.onuly Illriy, it it my hat uru aunt: V a Wu nrc Nlp hlvlhh T. muko Rand (lu u A world E-R'FJI I. ,o'rojit : ' 5 ATA'MODERATE Pnloz' r. ' -. . APERFEO DOO ERAHD'Hk/ATIR v ' Illile TllE E rsATunEa. n._ll.iluluulr' drmprr glitch comet hm tar our. . B. dumpnr hllll lo can DD :32 Ill dellro Doll MI dl lr o cut-oar: mp ovon door. couhln Illlo wllll doublu VllA' npuo *- hotwcun. oqiillmu with or... ilniririoinlilor. irlrtlon much. Md I nandioulluu lulnlila. w ll tic. .mlillud niaknllo hlinlo rum. 9 n. uirannli rlliliini thin. E. nrmrvuiil. Il o .hrlvur. F'. "Nd lprnadnr nl on own him an on tour tla . \j a. Luau lill. lulu 095m. it 11y,ln.x w , aw... ' II. Hloltlillud rnmuvlhlo mil. tray. I. nwilonul reuuullnl ltti. . J. nnlchot. holler in. Milan up iron. rcottun ior hrnlilrla or iuolllnii. It. poweriul watnr-aoallor. cm ho lilo mlloa. L. tilrllollrd Iool "Ill. - Id. unipoinicri moo gum: tri- um In mudumiu wnallirr. 1 v DnlEVLV : . _ rhu Incl-noon... no work or he" and Ilniitor. aorta trill, wort... Iclllli'ully and Imam at u! the may or uruvldlld tlloliui-n. . a par HEEDE , Ilnldu alter a Gallium. mum llllBlllllllllE .l' THE PAINT STORE: FIFOUE 25 FllolJW HEIWIDE HEINIJAHKE murmur. Enlarzuzlum ova: 1th YEARS . Sztve Regularly Put in tho Blink what you um cu it... eomlorutlily, Inn our Ilia! amount rcuuluvly icckly or monthly. I Small, regular uni/lugs lclt in llin Bunk wenluully grow lnlo large amounts. Suvinua Amour." my bu'op ll will. the Bank til Monlreul in lunountsol$l.mil.l upward. I > r nun DNIFIJAOIDVRLM: C. G. Ross, Manila-2r. N Branch. Sbll l END LUMB YARD. 'THANK YUi May Ybu H ave ii. lithium blunt llh'iiltl P PEARSON. alien. J 00;, Dhuroh ml D A y Sic. Murphy i or . , t . . , . lg REAL BAN KENQ SERVHGB All branched of tliis llank are in a puu'tloti to giw: (lie maul: comprehensive Bankiug'w' vico. Government and Municipal Senuritiea are dealt in. rFurn Exchange bqught and hold. Money Orders and Letters til Credit isuucd. Collcc'liumi made on till poilttii in Canada iii- uvcrucani ' m HMEERW. on cicNAzM. Naumulcci Hnuiuli, - Aururu Brunch, - 1L Reynolds, Maimger. Ai 0.1idilrrn : Manager. Ia nearly past. and We Tlnlnl: oui- Dll s luld lTi-loiitiil fill: their phlrouauc and iuppart mid wish, till ill Irle y anu and n Foo-[mails And Happy New Vicar. C . Alain lmed. - s ,. . ullwmnm WILLl l l l .;.'I'_I'ilt rtiw ll: \Vclconnl,. young uhhoh, '. u o Iitjllriit nu lllu liulh' . Your brullior ll. nerd, and your I'ul huupn. - i "it died ot old line, ho wutl tin-et- i HIxLy-llyn, lit. up quiillc nnd good ; ho yvnu . all when nllve 'l'liulvil inunurcli Bliuulll he; and intuit truly no know lit tint proplc were hu lim' nnll pnoupol-ouu, to... [Hill ilttiutglt at the that ho grow ulillly mill cold, . ~ duu Ict us 1lllltk, Lti inn Killllllx no oltl. no oil \ut'rt- uwnrc or his doodllc and worth, no to... him, you know, Iron. it... duy oi hl liirth, Anti "'ng yin. huvc o nnic i... nuc. t or lo hr, wt innit yiinwvlli inlilzo u..