Newmarket Era, 20 Feb 1920, p. 4

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.lPIm lll'llll .L, l lllslllllo [halls I ' null powo . .lol IInmnIIorl. 2:5 I 0 Selnuallmmg ill the muscles, "neuralgia", sorcness,achingbacl<,pimp 1&9, boils, rashes and other eruptions, us ally'resull. from sel poisuning by pr duels of imperfectly digest ad or nona elimlnated foot]. . 5 lug: help to {dilate :lcllvllyofllvcr, llowelll, kid- llllls llllllllell l H" Kllldl ol llnw Fun lllallEaT I-IIIoEII FAID lllon All ((lndl III Junk and For". l . in. F. GLOU H, :l Ilanru noIIIh a! II'InI; Gunny: IIoIcI oo qulolln Moduli hall I Ire-day II no Ln nlcolrlaxllnln: whln Amulth xorlh Iho - nonunul .llnl .nnnnmnnrcr, Mlld onu Inn all on III-ups lllul uerch nIoIhnr durum rho chlldhooo oz. ll... prorcn. Ironcnnloo. glI unnonIIu-nlcu Inol ||Iu vnluu n'uIl oonvoulouoo oI clnclrlo I. no. rcongolrnu unul Il oeoncu Io I V Ton luoh FUND". I Pull. on Tlmcl WhI In In... lonu'oI ill... Ilny uro III. ullorly wlld II II I. n maIWIl bfl on; no lo .nnn v why ucnr n, u all... lry layman! Io IolI-Iw Inom II III would culllvolo ,monl Indiv- Ilunllly uml oul. llkc u lol. ol Inoc lollow Ihn load oI name uorluly looIln l mu nurc .nuymomon IvoulII 41mm Ilium hoqulnuly. ln alllcl.,lul lulble rormouln rum .1on IIIu Inohloun. Frldu oI nolly llow'npnpnro. sunoou llolornh. a ll o mull-low- IInpnr comm. lw nuhlhIIu-u III .. prIl L IM 1w!) UIJIIllI, wllnl lIImlll IA " 1' NHL nun 'l , II o nuIIIIo hou rlnnu or... III mnvln nrlr... II-nm Ilm ounln In I. nunrrnr. In lcc oI-nn... Irqu (Inc cnuln II. II... nclllllK; II Ilurcly III... Klllllg (0'I|II|| l l dlllu Ill Iluwu Immune II In... In nny hull u .Ilmn Innlcnn II lwu cumin .4 l' Ils' lllUrlll K III uIer. AL lll'tl nonl . wI II-wllllzd. WIlll-prlllllvll ll lmlll Io nI IIl ll chnhn In. alll'lllllIK um: u... hhy. , Elnnnllul ulnmonlo oI sway. I.on.l.... AIlverllHr: : *l lnern l v. - III....I.IIIIIII o-on I. u . mm In 4].! IInnIlII In on unhoolu, nnIIIIulv. hluh ncllrlIIlN onII unllo (illllIlmII who nru Mlurlud In IIIo IrIII. you... huowlnuuo nl lIIo In wn . In a - l llllr InII nor-I Ior- IIIoIr loclh. knun clunn. know how (0 {wold ullllll and ulllm culll- "It... Illsnnslw. Ivlll lm'lw lIlln men and women wlm wIIl ruIIcr Ion-c {mm anIlnnry nlImonIv IIIrIII noun lIIo pron. clll Kcllcrllllnll oI mlulln. Tlm r.lounonl Trlnh a. man ooulu uo. lloclnr. Worm: umullmc II mlnhl he I noon hloo In wullucl II conlunr In lIIIu unncr Inn lllu yoryonn ocnu In "loll" Mull II! lllu ll'lenllmd trick A .non counl do. ll. oerlnlnly ohnln ln ('llllllllfllu IIII .IIIn. Inunnncuu Iroln II.r Ior nu mun wnuIIl III-In ll.c Ilerw: to no nhcnu nud per-_ mm. an no. whlcl. unmoono clIIc hnv IllnuloInII rm lho Inonncnl .Inl oI Ivhlcl. lle couln cn nI . 