articles foi NEED A NEW STOVE OR FRIDGE LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA METRO WRECKING Cedar Ave Richmond Bill and used lumber Clearing new glued sash daily till p in excellent condition a pile Spring and blue Aoply She- AVAILABLE Call MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Iff Davis Drive Even tons EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS REUPHOLSTERING All kinds SIDNEY PEACOCK Crescent Phone Saturday t East of Mian Sooth off AV Richmond Bill ANTONS TV RADIO Service electronic Organ NICKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE Colorado Green Spruce to to each Peatmoss Hi SOc bushel Cedar clumps prices paid Tor and small animals re 10V FAST SERVICE PHONE 8533319 collect MONTAGUE Carrier boys CAREER SALESMAN 1TH MANAGEMENT Opportunity in Newmarket growing mullipleiini Establishment Plan Apply in writing to PART TIME HELP art time work In local FEMALE HELP WANTED EARN WITH AVON school children enjoy working a mule to be establishes willing to COSMETICS TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE Newmarket clw39 Transportation Toronto New PERSONAL Spencer and Spirella Individually TBANSPOKTATION PLANTS FOB SALE It b All Small boys bicycle GARDENING SUPPLIES Taylor peat humus for be aware lawns gardens by of fie water holding value load Phone SALE Fall apples bring Newmarket Registered Yorkshire boars all ages and guaran teed slock Phone gills Registered Yorkshire serviceable age boars Edgar Dennis phone est Newmarket Drip dry cotton and By uniformt registered PETS FOB SALS puppies Apply a els first road east a way and Vivian Side LOST TOUR DOG i also have pets available is Please report all acts of cruelty or neglect Contact York Humane Society to public weekdays to Newmarket steering and brakes ion inside and outside Phone 8335534 King City champion sired Merry egs able Midees Kennels ing and boarding Keljeagei Ridges phone 7735851 tf3 months GOING OVERSEAS Atlanta I The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket phone 895 tf GLOBE Ticket Agency for Reservations for Sea Air Drinking problem Newmarket Perhaps Hydro poles and all sizes USED CARS R SALE 1955 Dodge sedan cylinder 1958 Chevrolet radio white sell Phone i be told from new Fully day and Saturday PRODUCTION like too Order chicks or Cedar Valley Mount Alhc FARM ITEMS FOR I Used Realty filter carrici Levi Weddel Sharon USED CARS FOR SALE 1981 Plymouth Fury USED TRUCKS FOR SALE Thursday 3 The under signed has been authorized by the Public Trustee to sell by public auction the properly of the estate of Dmytro deceased at the premises known as lot con 2 New Survey King Kwp in the id Marsh at the end of berry Lane consisting of farm machinery tractors IMC truck bushel bas ed some furniture small lots etc Sale pm Terms ash or certified cheque pay able to the Public Trustee Mac Avenue Finn Phone Keswick NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH GWILLIMBURY i ill be held on rich Clerk NOTICE Company Ltd NOTICE is hereby give SAI3 REGISTER etc on Lot Concession Highway property of Russell Hamilton Sale at Ken and Clarke Pre lanks machinery Dodge and other items hay chopper and Wednesday Oct ture the property n lbs This high from herd of full line of machine Terms cash Sale bates of hay shape Farm sold no reserve Gerald Graham clerk Reg has received ions to by public auction and other chattels of jeorge Milton and Emm Milton deceased at the 399 Amelia St house and lot known a- a refrve bid Sale at Saturday Oct I quantity of furniture all an tables hanging lamps coal oil lamps large quantity of dishes full set of antique dishes cruet set and many others Large quantity of new quills bedding yards h Sale 1230 Saturday Oct a Household effec Gordon Phillips ale of farm stock and head of attle chunks CLASSIFIEDS Associated Gospel Churches Organist Carl soloist Evening service rial music by Baptist Church condition Apply mechanically HEAR THE SALTON BROS QUARTET TRAVELING GOSPEL SINGERS MUSICIANS ONE DAY ONLY Sunday Sept 29 am 11 am AT PARKSIDE TABERNACLE Dr Newmarket Attend One Of CHURCHES CALVARY North of Water Town Frank Choir Director PARKSIDE TABERNACLE Affiliated with the Pentecos tal Assemblies of Canada Rev Raymond W Running 10 am Sunday School Classes for all ages Evangelistic services Tuesday Bible study Friday Christ SS and Gospel Meeting- a Class 3 and Bible study All Welcome CHURCH OF PINE ORCHARD 10 pm Chrisl for the World over CFOR a Bible Class all am Worship and Lord Study v market ANGLICAN CHURCH KING Rev II 1110 Sunday PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Davis Rey D B A BD Minister Phone Back pm DUTCH wonbip- Corf Radio 8 a Sunflower Every years welcome Story games TRINITY UNITED CflURCB Minister Norman Pick B A Bey P L Graham Visiting Pastor Nash ARCT BUT Music Director CHURCH SCHOOL IB am Senior Intermedi ate and Junior am Nursery Beginner Kindergarten and Primary COMMON WORSHIP Wednesday pm Prayer Sunday Evangelistic service Sunday School 10 a The fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and mur- and whoremongers in the lake which burnetii with fire and brimstone Re ceive Jesus Christ into your heart today and know you ars saved Come and let us help CoPastors Rev N Crons- and H Jones CHURCHES OF THE Cecil Mount Albert Mount Albert Prayer Services as are invited to worship VICTOR BAPTIST Fellowship of Newton and Arthur Streets north of Pastor Rev Study Prayer study Welcome METHODIST CHURCH Living Witness Kemp Minister Sunday School for all StPaursOwrA ARM Newmarket and Mrs David Peel Corps Officers schtwl Evangelistic League Ladies 15 Prayer Bible mJunior linden ma- church of