CIRCULATION and Paid For Each Week Total Distribution 5180 Copies A 11ITH YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER 1962 NO SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH Three Area Residents In Fatal TrainCar Accident by ton- Conservation Area Planned For Newmarket District The prop ill M cost i 1 Mr Willi my Willi lis I in Easily has imiV rai I a aire Ill on if srs i 1 Col Of Council Likely A Lively One Completes RCAF Officers Course Officers Watch Theft Arrest Two Addicts A police stakeout lit York off tliis arrest of Ino drill In Don Jail trial on of then mill illKil possession of hit Ill Allan Morrison 12 of Montreal anil Wilbur llcyil Commencement Highlights School Year