and women are it all the time There is always another time and Whose who failed to emerge the winners time should never lose sight the Vac that their luck may be better next Singe out We would direct these remarks to those members of the fc council who lost out at the polls able to say without exception they have served their community ivell during their lerm of office anil their may he bloody at this time but should certainly be unbowed and we are sure will receive the ami commendation of their fellow operation we working together can ac complish much The objective surely in more than worth the effort the objec tive of a greater and better Newmarket giving bold and constructive leadership in North York and in even larger fields trust thai as the weeks and the months pass into history we may be able from time to time in these columns to Imp I i ii in being expressed at this time are being amply and richly justified A VERY WORTHY APPEAL The annual Christmas Seal cam- is now under way and officials of the National Sanitarium Association are asking for all out support for it Need less lo say this newspaper is triad to en dorse the appeal unreservedly and to bespeak for it the unstinted and generous support of our readership It is no secret that tuberculosis is one of the major scourges of our time and that it is a definite menace to health and life itself in Canada as elsewhere throughout the world Anything that can be done lo contain or curb its depre dations is something in the interest of humanity as a whole And it can best he curbed and if it is detected in the early stages of infection Thus it is obvious that the work carried out lo this end by the importance to m they just enjoy pushing inn other people around Per held Oh hap they would like look over some criticism levelled at thenieslovs Two weeks it for eight weeks an OHA meeting wa rejoined in epi who happened lo be the Junior loop The dele yesterdays No Vote are The deeply gratifying to the could many who have helped in refused i on thai of this high limn than ever before Lei everyone knew Hint the i bland behind the council Com with our inc and make a iimimiirr may be some up or debate 1 Xr lcvclpm lis Mrs G Kemp on the who coordinate have J- a major public the would assist in the tin It irk thai hided a very great deal of money A major source of these funds is the an nual TH Christmas Sea campaign The money raised in Ibis manner as indicated in the quoted article is used lo finance the permanent reference centres oper and the country by the most a way of life in CatllMln appear on hundreds of thousand I liope ami live season to those mho are ferine from this dread disease pointed oul the funds pro ill his way do much to cope with From The Files Of 50 Years Ago Mill I WEEKLY CROSSWORD ACROSS S 19 Malt tfu and there ftlljir term of office Advancement of Net to office Kutare those elected I il Hid iitepL In so doing they may rest of the support of the citizenry of and certainly of this the pew members whether irning from earlier stints of public iccepting municipal office for the the satisfaction of knowing that in manner they are playing their pari fighting this scourge that has such sadness and loss of health to many thousands of people over the WiuLlis on Mm St iism best wishes and the hope w will justify that their contribu te Newmarket will be as worthy as of their predecessors and that they ill become members of a team that will enhance the progress prosperity of this community One final word this juncture The Hon is over The battle is ended battle of the polls that is The duty members of council other civic bodies id citizens generally now is to unite hind the legitimate aims and of this community The months lie ahead are going to be important for Newmarket and indeed for tho area and the entire County York With harmony HELP THE LIONS CLUB HELP Members of Ihe Newmarket Lions Club have issued an appeal an annual one normally made at this lime asking citizens in a position to do so to assist financially or otherwise in providing Christmas baskets that will be distrib uted during the season to needy persons and families in the town and district Needless to say ibis is an appeal that we gladly commend to the generosity of the citizens Ihe community and we are sure they will rise to the occasion and ensure that no one w Christmas spirit this year It is scarcely necessary to say mora on the subject at the present time The pose of the appeal and its validity urn sell and would hope and are sure thnt this appeal will be met with the generosity and public spirit for which the people of this area are so wellknown JO Ten S3 Comp 2 A s S I A I- Leaf right