OMENS NEWS N VEWS PUNCH FOR FARM Our I from t Might partus To offer Hie tat p fill frirt shed uw tetet paWi Porte tfw ft law a Own tat km It WI News Belhaven W The Christi WI was he home of Tuesday evening Dec President Mrs Nelson per opened the meeting There were 19 members present and guests were Mrs C Mrs Draper Jack Mrs Charles Pope THE CHRISTMAS CHILD lie perfect life the sacrificial death and the resurrection of Jesas Christ tend to become overshadowed by the treat publicity given to His birth Centuries before Christ was born His birth His life His sufferings and His glory were nil portrayed In Old Testament prophecy Who not yet bora Surely anly God I Christs birth was never decided an Dee this formerly was which the and receiving of re Is aw to this It is very fHliai remember the Lords birth by giving pleasure to ethers