'ro Ihcholl rulllng#our l. n or (he .ucnncnl man la nun who clnlmn crnull Ior cvnry not nl uronmnu In IIIc Golnlnunlly by any, ll IIc lIInImhl nI ll lcn yon... um). IInv Tl. ' ncys. and akin, and so count, ' 9mm ..qu lllllllswal 'l ullcs new Bymp lld. lI. Fonu Ill munlo MI toms. .w rm *1 o. o. Luuulmr, he huc M II. moIII llllerallllllg on... Iccln In luc 'lllenry or hluulo 1.. Form. Form lo me plan or Ilcnlnn unnn Much I. cumpmlcr llulldIl IIIII Inca... 'rIIInlI nI I. hulhlnr Junl llulllllng oun lIovInn In Inllld no purunulor slum, um um um know how many roomv lo huvo, mm no la huIIIIInI; lunL Inc some. Inc rooull Ivlll hc no lnrm, no orucr. A Inmporor mun. work on llle comnnnh llou nocornlulr III Inc man he hon In lnlnd. In muIII also ullalylll: Ino Iorlll III I connunhlou In lIIn mlml \Vlly lIull yall lllvnsllnalll Inc nlrn ol r. houoo or IIuIIIIIIIg. .IunI Ior I. .no...n..l. llllllk 01.1 lllullu oomposlllon. Jusl a Mlorl Illl'l ll may Il Ye llvn purls. If on. .ull II llllrrll-y form: ulellllllllayll IIIrcnncn ~Ilc unrlo on n.- anlly Ior .IunIlIloII roorulu. n couro. In ono oI shnrrn uuhoolo IIIII qonlny you In mum quI' Who Ior ooIn. quun II 'Irool oI dnrnunn Io.- mlr u! dunlu. Address PI malnloon, ohlelwf rlnolnlu, Venue and ncrrard aln., To. ronlo. now TO OllnE anE on rlIIcII _ IIEcK ny o nulnlcss homc InIncIly III rool null l. 1.2. .u... ll Iwnlo lIuIn. Iml In I.n horml n rumclnIvu uy l lnlurllmllllll In 4 IInII will IIIIIIrI u l ml. Marlo. llnx 337. 'I oronlol Dlll. "(mo-l; or nPPLlOII IIOHiFD DIVOHDE Nm lcll ls llerully ulvun IIInI Edllll ush ucll, III Ilro Clly uI 'rnraulo. IIIIl Gnuuly III Yolk, In IIIe Immune 0! annual. wlll almly Io llm PIIthIrncnl oI Gamma, at rho nexl ocnolou llloreul (or o IlIII III nlvorco IroIn ller hu 1mm. WIJUIIIn erc Ilell, now rcnl hug and dolnlollod In llrc uold Clly 'l'rlmlllm l Ihe County a! York. on lhu gamma III udullu-y ohrl dcszrllon. llA lil) M, 'roronlo lhlr IIII. day or John .IUD. mo. EDITH SARAH BELL. by her snllcllora. lll)|lll{|7l"l , GODFREY, PHELAN' LAWSON. 'Io Aarlnhlo w.. 'I oronln, HOYICE uv A?lLlollrIoIl mvolIcE roulu, In lllc l'Iulrly ol III II... l-zIIIIIIurnI nI (Inn.qu IIII. nnII. Sonnlon lllurwr, Ior II nIIl or UlIIIll'llr; Irn... III mlc. .lsllle I;II IlllI: llllull, oI Lhe ally III umlllo, llIu Ilnunly Ynlk, nn IIIII ground IIIIuIIery nun .II 'IIIIon. DA'I'HII ul .lonunry. A. II. 1920. IMIIIIIJI Illralull; Ilnnl.l.. by In. Slrllollom. IUJUIHVI K'I'PI. GODFREY, PIIKL N A LAWS ll, Ilolnllorr I r ll... Pelllloner, [mud Inr yrnru ImnI onlrnrl. or normal. Ilnolly gum llu' Illnqu rm ille. huoIIl.o.u hnrlI, clc., no Inlxud oNI: hnlun prmuud uconuso MlerAJIu ooh. on DO H IIyle: um lnwer hawal I. Amen h. ' IrnI. mum. II Imlovw Ill 1qu Innllzr wllloh iono rrrlolrudl. lulleveo ANY c 1501 bblmh or an all ilolnlmll. Ion Gllm wnnllmunn. lPMndlmlI. 