- will [ il ...i I... So wc wellulnu y n ullillly \villl tl~uu llqu Ly ohcor. ll llNl you wiii nlllkr us 2. . tluppy New Your. _ V lllli lit . minor-u MWQDD W THE NEW YEAR Ill-i lild Year I" ,und tho Ilvw in or l ll \l. Fili- Art-l Ain't lions. h; l Iclnlnr Ilnv, nu titlnn LH lln- llrtltllll it. out .it thr, did win- tlomlill'li Iiudy, nothing would vii tho yhulng upurh hut he must plvr u .Iinlinr upon thc ion. to which 2| tho day-l. hi tn. your w, .iIIvitlatl, 'l liu l- Ilitliwnl , wliuin hr In ultltl nu liili nltl\vtii'il.~, woio iliiglll. lulu-n with tho nutinn. 'l'l lind (ion .ingngcd Limo out or mind, my lipid, in providile niil-ttl. iind grind ciloor Ioi- llllil'llllri world, ( til it w thin. lhoy silltiulti llll\ l) .. tllstp (ll till-.ir .iwll hunnly; .ll wus slillly d iii HHNHIK uln-ni wlnitll u~ UN 1 MM iuuld in. nllinlttcd. slime liuld the 2m- [lmtl llut or uncii lean. Klill tiil lioii- niuttiiieti fur/mi I the audit or tho mulling, ,llulllili olil (loin Wild overruled hy illiiiutlnnn my who llnd u itiimn u plin ilin with y (mi volluliull llf ') ninl'n IIIIAlIly dcltil-i to lion in. the old liolilinio would lit-limit. liiuliiull ii. hir cup. tilin tho Vil'xils we o rt uooicd lo Cmtlti with their luntcl-il light. lliu gorillctolk llm lm ut nigh .lll tllc (lqu chino. Cur worn provided tor ltlreil hundred unit HlXLy- . goo,qu ..t lho prin'. cipul tlililn, will. up (it: lslull l knife and lrirk at tho tildchuurd to. dim L\Vlllilyllilll.l| or February. tlnrds or ilivilnlion hud licon issued, The cm riol's worc tho Iluuru ; tn lvo litllr. intirry, whir iglx roolpnucu that wont llli round and round out uli tlic pursonu in. vilctl with the exocritloll pl uutnr tiny, slirpro 'l'uo ' ind .. ic snot. lilovculilun. who had illllllxltl .nlui-tc 4 \VU] , they nil incl at lust, Ionl tiny tino liuysl, all north or linyil rind n riiro dinlticy nnidu ol ' 't'licro was nnlllilin hut Hail . low liuy, well mol," only lilidy tiny il,,lllr.l u hit scorllful. Ycl rmno will will : Day out ln-i- out, i ulna o me nil loyal and glittering and llpllellOUS. 'l'lic i csL Ciillll ill dwell, Nulllu ill whitr, hut old lii lll iind his inn.in no not rt uul lit Intturllinx. Ilaln day come in dripping. llnd uullshlny dilys' laughing. w d- ding day was thorn in lnnrrlugc linery, p y liny cnnio Into, nnu lionniuduy cl. twprd he might hc l. Full] tool. upon Ilimnvll to nllerlllll thc guehll, ml .\1 - D11), with tlic nwccliii-sx pcculi .- to In , proposed the health at the limit 'l'llir Iioilig (ltln thu lord. iy Now Your ii-nni ihl .ippui- end ill the tulilr rcturiioti (Ilittllrs. Ari. \Voilnlisdny now iioind culh-d upon r...