Cm We Sept Cakes Icings Continued bottom pan Bake at for Mix with brown golden Cool com and frost with Mrs Bert Linda 1 1 VCW FUDGE ICING Cup sugar vegetable Teaspoon 10X5X3 inch loaf well beaten add baking stir just to soften dry ingredients Add vanilla egg yolks and half of j dampened then beat Add Hakes one Inch Cups sifted flour Teaspoon cinnamon Iambi ne Cup chopped walnuts Work with a spoon unti i Cup shortening Gradually add Cup firmly light and fluffy Cups Cups sifted cake flour Add Cup vegetable of cup liquid cup Blend cup milk into 2 tbsp flour Cook to thick r blend ii Marge Phillips Keswick Opt Mi EASY DOES FT APriE CAKE Cup granulated sugar i pan i OptlMn PECAN COOKIES vanilla Cups sifted flour Cup chopped pecans His together then put in a oil in refrigerator until solid hen cut off and bake at Co ops help keep more money in our town controlled The savings returned to members in proportion to patron age stay in the community and increase the buying power This is putting into practice the Coop principles of owner ship and control for the benefit of all Whatever the great advances of the coming years may be Co operatives can be used to distribute the benefits of progress to the greatest number of people inches dec NEWMARKET DISTRICT COOP 482 Ontario St Newmarket Phone 8952349 Main Street Schomberg Phone