5m. Nemmkel, \vo Irnvc currrl gollrcu uI I no ycmln rlnndlnr; In I. In Our Iroollnnnl Is Kuuran- \vrlln Inr (me Full Nll'l'llllr ls hereby given that Hnr- olo Acorns null or In any o! lo- 1 York, nun l ruulllxr nr Ilnl. o, Eullller. \vlll up. ornuln IIIIr ZEllr ony oI (Iqu WIFE aLvtlmule MIXTURE A IuIIrca rnrrolmnl \lean who am- ) A w. .I. pollen-In. unlu- known as Mr! ry (arm, I; II [Ian I mom or Inn. oounucln II. II .II lunl lhn Imuc on cool. roolll nl ll": house my ho oomph n llollll 11nd lIuI lwo llr R an mallw \\'l|| (an11 :| complain onnnrt lllllo lllluse. \Vullo sneak In}; (I! II IDIIVQ llll ll: clllllllllll: ml Ulls NIMI MCII MOI M IIIII |lI)lll: mus! lul n Ilool \\' 0r nonr Ihrnuoh \ lllch , ls lj aln mam (I) room. Ilhn Iluor lnranl II. llluslu n c .oncn ur mom. Inrnnl. Ionmor I u Ilnnl. I. A lll riml [II In... .Islcunlou soulnh II III ll anl . III alllilll va dIIn l you lllillk II \wlllld hr ulnr nlrgln I... sum/nonln IIIIn In, no my II Il.r.y 'ulllll no... lry llr: llh llNl Inln nl ms .l [5 well In To \VI . Ihnlr runslo In III... nun. .I pl 'ls . IIIr nulIlInu You know omunlnung . . III: I s olnlr or romposillnns. A . . I 1'th ls I llvlld , n Inuslcul 'N Irlny II llwl vav Iizhl UlllllKl . .I. ll) I unsung III III-r. 1* V" WW " .ucnnIn-nn. huh I. lllis may he l nhl nlllI' lIlny II wmng n .llviIInII. 'rl... slnollcnl sub Illylnlon Now My ll \vnulll M1 or .nuslcal germ ls caIIrII " III: III.- ll\'e" \\|l|L l| nl when no In. nnly III lwo or lIIroc holes. .anlnus kinda oI I'm-In Is men. n ourl. :lsVnIIlll mm... lunlrumculnl PIIrIn, onrl Illxnu InsIruInpnlal Furl" will. Vocal IIoIrII. ngnlu Inolrunlonlul Vow... may he Illvldcd. or srrlarulco rornnllnul; hko IIIIs :- C:Inan "Colllranuulal Calu nonlllon": l uguc "Suhlm," In large Colnnnslllon Ior ,olo lnalrumcnl." . As l.uIIIIIIIr nlmclurro In In rlzc or we): as, small unnlllng honor. I. lorrn house, IIIn hlrnslon, and mo Cnsll no .lo Illo comhnslllon rlruc- 'Ilrr my III slzf, Lol us sludy n lmnlc lIAllnll, Il.c Hlld Ivn llcar nunI-y any, We wlll ulllllyse It rst: we have Iour monouron lnlrnnucllon 8 Much usually nunorsln II... klnd ol Inn : un oI Inc Man , lallowillK lllo lulrooorllnn Iyo urn Inn Inlo IIIc Iim Iml oI Mnlmnurlln-I, lIIcn (Illa IIIo erroml IInI-I, nl=n hunorlnnlr somn he Inn rlIIIcrrnI Melody nnd Ilnr- many. Ulfll III. rrIuIn Io ll... MAIN Ml l ogoln; nqu In lllls Iv-o haw. lIIn l'lllu. n .IllInrnnl rIrIIcluro, n ullroronl lnno or Lr) . 5w III. nol .III-I-II IIIcro Innn huI mlurll ln IIIr MAIN norllon ml \ dnll III. rlnlu Inerr. now much IIIr Inn oInnII llwnIIIug In lIIIo March: .Inlr lllc llkruc i: rnl lhn llnll Hulrorlonllnu). IIIr-n lllav LIVING mmnl, (Innln nnrlloul II. II... KIT (leer wllll Ilo oIIIII-onl maker aralr. Ic rcIurn Io llln MAIN u llnlIM In nrnrr lo {1:55.10 Il.c Mll-|ll IIIIoI we analu rclurh lo 1hr. LIVING ROOM ( In llIcInI) mld IIlnd ur. I-hrhl II no mm a l- lNAm: or Ilaml Isnll , IolnI Purly In ll... In n III In lu oI CenIuI-y Ihrm lIlII Ivor -.u n'nlr.ullou callnu llIo Mill- nerhlgero, I hand 0 mush-Inns made I... Irom Iho onrnnlon people. A IIIIIc luler nnolhor olaenlullull was round. I ralllllg lllemxnlvul Tho mnnlrr. IIIo KW- rlurcrs. Ill: ussuclallnn being much more IIIIrllculIr n In Inrnlhor- Nl- , an... nlro rormlnlr rull's In Illualn. rho ASE ullIln ll tho ..rl. lo murmucmnlly. . 