and Member of Audit I I Circulation a I Class A Newspapers Serving Newmarket and the rural district of North York year of publication every Wednesday at 30 Charles St Newmarket by he Newmarket Era Express Company Limited Subscription 700 tor two years 100 for year in advance Single topics are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mall Post Office Department Ottawa THE EDITORIAL PAGE Can Mental Health Assn Makes Annual Appeal For Funds WEDNESDAY THE I OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTYFOUR BAD NEWS Andre and Davidson cochairmen of the Royal Com mission on and ism received a standing ovation from over Empire Club members at the conclusion of their joint speeches on Thursday last The tribute was paid to two young Canadians who are making success of the difficult mission that they have undertaken Their report which will undoubtedly have a decided influence on federal relations will be made before Parliament recon venes next fall Both speakers empha sized that the functions of the commis sion have been widely misunderstood The commission is not trying to promote anything said Mr It is trying to assemble information which will be the foundation of their report And both chairmen emphasized in addresses sparkled with brilliance and good humor that the questions they are investigating will in the end he solved by all Canadians working together Not so in Ottawa Bad news travels faster and farther than other kinds papers carried a banner bead- line SPEECHES OF ASSAILED BY THREE OP- POSITION MPs So these men at lawn who had never attended any of the hearings or dinners or luncheons at which Royal Commissioners spoke smugly cri ticised them for being too loquacious Then there is the had news about Cyprus Opposition members have as sailed the government for again sending Canadian troops to a potential trouble spot Among the 113 United Nations only Canada has sent troops on every major UN military operation from Korea to Cyprus External Minister Paul Mar tin believes that beyond every conflict lies nuclear conflagration CYPRUS THE UN and CAN ADA Tins is the headline on an edit orial in the widely read and highly res pected Christian Science Monitor It is worth leading Unlike the politicians at Ottawa the writer knew his subject Un fortunately bad news travels fast We gel nothing but had news out of Ottawa The assumption by the United Na tions force of peacekeeping duties on Cyprus has for the moment at least halt ed the progressive worsening of a dang erous situation into allout conflict Once again when all else had seemed to fail the UN has proved its usefulness both in pelting people who live together to stop killing one another and in itmg somewhat a delicate situation from the full fury of the cold war If anybody should he singled out for special commendation at this moment it Is the British and Canadians It can be argued that the course of events since Christmas proves that the British go to UN in the first pi no matter what the validity of that it cannot detract from the fiiu In Prime Mtnlsl job done by the ordinary British soldier under almost impossible circumstances to lessen human suffering as Greek and Turkish Cypriotes tried to get at one anothers throats hi I dee To Canada must go the Credit for mat lastminute action three weeks ago mak- it possible for a UN force to step in when the position of the British troops Premier on Cyprus through no fault of their own was becoming Canadian troops have been ferried at Hie federal Canadian expense to the island to form mint retain soffit a meaningful nucleus around which a force can be built up i it By a significant hut not contrived sun im incidence the Canadians on Cyprus be- gan their first peacekeeping patrols nil- der the UN flag just us their government continue in Ottawa published a revolutionary pnni While Paper on their countrys defense J t The White Paper rightly notes lhat Can- has taken part in virtually every UN tin- operation calling for military personnel The proposed reorganization of the fifcai resl Canadian Armed Forces puts great stress could ho fated on the countrys continuing to have units even belter prepared to join in UN peace keeping efforts whenever and wherever these arc called for Clearly a country such as Canada is eligible to join in such operations where the super powers or greater powers arc not That the Canadian Government accepts such a responsibility is indeed pi thy and of course it points the way for others Contributed THE GIRL TAX Onlv Quebec lias dicaled lint il wishes socialion service the public misunderstand suf- by menial illness and mimlt preconceived ideas Dip true facts of over of 1 making Ibutlon approved homes psychiatric actively regularly visits pa- Because mental illness a single disease but forms and de- organizing parlies entertainment schools understanding id dividual visiting Oilier hospitals clinic homes patient lo ma Hon and lying this need for of mental health he of White duplication and waste search Is financed through National Mental Health Research Fund AM mental all is i As In the ion that the problem eminent in a real sense thcrcfi employ- Con federal inn today is work education cussed In two a public in for the com munity To provide general in mental hospital have relatives with friends problem hospital form public ifoni litoi all of tain the i commonly who live lumber one health Illness is lumber one health re more people In 11 than with nil other diseases ing and Canada in other killing and beds the cold supply Cross help reeve the feel the need for the clergy teachers to normal life again Many branches opera Open Door Information where health ivale bash irrctly and III such is happened but 1 i localing appropriate mentally 111 person This service generally provides information and literature for close to a to understand what In enable from the Ma lo the West tn shir Mental illness strikes our No n racial or group If present incidence rate children born lodav wil time during I am tieut treatment and for the mentally i drills carls and treatment and m sonncl are I 1 orders that resided treat- it is often i visiting brings lenis and rcla- tranches provide and from hospitals few The 1 length of IM the Of discharger decreased to about Although there increase in r entering hospital the in has decreased ably which we draw some reluctance to Mr attention It is a lax on the export of girls and the little town of Dolcedo has been levying it for at least 500 years The lax is collect ecl from outsiders who marry girls reputedly out standingly pretty It apparently had its roots in a fear that unless the outside igcd would be femininely depopulated It is actually y nominal goes to the civic treasury the other which has kept pace with cost of roister ing is paid to own bachelors who use il lo throw themselves a party Now Montreals girls have a Gallic charm and we export them lo such alien places as not for long now Miss Betty Graham CA5 Fitness Through Scouting Speaks At Auxiliary Meet Activity Theme