- t. sol... struck up .. l-ul-ul whiidi tiliristllla liay lltIII lauglll hilii, Sill-molt c. ldild lluyu u tiny .qu i\|ll'il out next puincd in u nlt-c. in wllit ll lill [lid in u chiming in inlidr ii inci- doll. All Ilii. lioy hopt (-ritlrlinj: pi.tlr . who ain't iioxt hiin nipping .ni. ql'mls liillr ulmix" ninlrr lihc tunic till (in; Dog lilryr- innit... to ho irulou und to tun-Ii und rilgt . cxcrcdinn y Al tllc in t lliiz lnlyn nulltill {or their clouli uliil Kl'ealn oals and took. heir Int. Short ut tiny won. on in ll doc... mg tliut wrnppcd ii lilll (willlcllmll nil i-unlid " i lsi ii \\ lli'll- lncn ill-n callctl ll. ticuvcn my Christmas tiny Milli) Illiiuc; iIle litul linen .lsnd toilie husintnls hrw Iorc, Allothcr Vigil ru taut, sturdy pull-til, milli'd thc_ ovc or iii. Gllristdpllt'i # . clip. Aslt \Vcrili slurry in n oonditiun litthi licilcr than Iin lionlil lill, will 1 ppcd iii... river hit. ulluuldrrs nick-uopauk inclllon, and he went flaming lionln singing: > "On tho liuts hack l lill Iiix' and a iluliilicr or old snulclilm hr. sides. 'l iongcsl VDny ital: .iir waslwnnl in licnulitul nr'm ml and gum; tllt- ruin mini. in unc losillun on... in untithrl liul valonli c and pi-rlln Mil, louk ih lr daliui e wgcihul in mm ! illiiii 'L Vulclitln .lhelvurqttlect. almjwulz k | . i ii tinyglini In in to url in. tdnirlin I.liiii ' __ llArii Y NEW VEILR' (a lull-r No,er i-t" lluppy N w "lib l" i t'. uppildinl lil o lllury Ami nu .Ilu pillci, IHH' lilllikiel or lupndry on llil- uldcuiillll uiin .uuliud up iiilti Hill, all time in tho ridindy l-nli who honor. l. I'tl I r nnd rt tilt-nil u plltnsuul. Mxl'll._ " - S "Iluppy Now i -.n.' ili~ lill u minutu hit.- ur illi tiliilluin I'tlll hy b : r'apuinlcd 'i'l. :illlllllllll; .piluhlyl untl tut-hing round. A. l you pulling on. nlll li. iiiixl ullid illlry AIIII tliuy'rt' In... Ililllgx to plug all-m; Hitlul e l imllm out it...- int... hl, ll' on [till unylltlilg 304d wl out, Just p within; it rt. , plonuunt 'llnmiy NPW Yum" Iron. tln- \l'llIlti-lliili'ctl hilly ytlu Just .not, .4. l'iii . it... it ulttltz to you, ltlii yuil' luru now." lilll- ,"sitill 1's... in; (3- turn l'tl many and pushed iniu ltlu' liiiinl. dci-prl- into hill turn you :Hlil." litI lilllli-tl lti him, u. wonder wllu'tl oni-r tor my " ( with [ 'lilly l dld ill It l.n~.l.l.il 'nlniiiillcnncl'. rd 11:4 the lill-l un tilrioct- tit thtl lliw, "llilillry V-r In. DIX pullt: innit sm'ills not... [it tillv ll chap like you uni-ilk up .o no . unit lit) y, will yiill plm it all!!! 0 d him, my up .lp iIiUl the out. lilill 'il .I'u utilit Ami suitl [it till ls HIV-r whnl l ll do my huy l> ntud to. It. t. glint! illlill ill on i ..-..iiu'lim hr. . nid, .llircrily, . In. uppi-i. lictl uii uppln rllnlit. tichiun wllltlli lll| llifill \VIIIIILH) HIMOII Nil ? [4. ."llitmiy Ntiw \' ni'," null thc tip-pic, noun... u .urt. llui-phy rtoppi-d lli llliy taillill nppl v A llnpu v Null: mil-- Bi ,yuu ro tin-diciiiu- on .innul Mr Mu . .ph . "Burr, ii i u i. lilippy n v 10 iii... lit til yliu n. lli\t~r. ninhciiiiiil tiiu .tmtlenllinil.v. .. might it hr in in. nick .nuu ul lion... who liits r. good (i.