'I'lIMI- rlcnmnlnry Ilrlllcllllrtrl nl Ilmlllll, who r IIrnvcmcnl Io Iron... IIIcII- Igllllvl norlloulurly IlIooc ol lho cmhloonlh vlllu lnvrnIoII .llllcronl wnn afterwards known Iu. Inn l I'lIIIIlr nI lIlnocI-n MMlu Iva lcmnorcn hurl hm!!! llle nounrlnn cIIIIolly Ivcll, chI know Inr IIIII (Invollcu. rlrnrnrlnn unvnllna lute our and nlelodlo nlmnlIoIIy. I The nrcnlcol Form In lualrumnnlnl. mom Ior o .Ihorl lhuo'ulIor no In pul Io uorr, uulll ulIcr ho lo .IIlorrorl 'lno Iorcucnn .Iuo oulnrgomout rmduully lncrwnu. and ulnlo lho Imelllrlg muy nol oppcol lo IlIo touch. III. nolld and rum: an It rst. II or... um mo "9 IuoIlnI; ooodnlon 01 um unrouo no. ' noun, The v/allll nro lhlckc. 'rnln wutuluu nun or owner. unII In oullno II nurulnnl nllncem. Irrcaunnol lu ollhor cam: oounlnu. III mnlIhIIr II Iron lnclvlnu Ihrouyh the walls III Iho (Ib tab. In IE IUVLI II 11nd, ) nlluu (lea e mp0 all an. col-(emu, und Ihc-II Ilunhlng oul Ivoll IIIrc'o or lour mu: dully unIIl hcnlrd, whh n me our bull. nolullon lu ImIor. III on or Iho cool lur nullncuucu or curlmllc held. In IlIII. none Inn IIIIIlcnI .nunl IIuyo .rwl, or ho worked In I. brcanl oollnr, musln l9 (l zlm) Ilnyzln: ho nlso Ihynnlrll III:- 5. rlmz OIIancIln and Inn symphony Haydn III known BK Ihc nonnlns onII Illnrcs. In ll . nllllnlrgll Innnunlllnno or. I. Ilmm. Ilnun'urc (lll )' wrnn I I ' rr . an: on "Dtytr'l nhlm ol Aoplrln" . I n Hugo." punk-II... plnul In II... .IIIon Thoma-yer (new of ynonln; III-3 you I... y Allpltlll, by nlnumu yeln .qu prol c llnon Ior llrmlnchv, Nellmg llhoumrlhm. Lumlngo, Nulrllln, .qu Io. Pall: gcnuully. llnnrly I: In In. or .Iurl punkrnnc. I 2 mil mark l'cltlllt d Ihaporln wllh which [he cullllr eomon III CnnIIIIII, ol llnycr llnnuIar Mononcclluoloorlrr ol Bnllcyllcnclll. wnllo II. In nnll known urn Arplrlu In], u", who , 1mm moon. hoycr .nnIIquolurc, Io onnvl II..- uhllo nglllllnl. luIIInlIImI, lho mull. oI l.ld.. u-III In. M. huh I Illnlr I m ul IIIIIIo, Inorlc, ll... "Llqu cm...- Il-yox Crou. n Cold Mud: In Cuman er 0...... mounlvnuono nnvl IvIIII noun In gI-Iler norolonmnnl. -In In IIIvIrInnonIul multh Inuny Moon an, wIIII llnprM/Ilmlml nI Ihe Ill-Iran and K. IIInlrunIeIII/I. lune". lIIo Ilolnl "Marl-ll purl-Ilan- _ 'l'hc Clluml IvIIIInul ncoonlnnhhnunl." ccnlury, uucII non! wrol llIr. wordn oxnnnno ol I [Ian wrlllIlIz any Solnrnnlly "Somalq" nnrl lnvonlcd I nIIIcr IIIoIlcrll lmllrulncnlnl Mums and o! IIInnI humor. 'rhn hronml In at that over- llveIl wIIII Ilcolllol onlnmoll unnn olrlllu um llnrlhovcn'n III-colon ln Iy Orchcnlmllnn and 0pm} Iv re-InoIIlIInIl by Wayne. \ vllll [IIVllll ll lloul nrly Ills cxnonolun \l. . Ilnl: IIIII Imn 0' am! llrl'lll. I .Iml In IImImIl l.l.n II (lurk (Illll cI-nryllnmz, II In IIIII chnylnI- I horn InIlI d slllmlllmll nlIllIrl/ll' ulnnlny I... nml Ill Illnr . xplrlln ln n Imhllccln . or l ann In \lu rIoIl. rnI nll arr. IunII II In the rnlns - II llrl IIl lllc IIIlInIIvhlu Ynl \ w nI llllhll 7 "Lournlnn Io Pluy" nnul ho Iunny InI-II 'rIIleIII l .loI'II. nnln: nrllnf or us poor llllmz, II. plm lhn all I'll Iry In llu .III- hrsl IInIl Inorn l-zlcll Ilny nnln Allll n llul I. For lIon I-c Iho Innu Illa! made Inc v r [ ake n :l I . Just wlIaI the mole: Iunns And so my ollglll II. In.on run my me muslc o mannl lo nound And how II ouglll Io an. . no. ..