Local Facilities and Member Audit Bureau Serving Newmarket and the Wednesday at fcompiny Limited Subscription copies ate Member rural district of North York puellcitlon by as Second Class Mall OTTAWA IBKIBInW at the end of Feb as inmpnred with arid tllti lilnirn SPENT MONTHS THERE Visitor Feels Africans I Find Own Destiny Post llrniiimrni Ottawa mi the EDITORIAL PAGE by JOHN ADDISON MP TWO DAY COURTESY the varied that has not hem said many time but nevertheless repeating to again emphasize the for funds to help the Canadian Red Cross Society continue and extend its Each year there are times when the Cross is brought into focus through donor clinics and the story of how and technologists are to overcome problems encounter ed in the field of blood transfusions than bottles of blond and million are required each year She operation of this transfusion of hill good thing It have not lost all our above all it showed on Monday Feb conspired to pet ndp date elected fraudulently by Help in times of outlying programs Red and womens work for elderly poop lied Tins- all I a and helpful despite all the adverse kind w publicity they have been receiving on nccd that score lately Perhaps it was a case of necessity as it might be in war but there was is very little of the usual name calling and abuse thrown around when one driver in- whether found himself bogged down and holding UP traffic It may been job The a case of others realizing that if they port failed to assist they too could be there for hours but everyone seemed to pitch In and help there was little patience when single lane traffic forced a long wait and although working under leu of m so S a Volunteer jive Canadian program carried I Jhe society HINT FOR YORK COUNTY the dense Panada that want to shake off the congestion of city lil strengthen their hand by la than the Sin In The Financial Post report Martin after World War II Simcoo has filling it with industry She county was quick to realise its land abundant water supply of labor and it to a climate in which industry Slid thrive Its success has been re likable Sinclair says Industrial growth in the principal city id towns Midland was with zeal and in the decade value of factory hipments increased nun narrow Newmarket police did an excellent Job It is too bad that we seem unable to prolong this twoday courtesy anil care fill driving inln the balance of the year The world didnt really fall pieces be cause we were unable to sustain speeds of miles an hour or reach on I ho straight stretches or because we bad to postpone that fishing trip to Lake or a visit lo Aunt Margarets our mode of existence was drill- a Utile and perhaps was denied more Thanks to modern equipment we soon able to he back lo the old rout I be seen to lie at who we are certain should icon granted a license and old on Mild do faulty brakes and that rather shake Anglicized Immigrants iilm ie e Puzzle