- and pbmty u! lint mull] :7 I'll liilt llliil luiiilo hi hi... .iiin nurp h Slim trotting llllLriit-ii il can t uot mil lti will l. lill nt hl w 4.." #900045... A CREED FOR HlE HEW vault l lli lilwc in huyu mid zit-Ix the nu: til itllli whlnml oilim'eiil (Ii xlltli Ll ill \Vlii -Gum'tu- lllii In , - nicu will run it vc in [he tnlrri. oi igllo in tho oiliolicy .il scllotilu. in tho d [:liiiy it! led ling and in the joy oi sewing .itlnil-l l holi. . ill wi~1dum uni lull. Iod in human lim as w | no in It... plumb on. \v ttcn poo in lessuml taught, not so much by plulccpi n5 iiy or. ninnlo, in uliihiy to work with illn hands as won or to think with tho lillzldiin c. ryllling thut ill-.lluiu lilo, lill-gr and lovely. 1 hel-oro in lionuty ill thc sclionl room. in the time n rinin lilo mill in aluminium l liclino ill ltiugllloi', in min, in all idciils and l stunt lllllmli that iule us on. ' I curve that c dily . ' all u nrr unll all in. do. _ lie m llii present and its 0]!- liul'LllIiilii lulul't- iilitl llri [trim not a n in thr .livillr, Joy. of ll\llu.. >FJWlli 05(40in (li'tn l'. GUILTY (Iii ill :Vlili G a \ lliilllliau till-ll... Lendcr Winnipeg, lice. 2 - il.di. llusA still, nttr . or the cight clrike laid. cl-u. \\'n~a culilictcn. Ititla) On u chili-go or million. ciill lll _ g ulnl iiomlllilllltg u L'nliimon nuis. int . A lnmuinmns \ tlicl til guilty (in oil sol-cu counts In tr. lui'llml Iiy th. jlli . Jllsti iciiiporcil willl the go pi l ui" (-uut '.in chi-lit. lzood will lu\\zil'ils lill ll ' clinic in. l. sensu tiniinl culmlllalmi to the trial to. day. when, round gltilly nil rout-n counts. In... it um allowed his lrnntlalll until utui-dny morning. so that he clinlil rpciid Glirialhlau w'lh hi ti-it-ilrlr and not Indiilld (II-5| In Hm iiicinory U .......y tit-lily ultllisL lluvym's \Ylnnlni g lul|iiwillg c conviction iIiI uccuscti lms liven "0de la rrrnuln trcc cttor illa mum til it..- Jul'y. nu. nll will u thought up {or Illllut' in. alluinluy at ten ii. iii. in 'inlmlIIICI Il [lull ll will iippcul troni:th slim to it... Murilltilm' coull or up. perils. it... nrgullwnl in [alto |1|ilrt_l o. It. Luuqhu, lliiit. Iidc. liiiwinniwltlc, TALE or THE onclllzcirnh 'l'lll- w. .i tircl Mri l wau oriulnally uwl ll) Hi til- elm it. I align L' lilo Ir r IllhllllKuINIIetl Vlhllor will Imw II mm; to lllc plilcu wii i: ll... iiluslchinu tirt: illillu nrd and IS up tIii lli illv' lmrtl Ior il eollri-tlrin | Iliutrlinirnlu running .1 Idli 'I'hn lunl nnlnod iii wind I nlsiil ) ot. in I' inunlicr lis llm' it lll) lk,-Iini lrolll what and how Clll lIn- prolitlltrul hintruinrnts I \w will up cl; in tin- iii-ginning ri:\l(:w iipni days or Illt dun dim d lump |K > i Ilils Ilitllt'an WIN i-rnu .r and rhyililnlt-nl, iiui nnt no ui hti Ei'l it now .iiid. unnd dolin- ting. Now with lill thinning lltcre lilllkl licuiilnpuny II rllyiiimlonl i-x- [tlf'h illln or mind in rlrpplng llloii- lliyilim. 'I'lio li.nd r llir .ritnrul ll mlnllnln hllig the ppm. inrnird l'ollowintl :l .Ilirl tlruma Rhlnx rtml n lupi. p. I krealci cx- nriurlon ,\\lilt:ll w... h. rd rt n urea!