\Vnrnon mm workers III hallo. cam 25 cenls lol Iwolro lmum \\I2| LlFl CORNS 0R noInsn'r hum callus off \vllll nuels Iloll'l suller . drug um. Apply n no. dram mm a reel. men IIII llrrnlgn. IJI- vonIInII lhn ohsmyllll: nl lllrse ruler .. Inn on lmxm I lllln: In .nunlo. 'rlmv rmnglea InurnIInI-nlg mm IlIrIr schools neru oninl u: vIllII nrnnl and IIcullIIy uuo .nllum. 1,. WWW] ("63 In your only my onlng gennlno um .21 orhdmdpd '" llIo-nnlr drapll oul. and II Work ho 3' but I'mn' WW" I" " W continuedtho [ml-III become rnw.'l-IIIII nI IIIc collar nl .ncnl llmcu lo ollolr hymn 'dry. and men orcnn than holornnuu l . I ,l l H ' [IIIV " m on llnc Ilu II vlnz oI colIl nowr. Iu IIII IlanII Form-I am no am all keys m e uuouloor All .I rnnurl ol pronoun. "9" W ."m or run oullur. One roruI or Inn: Irou- ll) I)": Inuloro" am In nllkalln" Irol all n pun nl IlIn nunlunn, hul lgnornnl v/llo when Mr, ulllmrl II Mr. llaol..uuu omen. "Wm 0 mud, IIIIoIIl lho oonnlrlenoy or Inner r MI. 0|" nollco junl horI rnpllon. no lnorlrlnl, Ilr, Ilaol. mm .0 mm no lanlgvr oomnonn... ho un-comrono. l Drulorln Farm was Krenlly rnlarz- 'I hchorno ovlnm pnluuhen prcanuro cd hy llnnocl, lIlE vmrkli ohow Gland In my upon mp mum comhlnon IIIII. InnIIon rcvrnlu I. ouelllnx. The nul- young lady. lhc IIyInIIhnn n. IIIIancIIm llIlyIlIl lIrIII InvenlmL and IhI-no no- I ann IIIrIII P l, mlllc II III; wrn In In: maul c onIIIl mow II. ntm Inurh nanIIInn onvl owers hIII \IanI mm In hr. \\l IIl|l| IInvc I ' CALLUSES OFF Lin any com or 'uIe plauled r. Prezmue costs on o my soul: ol nhy coma. Illuu: nno "nerd run on hol- wlrrn Freezunr. removes com (mm In: Iqu or oollunu mm llll: Irole nl/fncl. me am henrllh ls Inn oInlI [rev/chmle lcndel or v :36 Mmb onduonn ( I? Mn ). . My Alum lot hurl work, a... oollnr urn pnr vparly' nun ll... nrlvor ob- wlonnbln procoullonn fro "old llaulllo. II [I seldom Ilm hhoul- :" . HEN- nhMIWWIk- l work. or II... collar door on; m pro- 9071]. or II. orlvor III camlma. Irou- Ilzzl norm: 1! In good prnnuco In any ln (mutual. on I provcuuvo mcnnuro. In IucI, III muuy cane: II III [50 lo Bhouldnr lrouhlcll are usually raun- ed by lll-llulng oolhml. but In homers nut acourlomud Io worlr, may occur ovou when Ibo oollur mu nropcrly. . Tlm quIIl common IIhauIdcr Ironblo la practically III Iorrn o! neohllng. Thu IIIIIII I Iecomcn Inllnm'cd and louder. III ollcn dug Io noglorr In clonnluu an... Iron ol the collnr rcgulnrly. nloo Ihorounnly clnonlng ll... nhoulocru rnrulnrly. nurl rollurn Io remove [1] : I lo alloulderu hnvl collar Ionu lo hrcoulo Ilng the wllo r on ugoln. For [real- n. _IInI. n lollou moon or our ounco wch a! nculnlu n! lL-ld and aulvimlo Drobhhly u... or... applloallon. 