Newmarket Lions Club FESTIVAL OF STARS FRIDAY APRIL 24 at 8 pm TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Adults Children attend Township of East Applications will be received by the undersigned up to oclock noon May for a Welfare Officer who will assist the assessor Information and particulars may be obtained from the Municipal Offices Applicants please state qualifications salary expected TOWNSHIP OF EAST GW1LLIMBUKY Sharon Ontario greater opportunity llki Oil free to within framework of our laws The phrase nil mi equal does not ability 1 in talents Jaw and PAPER DRIVE FIRST NEWMARKET SCOUT TROUP SATURDAY MAY 2nd WEST SIDE SATURDAY MAY EAST SIDE Please have papers tied securely Motherinlaw Trouble Why not send her on a trip and shell think youre tops SUGGESTIONS VK By Slow Boat to China and Australia and O Lines South Africa Castle Lines EARLY FOR BEST ACCOMMODATIONS ECONOMY TRAVEL AGENCY Phone KESWICK GoPlaces With Us they should differences should they all with opportunity Such a general philosophy the handling of public Drawl Pate The Newmarket Era running these ninny They should be run land Is workable Many Limited Export Impossible for the these corporations CNR system was and made into coast to coai The created Shareholder Par- S3 Davis Drive Mail St Newmarket SHIRT SERVICE 8955541 far ft n for the times My S ttwe rticipation in some Thus they would by whose as I mentioned a You Are Invited To Attend Country Brads PLAZA SPECTACULAR FORD DISCOUNT SALE ONCE AGAIN NEW FORD CARS TRUCKS WILL BE SLASHED IN PRICE AND SOLD IN 3 DAYS Last year we introduced this gigantic motorama and at a result over 12S customers saved s of per car DONT MISS THIS CHANCE TO SAVE SAVE New Ford Cars Trucks On display at beginning of sale in one location Pick out your car and drive away NO WAITING NO TAPE NO PRESSURE ENJOY LOOKING OnTheSpot Decisions and Financing Radio CFGM will broadcast live continuously from the Sale See the newest car in the world The FORD Mustang FREE LIGHT REFRESHMENTS MUSIC LOTS OF EXCITEMENT Absolutely The Lowest Prices In Canada For 3 Days to be held at Newmarket Plaza APRIL 23 24 25 Commencing Thursday am continuous to Saturday 10 pm BRAD WALKER MOTORS LIMITED The Dealer who is revolutionizing Car Prices