The Movie Scene they Technicolor comedy until people begin a superhero to hi fan find he lias ho likes to are hfm played Jill Si Mm Yam Men Eli and Diane Foster Their husbands of know nothing about sure him a walks tightrope of consolation eiy SIMCOE THEATRE ENTERTAINMENT of Mw second thoughts about his friend played by Elizabeth is Hie daughter of wives make Dean best SHOWS AT AND IM SAT Explains WHAT CANT APR ROXY Fill SAT Ill AOUIT HOT DEAN MARTIN ASKS THE HOTTEST QUESTION OF THE DAY Whos Been Sleeping in My Bed fag V MAR BALSJ S00 FOSTER BURNETT ELIZABETH MARTIN MONTGOMERY BALSAM ST JOHN On the Double Child SUNDAY ONLY AT AND ONE DAY SHOW DOUBLEBILL TUBS WHO pm UNUSUAL A STRANGE AND COMPELLING STORY SEATS 100 FOR DAYS MERLIN JONES Deans cron ies played bv Louis Nye Richard Jack El liott and Martin Balsam all of whom are involved in show except for Balsam who remedy is in Holly wood and its environs but Carol Burnett docs strip lea dance in a bistro Bid is produced Iuk Rose and directed by Daniel Carol Burnetts motion picture The the ifiand GWILLIMBURY the ike pi ill be asked to attend impugn will he itk will ernrlucMhrii ike Safety Page The Newmarket SPORTS It will be good to get bad the In jink- xprew Wed Ap lflfll a on April 11 starting at if available at a very DANCE EVERY SATURDAY Starting April 11th al CEDAR BEACH Mussclmans Lake DON CELSIE and his Western Rhythm Boys HEATED AND RENOVATED FOR YOUR YEARROUND DANCING ENJOYMENT Newmarket School decided to heir forthcoming musical production The Gondoliers and par is Sunday Caught at the corner of Main and Timothy shank Jim Stephen Gordon Ivan Che np ii Monday April inly Mill Mrs m Ill I A in n Mi burled tin Public Church News The icdettintlion and re win a ticii those who undertook Ml Lull alhiinh pa Weekly Crossword i i III Hi I ill ill THE NEWMARKET DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL GLEE CLUB THE GONDOLIERS NHS AUDITORIUM AT 800 PM APRIL 8 10 miles north of Newmarket on county road between Sharon and Holland Landing Phone Newmarket THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY APR ALL TECHNICOLOR SHOW GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS Elvis Presley and Stella YOUNG RACERS Mark Damon and William Campbell Children under Free Always a Color Cartoon Show starts dusk GO with the great highway performer 64 Jetsmooth Luxury Chevrolet g a tt Chevrolet With selling from one aide to the other easier if somebody had put a tunnel hi And if Chevrolet ran go over wholo hardly feci it you can imagine hnw it goes bumps Jetsmooth of course Wo put a coil spring nil four wheels to soak up the blimps just fast as hey conic As youd expect Chevrolet matches per formance with outstanding luxury inside tint lug Body by Fisher All kinds of room wide Ihlck cushioned yards of deep mid fabric and vinyl all you feel good just looks and luxury you can see how night get the idea hat this great highway is a highpriced car Unless of hey happened to look first at its reasonable Chevrolet See your local Chevrolet dealer ilia channel at clock Sunday night NEWMARKET MOTORS Ltd GET THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT CHEVROLET DEALERS COMPLETE AUTO CENTRE POP