'r)Ilu uhnulu III. nupllcd Ihrco or III... llmc: dnlly, Andy Ir pau3|hlu, Iho uulmul nnoulIl he moi. real or worked III II broan'I collur. Almr I or Iumorn my (arm on ' on. upper... ouIIIIoIIly. A avclllnx or couulnoruolo nlno III noglceo. II. III not Ivory tumor or mm In prcnnuro. and " III round to ho ml! and IluqunllIIIs nhou hunder. 'rhln III called I. "nor- ll conlolnn II Inlu Auothur Iorm Elmira more :IoIIlr. nnd 0mm. ml can work null ovlucm lllllo pnln, hy to ulnnII Ior ll low Inlnulon. III cr- III. rI-n ' coudlllon lrnuI Ilk comm III II Illrrollu InII-Ior. 'l lIIn mm It. A IIIan Incl on In Innde "Ell! IuI sl the conIro M an enlargement. oven u very IlIIlu run he moron: II. wlll ylcld lo the lrcclnII-nz tor n abacus. llul II no no. nelprcsunl Inn The lulil be CEM- fully ourcaou oul. Iho hound much. ed, morn u when III In whom Ila HEW encave of pull which Ian"; I... .1. II, only Iraumenl In Ill rollon. wholu ubrouu zmwlll during Inn hullng pram-all, 1",. Iran ! as an ounce ~Dr. .lzonl. o. A. college, GuoInh. l'>lnnll..g meld lk-Auw. Wonder, Schnl eld. .Ellloll. ole. .13 Important lo mum on Carly olrnl Ia lcsl IlIn gnrmlnntlon. umI Io maul Carly In u... moral. or June. lrlI-lcl new. are grown nunoensIul on II nrrnI vnrlcly 0! roll... They do on lerllle [and .hlch may In. rlmurl no lunm, runny or Bravell) All BOILII (or bean Dronucllnn poruoulnrly I'Iell oulu, loam; my. would be well underdrulnm eIIlI unlurnlly or :u-ll clnlly. Wm. rnroll vruvolly dralnnge even cluy sells have Prgdub on llcclns zallnlhclollly III reza rd holn yleld nun ounIlIy. u . non unII nro lIoIIucnny ro'IloIch uy Inrlnu rmluo In other orcllonn. ll: 0! real llllllortance 10 EYE l Hand thoroughly Culllvalcd and ncrd boo nhlch III null. mnlsl. And mellow. arm by unlng every Iourlh hrs on nIIghll . lug mall hm dry Iho henna sllallld culllvalcd oocnslunnlly rloolr. hunge. an alfalln'llny. ovcnlo llllle allure. nlll bu rellrhorl .Very much by am . and wlll keep uIeuI In good henlrlr. Dye Old, Faded A my mu 0, "nlnrnonn Dyu" IllnlIo uhaouy Annual dor lronblu occur... but whoro loo" Elly-Mam for lIuhIlI huII .IIIII lIcnII vl'emll'dl tor I by .olr. 'bh In vo'ry llnhll) Io occur, when ' ' 1:1 Ill 12 Inblrln Ibo IlIo homo hon u long can oI hour In slowly. II. more or Ian Mom, In Incl ncIn much ILIII Iron... III. II purulent IL In non-III um I II. III nol ooz- llllu to olnznnnc dc-Ilnlluly unlwcen r. tumor and II purulent ubnuul mu: very Ihlck \"l lln, \Illhoul ornlarlng. u ml; Io allcgml Inllummnl unlnshl. n 'l'omnln I rnlrlnlcllM of "If: ol llle vnrloun klndu III IchII brann ,lhu gronzosl domnuu Io Ior llm Cam inloll \VlnIo, ol whlcl. more are nov- ornl horned vorloIlea .Iuoh an Early I henna do unmoulorly wcll nllor clnver or gross mmer When In n uule localllII-s and In lllnzu sccllona where eld henna on. gml m oIIIenrlvely. boon planters lue zcmcllmm uIllD|Dyed. On IE mu. lIorlly oI hum, however. Iho unauo II. on orolnnry 5mm 1mm. 