THE SOCIAL SCENE sight seeing bus a guest of Mr and Mrs Davis and Mr and George While staying Hill Miss Doane a held for her at Coopers friends residents and daugh- her with gifts flowers Among those Hiss Joyce Smith Mr nd Mrs Chambers B Gordon Wright of Charles Wears home and friends A lovely shower cake was the cm- of interest on the buffet word that she has been awarded per cent of points or her embroidered sheath embroidery class of the Cana dian National Exhibition This is the first entry to the Ex for Betty Mr and Mrs Gordon Bone a motor trip to North Bay Sudbury and ShuU Marie They vacatton at Sauble Beach of New Liskeard wen home of Mr and Mrs Charle Near panted by Mrs B Blair had very enjoyable holiday the Calgary Stamped the Creative Drama Work University of Waterloo Miss Rita Christie was course of Dramatic Production at the School of Speech North Western University at Evans- Mrs Minnie Arnold has been on holiday with Mr and Mrs Ed Hill at Clear Lake Mr and Mrs George Rob- Robert have returned from a motoring trip to Victoria BC one week with Mr Metcalfes sister and her husband Mr and Mrs Percy Hibbard Salad greens should be cold crisp and well drained is the advice from the Foods Depart Vandorf News Stotesbury and Wesley United Alex Mrs Stotesbury Wesley holidaying old Sleethfor a and Mrs Ja Herbert Oli Mrs Jack spent la They s and picture motoring in the I from mother Mrs system is making will ha visibility caused by pavement walked into the path of a reconsider The resolution was dealt with at Monday nights council meeting Mr to York County Ho birthday on Tuesday house and Mrs John Ellis of USA and Mrs Charlci Charles Cu his parents and nine Angel tally open erg an on please phone Mrs False Teeth Fit Beautifully ft mul Oaa afftttatiaa maathsl YAMAHA SPORTS MOTORCYCLES THE WORLDS BEST AND CHEAPEST SEE THEM NOW IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NO DOWN PAYMENT NORTH YORK MOTORCYCLES The only real motorcycles dealer north of Toronto DAVIS DR NEWMARKET KESWICK DON WOOD CHARLES ST ST0UFFV1LLE FOR SPORT- TRANSPORTATION AND FUN GO YAMAHA Era and Express Classifieds bring results Anton Hunick Luncheon Meat j29 Luncheon Meat Holland Biscuits SEE OUR FINE SELECTION OF IMPORTED KNITTING WOOL Hack SHOES Clothing SHOES HOLLAND THE VARIATION STORE MEAT MARKET SEDORES Main Street Newmarket 8959056 STEAK a A SIRLOIN STEAK ROUND STEAK PRIME RIB ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST 45 BLADE ROAST BONELESS POT ROAST STEWING BEEF SWEET PICKLED SPARE RIBS 6 lbs Sausage lbs Hamburg 3 lbs Wieners loaves Fresh Bread lbs Margarine IB Fill YOUR FREEZER FRONT QUARTERS 39p HIND QUARTERS 49 CUT AND WRAPPED FREE SEDORES FOR FULL VALUE AND EXTRA QUALITY CUTS OR QUARTERS TO YOUR LIKING THE BIG NEWS FOR FALL IS COLOR 196CAVICTOR TUNETOWN CPE SHOPPING C 7276521 YOURCOLORTV HEADQUARTERS