The Newmarket Era ft Express Wed EAST 0- T- VICTOR Vic JOHNSON for TSA Triutw on December Township Progreit Economy Equal Opportunity For Education DIAMOND SPECIAL INI WEDDING RING DIAMONDS GUARANTEED PERFECT JEWELLER OPTICIAN Main St Newmarket To the Voters of Scott Township I am a Candidate For School Trustee VOTE GEORGE MORRIS List Donors To Help Santa A further Hit of donations Santa Claus parade has released by the parade committee Members are id are urging support for the purchase of candy for the Newmarket and It has been suggested by tin officials that operators of floats taking part in the pa- check the safety mcas- be attached to all vehicles where this Is needed Donations received during Office Employees Cookiei sun res ents Lake area marked on Charles irman of the York County Hospital Board by two Hie Willow Pork Association n the Left to st OK of lit- so of Toronto am Mi Staff Ten To Contest Five Seats On Township School Board Corner Payne Co leys laumlrv 1 The Spin tag Wheel Victors Shoe Campbells Book Store Robins Drug Store Jewellers Mr Gables tore Boh Armstrong Newmarket of the period in which I qualify all had qualified wit the exception of Harry hUl for school jr East and one school area plan from ly in the order in which they refer to the need for the new ruslccs in visit each if industrial Heights and part of the Waller Rale as tie township Planning regarding civic Of East Gwillimbury ELECT S For School Trustee tears experience an and Secretary Treasurer of No 16 If elected I will do my utmost for the new Township School Area Board ELECTION DAY DEC Duncans Build Honest Integrity Full Representation For Sound Sensible Progressive Administration VOTE ALLAN COOPER For East School Board had some part the questions Junior Soccer Players E Season With Party Mull 1 it Barrio For Sound Economical Planning East School Area VOTE GEORGE SMITH ON DECEMBER Era and Express Classifieds bring results Ph 8952331 Deadline Monday E G Minor Hockey J VOTE TO ELECT WALTER RATE Trustee for East Gwillimbury School Area Board 10 Years Municipal Atom Rick only goat as Bradford Inked for Roll Mike SPECIAL NOTICE East Heights Ratepayers WE THE SCHOOL HOARD OF MAPLE LEAF PUBLIC SCHOOL WISH TO INFORM THE RATE- PAVERS OF EAST HEIGHTS THAT THE PRESENT SCHOOL HOARD WILL BE DIS SOLVED AS OF DEC 1961 THERE BE A PUBLIC ELECTION ON DEC Mil TO ELECT TRUSTEES FOR TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD RESIDENTS OF EAST BURY HEIGHTS WILL VOTE AT MAPLE LEAF SCHOOL AND ARE URGED TO DO SO