'l'lIrro noun per new ol Inc III-n henna I II blunted or. average roll II the roll III onrlloulnrly rich, no cror. Ino ouonIIIy luiglll be reduced Who-u Inc ona ct llm grow- lllmuElloul Um SEAADKI in dcslra) Illa weeds and In (arm n III-Io sulhcc Inulyru nr. c. A. anII, a. A. College. aunhnr Dress Material'r... no... on n. I... .. WW II he um arpwllurrn In each nool. llml yloland, clovorn lcnnlno wIIIch llrorIIIes Iorh ynllr _ V In". rattan A, Firml'wlnlg srATEIIIIII ? r 'I ' ap'oll flIl-L' BE Ammo EV arl'v BANK j, I Fltrnlor- In connoollon I~IllII hlo (arm onorollnno. ll provldex you wIIlI n InonlIIIy or yearly ulalcmcnl or ncn'clllln nnII III lhc em; 0! yollr'yonr ovals torlll Ihc lollll Iarln vrodunllon, oI vmdunllon In each dcpnrllncnl. and me not Drum. and Loon Ivhlch I 7r... IIIII word In olmpllchy. ' . II In no IIIIJPLE nny nun. who our. road or Who any school buy or- olrlqnn Iollow ll: prlnnlplnr I no COMPLETE Inn: II In hnnrllly onoomo by / uroll'n nInIplIIlm ucoounllnn hymn. Ior donrrlmonl or your {arm . ' Ion Ilvo.ynnro lln.l The null: In... nno Inrmorol oronnlrnuon oIIInInln and ilnnnclnl mm. Dnvmm ol lmlInIIono Scoll'n [B IIIc only I'nIrncr'u AccnIInIing Syslcln In In willth a oomplolo rulcmenz a! nvnry hrnnnl. ol . II. (rlwl lllanII~mmllll hy,rnonIh-Inr III-u yearn? III cnvnruIl. THE Erlll .0FFIGE hue consonIoIl II. nnI M Illnlrlhuung Agent (or Newmlrkol and vlclnlly. mil mnl nun Iho Ilnnk-I nnIl Inn-c Illoln oxnlnlnul. 0m" Toronto Miter. 0. l-'_ lllcn. Iormur bnlo Manager I lllv IInncrlnl llallk or Cannuu. IIIcu , I-uu lIIrco nIonlIn. nr IlIc lull lorm was II... connluorallou Inn CounIy urlmlnal Cmul extended to \\'m. Cody, Wlln l5 or you... or one. lln ploovlul gullly lo pal-Jury. II nnInll nnrly III .glrh Irorn ovcr- sea-I ornvou ln IIIc rlIy lusl nook. Thu: lllalarlly llud come ovlzr [LI dellllllc Illunllonn In houroholn non-loo. llcprunlmlllllv H M annuallors In Inc uoluncI lrnrmors nrnl: moI nl Inc IVnIlnor llounc Inn Ivcok null .lccluco In luInIr IIIo reqllc ll. nI Ilcnonlors II. I... rounhl Inc mlluunl or IIIrIr unnunlln hulom Um ncxI Ilc nloll III l-arllomonl. wu young Inon Iounn gullly or llll hnIl npanllun mlllcll lo IIInIr non- lcn II. That 1 . lloI-nurl Lennnx orrnu In Ills nunrnrn In Iuc lury IIIIon no r:- I ml lo Inn New YUlk l.IIn llln Ilr nnI Company .19 n "houlloso on.- nnrnIlon" woo nhrorrcd hy Jul-Hm: \llllunk llI IlEalluI; llla cum- pouy'n. Imonl agulnal I. .Iuonmonl oI J Mlcc Hose. \ Ihll .Iw dcd Annle l3 I'lk 211.111'lnsurnnco. llor hun- I nl look oul lllls Insurance on Apr " Io. Isl-l, nnII also on March Ill, 1018. The cammny c lalln lqu Sclclk Ilhl nnl mIIIIc oorrocl nunym lo lI.c ununl .IIInIlinun In room In menu. and - ImlnlI II II hnpnnclhlo lo nzy lle lllL L \mrds Ilil] IIIII projlllllcl: lIII: o I... snlll ll... olIInI IuIIInn I. rclorr- ' remark. 