- M distant-r. ~ The lilihitlr oI ilir, nnnilli hug- pntoii tnr lulic \vlllnlli) or mu nr or Ilrlllli .d ulltlh. il wind lerullilllilK than.) were nomad l Iroln Inc willtltle oi ill. mouth with hindo pluccd mound ll toiiillni. .i roll to produor humor Irma l'lli' liurli oi tho pntolupc vlr tum hero llhf ll and w"! it... tnilciiiur oi ll 'I li .huiup n... In- :tilhlillzrl il llir Hill-I liat lul or that pnml and many dint hli'nrti \V It In. The hollowed out ll! truni. or a lit allot I no... inc top It Irtli lg plum: iii dl-tod Qkill. Adult. 1 drum in. i; 1mm .1 Illnr lllizr tn.- limlri dd unPlilll touvlng tliln lill olwiicll nl lltr top. 11 drum. pl. it with two such. t nits. .v tlnlu lind lilorts or 'nntl .iud a llltll . mm or n'lnplmnc were .nldt-lt. Stringed lnnlrnnirill. wrrr suggest- iiv llir hm an at tho how llrlns tint. . .i mmw.) ' nsc pnlnlllrr Instrumnils him It... not. ill our mollc rn nrnltcstra \ ilctl ~ now u nunrh-l-tlll callildnallon or hutrulnonle. iili writ titled in. lo- (inn! .lnlllrul purpose. 'l Iic 0 , user] tar outnitlc wch is rhiol hr Inc lnslrtllncnin to rein- Inr c the llrlou: clldmclt m. Now ll. .nrnlioli name or in. cum- [turns in. l ||Ilnl tum most in rtrumunlnl lll producing the nut-alloc- incnt u! tho nrcl tum ~ l..ilh- oi the nth century lirnughl locetllor lailour itruinrnls and do.- .-oln t1 lite til-chain. Ilunlrau Introduced .lir clnrtiict and full inillrumenlli. tinyli nu... tllr rcllnsim Ircc and .llitcpandrni initrulnonlil dlii'zlulk .nrnt it do lliiindpapai gu all: I'Krirl s co to thc 0m humor- . tral crim~ ' noutlnn northoltn lllP ETl l mailer oi sinlnhonlo. lnliotluced lllc lutcil mastery at tho lntllvltlual instruments. \vannrr imc character In the In. Nlnilm nl! which at that llme will a ilil Innovation. Hullaz lnlradurod lllurlc o! a nm ridulc that was slim to cause Ullt are In Inuzll llnd the other to wrrp, tiring distinctly cannlclng iilhnrnts. on a wind at athlt rcr to In. r tin- woildrrlnlly iiiitlll d sini nhrim- 1)Nliu=|m ziI our llinr, and unit- thr mind. IIIu :lntl t-Llucallnllnl lntlill-nro. lhlw ln urn mud.- tIir, .uilelc \Vlll l listening to th 0 hnslra. Tllls Itunlniu plillsr .my SIIHIL' tlrr tho I). I slm 1111} r tlird tn Iirlt pan nt tho symnnom a winmin ~lllliii. llisl It'lllint'l D' c Morrlsun hc. rnil iollhii: Iirl coiiirnnlun lit grldl It-llxlll (lull In a nominal lrlutl undrr. tour, now .lrllilliliul ll wds la n Iii llic mllsl. mHI the c clhsud. \Iulrlron put up with the inultcllng .r lung a. tin could. turn lulnlm; in Iicl- raid, "I JI on Hit nu. mI hut .lhl ) mi cv-riri ISltl in: In tho innilo nut. ilm .nluitl. rlosvil 2 xcxl article will hr rill Itir l l'iil popular unnloul Inrlrnnlrnl oi the d...- W0 . \thuliithqinn. DN: l-i-rri. do... 'wtlun inalikllt li- il ilraulnmaliunu i-rturning the rail. imd. in... rnprrur l h ll. prilulc litrnl ilui-o i I . midi-ill, lirr. 2i d 'lrl lo..h ~ Vil'lilillly .lrstruyod thr plilncc oi the Duchr. n! Mitll' unit, 1",! to cxlinguisn ll liliuluci-srhil. . .ilnlrr .iiiirciiz oi iirl :m llcry wrrr rnnruinrn, in soon or pliodiltlc. - ARCHIVES 0F ONTAR 1"; TORONTO and UH. ' ti (tantrum, iii. no litlle lu i. own hylhe pnhllc illltiul gl[a]il|i|0. and comic. Inity lllt- inctlloll in vogue of r lillinx iiilii null. lill rm... tillc ninth. ore niiucrl. n liltic-crplana- ,ilou on to ihix lill-oi dur w' | nn :lluultl pro. or unnoulii inlrrdsl. 