King WI Marks Its Year Rumble gave a brief a dealing exclusively front in the retail business of Auroras St South childrens shoes which officially opened on Monday renovated end the interior is stocked 5SM the tot to the older teen Recreation Committee To Sponsor Sports Clinic King Township Recreation municipality in the New Year Composite School to discuss the formation of a coaching headed by Mr Tom Cober Mr who attended a which included livingin day coaches track and field financed the expenditure ting City United Church King Items Mrs J will a bazaar of Chnstm on Saturday No he new church opened jus Mrs Doug is decorator There Others includ followed by a reading by Mrs thi end of the meeting next meeting It the Hall on Friday past president designed leather pins worn by the In September King Wl stemmed from need of a organization to help the Mr Rumble current bran and Mr ago the branch resolution for by the tral Area with hundreds of these ship ope Italy i included Canadians Xray PINE ORCHARD Several members of irk for Christmas and Mrs- Robert Reid attended on the Disciple Andrew ind Mrs J Gr Johnston and Orchard Family ill be held at Union Church on Friday evening rd Willi Richmond Hill principally for International Plowing of York County the Hewitt isited with Mr and Mm Hamilton Height and Mrs Ivan Leach last wee Fred Lead COSTING CLERK Assistant required for Costing Department Federal Farms Limited Typing beneficial Aptitude for figures essential Apply Mr Ihurg Alter office hours phone FALL 1 NT SALE FINAL 4 DAYS TODAY THURS FRI SAT The Best Drug Store Ph Newmarket We deliver Albert cake ind deli- Mrs Potter convenes touch and take Mrs Curtis will of ficially open the affair WI News The October meeting was with guests from Bogarttown The motto for the month Friendship is a silken tie that was answered by Mrs The roll call was answered by A humorous saying Two solos were enjoyed by Cash is just a cal away at Trans Canada Credit PHONE for a LOAN Get money in a hurry from Canada Credit Up to available on your signature only Often pick up the cash the tame day you caff Youll be amazed at how quickly and conveniently you get from up to 2500 and even more s Canada Credit Simply call the manager of your Trans Canada Credit office youll find him helpful courteous often able to you the cash you require same day you call If bills seem to have sud denly got out of hand or yon need cash for emergency car of other reasons youll appreciate the sendee youll receive at Trans Canada or bankable v your home or land Whats more the payments are low arranged to suit your budget and pay day So if you need money in Trans Canada Credit Your credit good if you are work ing regularly and the trans action is private fast and convenient Give the manager of your Trans Canada Credit office a call today and dis cover how quick and easy it TRANS CANADA CREDIT You Are Cordially Invited To The GRAND OPENING Of SIMMONS SHOES FOR CHILDREN 34 Yonge Street South Aurora Across from Post Office NOW OPEN FEATURING SAVAGE BUSTER BROWN CLARK BONNIE STEWART PACKARD KAUFMAN FOAM TREADS FLYERS Over 100 Styles To Choose From Widths B to EEEEE We Guarantee Proper Fit Doctor Prescribed Shoes Expertly Fitted Strictly A Shoe Store For Children