'l llo crud .i no It i. ininrd unit -l'. '3 ] lo IlII: . urltlt't l hilllill'l tl ln gr ..I pili'N in out r lil girl- it an :npporlunity 01 iii. notiut. hclcro lilting uulllicll, qlr'i lill 'riiantlst for GuLtiIlg out Hie our: , lei... urc nntl .nlit pli'cl's oi cl yilllillilit: lilnimllltle which Is fi'" nicntly clicuuntc in the mining opr ntionu. 'lh.i~i cphhcd (ll' ~i llltlll 11th ll lill :ill lllclllll HUN.) (0 Hie runltbl- llnll , - it is pawn-d llil' lll c . uncially oonutruutcd: jar - cruulict- wliitlll rniluu "its L'I utlp ul'i'i lo (I . . mil EXCI IHHK iwo iltcheu iii lillamnlm 'l liih ushed art'- is lbltnu Dll . lill] [ii a liklck housi- Vulim t' wlilch tinnirr' t-ty arljolns t battery- (it (an KtIIILtiltlmgis, {lilo . lion. it in ml in. oc ulioii i . illlil w 'I . cluslltrtl (it ill rc tninud in IF 3 mp. unlit such Hm it i stillltiilztilly tl lti Inllalilli 'L to ush llli UuKVi hr my PP . coil... 111 in it pns. ii-u throng) Iliis c Hillier! on. pulp iot-onv 'nllltlnt . [Hing lnnk, lltul. tmptll illlly ltd pint] In tho, HL HUOR DI lti _ ( d or ganglia, train UH (inolr pt. ion/mi or... rovnluiilx \wi twin) which . out tlic Iliii-Iypnlw ' ui on. or (tli'l 4i. innttn. lL it tlicn i_ri id lllrtiuxlt "mill or tin... II'I', ltd... which [ininl cmttilu r. it In tho stool. roam whens lilo dry eon . . -r .lurod. timinllhi point lllnlli'lt'liclm in. no pound through. . not. in. lollies, which liy polishing pouriir. ' r lo..- th tut, or the Inn. culinu mm. id ilt Iii. ml limt- L l'lhll mly ldl lii-lnh o .i i... wliil lt dlr liitor lipltvd it . All. tliir llit~ [trillllll lN uni in. d it. lniltlliu chitin which :iuluniutioally churn .lud , Diwali- tho r. In I grilliit. inlti tlir iliL it... it ,ulud llti Imli out in the Min. . ll .iii In in. talulr-il in llli~l L timltvlilili, lllill tiic equip. niont hood in [his rotinoiy n. u. oomph dlvti n oily modrrn tlpur null. until: all tlv napcu FOR HVE llaurilz acllocncr on nultrn Voiuuu Dunno 10 mean, tliinrlmtotuwn. (lac. __Atlcr ii .liiruculuut K SCMU! tin... limit" when lllc new llircO-Inaakll scltnunt'i' Dar. hm Milcl wu. duh... lo plcccs 01- Calm Pinv. till the rockniuunu coast oi. vlounl| nil. lion. .I. d. .ilnclidn. ulti, oi Carlligillt. P, r tho uuntr at In owl. and MI .2 incinncrs at the crew rcarhcd lltc lhlimil (in (lilriii- mils m. llacllollald toils n lllr illlng idle or .liIIt-rhln and llird diln, rind wilal no rtgal da as provlilet' lill Inlcr. w-ntlrin. to.- on tlils traction at the mast, It... sf l-nt' oi past. dlhasleru nu tilllcr hlllpulirrv rr. has rent-lied snore i'le ' They tell Ciruignn on Dccrmhur l with a cargo or produce (nl St. Jnlm'b. Nlld. M Inldnlglii on tlic lrnttl "ii: ilurllkwest llunl dlllt' caught them licnlen mllru imln Capt: Pine. ThC) hm to under torrtuil. Ilic wlnti increasing. llie) started to late In the aria remaining hail wllru Gapialli 'i'liolncs \Vtiltllc wall twivpt orclhuird and drowned, and II... trail hinun tu rihlnins. This a: in the A mmnl K. 'i'tlc cavialn's lilhllior, Joshua wtilitlr. the rule. took charge. For 52 hours the it: l lltrutihd rerucl, \rlth decis M -[tl cledr iii P ingo rat-i hclolo tho galu. ant-n in a lilln g snownlorm. under nirc pol. . Thai- View cut .2! sight or luutl and had in Hull wcxonhig. 'l ltll tcnlp. .tul-i- rm, lnr \xlntl tell. liul u llilnk log ( Aiiltz on and the vol- 59! ralltd hi the trough or tile moun- lhlnnus tins. Finally :3 halo sol .ind cm: is headed tor wlii-rc lhr lilllil we. illmilisdtl it. hi, it al rcrcn motor) on tho nlglii oi unit the nth, :llz trashed on the [UK s. \\'i||i Incl. hauls iltmourhrd Mil-lionunl and tho (illtrrs hung on b) mp... ulrr the it... di tit tho alii'illt i'll hull kir Iilr hours will llal) drenched by brcls null inn. lug tit-cit. In llIi-lsurl rlrry niluutr. .u Iiilillllgln a. portion at llla mils rlrlli lniihd oil and diIItl-d l n the... and the Inuit. UV" tld lillmuldu: ilanizplillt tiny killed to [lie rhorc. llwrlicitd toward a pirprndltulir clitl, sit It l'l lllglt. 'rlir cllnlh was i n-lluili nllhllii dr and ti nus not till drillillit Lil lhl mull-d llle sumlnlL \ illn lirulrrd luld liictillniz Hull)! and lzillcwd cliillthK. and saw Inl- urluw lhglrwllls ct ntln. tr... once u Hil ) Iluuimnd tlolL r rrrsrl, \dilt lirr Hum-n hoinalid dollar mgr hf caillt Iu uriri on her unldeli midst, rl Mk: :IHPF Iler Istlnclllnx. rev Children dry m rtzrclirll's x thorn. II, Tlic 'elcclim in mm: 'l nwn V rultcd ais Ilium - mmf \ychh; DPpullcii Munhlt and I pa' Launclllnrs, Dnle nuri'ricll. ' \Vllllcllllrclr~lohlx llund mnv l ly Aluoidcm and Marion .Ynnu: licliutlcil; hoot Smlili and i. nurter' acunclum. i i a t G\v||l|inliury- Jas. pimhan more; llcnry llallcr, licpuly; (kiln: clllnr' , \\'ll [IL-WED, 1. P038 and 090 lloliiorn ' NA: rkc'. - KBBM I liorllIm the c. cl... Ehlilg'c, A. .I. M email I. Hi C lull \V, H. Um En. 5r .ount-llluii. i\ur0m ~\Vm, hopper. ilrcvc; G. L Stephenie", c. w.- Graham, I. B: hogan, m, Vme, Counclllorit. lluilrnil .nmuinl w. ll. Thom: W , ans, . cClum, ii, .I. Thoma: .vllncun and Thai. l lino. auunclilri r. mirth Gvdlumilmn lbnxe itmlli. Relive: .lcnn Pall-Darn, rlloa. Glover. plum P iwr Mid illhcrl/tiarilclu Lhunclllom. Ftnorgiru hlc mdilhll. limo; n1 4 it. i - . . coming . r om INI umoincy, . n loin. Slock' his lich tin-ma In .luroru lo contilnicl a race caurae. The ufli'ccni owns. (allow. a. .I. mum. hluior not and Dr. silage. tih guu in... P. l.. 1 out or luchlntind mil contribute. a w Year's Porn. The Italian in . minke! resulted as lotion Mayor, 1 . J. ilolirrison; Earle: DI: Ill . T. J. \Voodt uc U ? FLY Whittl- ilcld. 1. Elmer 'l 'rrivcll. Jr.. 11. (:utiy, .Iolni L v , . A. Smith, J. P. u Triwil and N. .I. Mil-i . c . IIHII Trl v". Pretty. T, i. "mulch and Dr. Scott. lill tlr cllrd lliy noclrlmliioi r. .nnlli oi Ottliwu r em No I i ai llB'llOWB " p v Jim. W. W, I lsyler und daughters rpcut iiiirliitma In Toronto. All... Mullet L ronc ot omnin and lint, Illrnd inc immian tlin l inllday mill Ail-u. tit-o. \vuoll. .\Ir, ti. [lane and Iainlly i chi N w YM tiny in urulirorii.vihn Kul sh or Mr. . L ken. . lla'l (iluru . nnlng was A! Iiomo" to u numlltr at ll ' 'Irlrndti' on NLW Yours Nlalli. Mr. Fan Millard llnrlllltnr til Yr" and tin. G. (2. amnlu tilitht New . . l.)Indn Helen". mount to the rily tllll , him sllw-r naught I? h \mltrkll on Salurtl . wr-rt- [min :50 lo 37:. melt. irgc lltnillnrc ill Witch Night - rnrllcc in the Mulliriillsl Church a x. Yr c cw. . .hi llir rwnlng or New Year's I NI. tllu clliilr :intl oroiirtln at Inn Man... ntlt'hl tilini-rh ntlrntlcil TM Mei-link r .liirtr. at... not unpurriui mi... 'rto nun 1| illrotlilg oi the tics ("1 Iatik pl. on \l'crtnrrday u cnln ullrn lllr- lulllivimk \wm r mied - .I. i'. lluillrr. l in; Moods, .lltirri nod; non. . is: Kmeull rid .ilii. liemroio iii llr third ipcnl 'cw imir's will. ills. l-rclllr. ilr. John Sll illh cl Chlcaso my in Tour. tor a rough. at a Mr. (Irlklcpllor Sloulf ' oi Shin!!- itllr ripen! New Year s DJ) win: Mr. A. nirrr. llr. Nclgnnfraylar arllrod (ram III lint-i I Ist our and lint-M . w Yzar a niln llls .tluuhter. ilr... .l. w. option: Mnr nrcharct. til I,- guthcrlnir took place at. .\I . llanmll Lundy' , lill or wnll ' onurrh. on Nrw \ a U1) . Fayl) won prr irlil comprising lolngenud- tion<, up M Home mix plurr al Ihe rest. .lrnrr u! ilr. Itr.l..ion'd Sllllpsan an ill: lat or .lln. .ltrx. Muir, is... ll. .\.. a! Tumult) attendtd Inc threat or in: mud. dilikllivl . lililc \ i:ra. last Monday. Tm- rollon-lrig dinners lnlllllcd tor lhr- ilisoulc Lmlgu. 'Fhliradn mm in. T. ll, lininton I . McCormick, It .J. 'arncambe . Ito... lit. II. llduslon. Pi . in. . 1'. ll. 4 l . J. .\L Wilton. it it. llrlnnun. win. urnlirdy. J s Ii: 1. Chas. no... I I Iltiwluir ul rers .ltro lr.. .d at it l'ilonili illitlall n Hildrrlor, 'l uNtlay' nlrhl : willrr .iriiillagr, Fri-ll \\'nll|an Ulirit . tint! Elk rulill , La~l lrlih} -'\rl|lllK Mayor Ilnlti rt- it... t-ill ihlml lllt Town Council lo . dinnor al the llcynl llotrl l'lii- l't-llihiih Miro , lirr. acih, \\'. It. the Inuit ill Ills Hill 3... Al anonto, llt r. dl, Stephen \Vu hv itrr. lurintrh oI mumlrlcl. In Ill! nhti. y.- ll. Iziil Gulllimlilin'. Jiiii. hl. Jilhn hum. In I. call. )IJY. Munoz. 'Inlfixc and '1 uchE mxrun: I re m lliwlt Shut-inc. hlIcHlldin link. rt .. .is llllxril in \tllcl-Lh. Willa"! .nl hiul, arruiliuhltd rinlwnnul in... li r (ram BOTH hither and laws: bowel and pm-ruls appendtrllls. iteiigwo ANY CA . gar. ml shilmlrh or com - i FTA. '|' .[lk nl iii. in rzllrprllrs holn dirt. l Hunt-u min m- purl! .r lint-11!! ii . loin aming :15! at ludtrrltloi. glut tour KWI w. .I. mun-u... h ._- A u