01 Women's nIIssIoII-Iry Snclrly Annml Monumr In Old 5 Andrrw'o Churnh (Jam: nml Chrllon Elk. on 'l lun-rdny Vol. 2m. and mm. mlonnfleo ml 8 n. m. 2 and l 50 n. In. hullc mm or ll.o on Sunday I-Iroulor no: 1 nlloh III III. nrnno Mom or. I II... IIIIIlm II plrlurr urnnII la .IllrnII l'llllrI lI. n 1:. Mum L Ivrna. \ Illlll pqunmniI. olIIIInI-II in Illnl nnrlau Isl Ilcllms. 'l rI- ll:va Imrn only 1 (Milk; Irmll guru nor. locum lssuorl llv IrrrnIlnn. I. .mlnlll . I-urnnulgn oonl 0\ an I! hr OIIIaIln Ile- <IIon lIIo rcncnl or a LEAH 1'0 LOVE IllE BEAUTIFUL Onc III llle uocrols or honplnc In Io lcnrn lo nnnroclnle hrauly. Trawl- lam wlll go .nnny lllo ussxld llllles uld sunnu Inucl. mnney (or um nan-e or II scrlulr sulnu nonulllul mounloln or lnlo no scencry. The new llnnrcssm llscll on I] "IMP lne lDIieS. 11 um only QWES PIEI JSHFE I'M [HE llmn, ,1 ! ll [5 a will : In) . And ycl IIICI I) are 1150 )!!! lh g onIlor llle sundown oI lllezc Inohnlalnn or on Illa show... Of Ihc lam who have ncII-r Iounn ||le lrnsl pleasure In llIo bcau|y IvIIIol. sun-mulls IIIcm. Thrr IVE nul IEGI I? ln a! hut ly. .Ilnny young. people lhlnk oI rho no 2910" oI money no Inc mezlns III unonlurss. II... n rltll on... Iynh no thD {or [he llenulltul ( badn' I) compared \VNH hli [l nelgllllnr ha I! SEnSHlVB ID brauly In A" a {Ul lnl "l5 can lmllh lllE ( Chills Ml Ills MUS. run he nor. uol Inc plerrurn In Ihom. he call my II III ape gnInoncr Io l kc Ill; Dill! IIHI JIIHYB OYI IO 0Ul~ sun. and I. dccornlor In nuke II belu- Illul II-IIIIIn. oul he Ll unahlu In I... preclnlll CIIDHS THE [lDDI' rer lhllun IIc llmlcs la dllmsr lllny gel morn real olensuro Iron. ulle II. oI Illi [Ilell s Ol' Ills glide , \llan he hung." nlll gel Iron. lllelr I. seaslnn. Iran. In lore unnuly. You may lose your money, II you hm ll. hul V u cannot losn ynur Iny In lhc nunsrl In by he or nomo my rIclI nIcu pmoIlrolly he on Kl'uil bnl your enjoymenl uI II'ILl IC 1]! he a source or nuloyuunl ohms. MSW mom? PRLERIFY I'lllll us for qulcll ulo. Gall and Ilsa uu before mlyhx; lll nV AND OTHER b07488 mil-Z L'TEUCIH All!) CCU). D. Hlll'JlL'? |'l 0. mm, Bond Era" WV lll ( l lllllLS Q _l L_ , We urn conulderlng eponan a my, mar-L In lluwmm llol. 'or Flulnu U|lpill ) (7 L' Clllml Show I? we can secure 2010 Ill.) Clr lz'y 'I lm work In "um. and pleasant and om; Good Wuuue. llllldly Bond applllcrlllml'l to CANADIAN HHDE J LIMIT 120-430 Wolllnglon Slrcal, U 3W2 / ggmrl'rp. l- OH .llr JIl Elnnllln nl Sllgllllll I ? HUQUIInllcnu nm Bumps... Oppnallo Post ulilca, . NEWMARKET DWI lino lm l@ll loll uni. WW 2344?)? 7 I -'IJ (Bolh Ways) 1: Icailf. (GHLI |\A.L.. .-J I ORONTO .vmu won. 9.15 can. DAI L Y may maul. (Wily! Inflr iif". .h 2 As you grow older. cerloln pleasure; wlll lose lhalr xrsl, hlll the love at m IlIo - now, run. Iron so onlor lo ouy I- yhnlhzr unnl. .llk, lluon,ollnu or u. Inna" r n ulrorllon Book To mun any my"le and Now 5o =uy Too. Dun t \mlr AMI . roll; 9 manila: Urn DhunndyD ea." gulxln iad Mgr; gooda. drrssu, Manon, at-Hm, run; In, nmpgns voquuu 1m; IlIr xnunnn' lnglnlolure. . I 4 7" 'fD G'M DIN Gala! 0min ' thwart unle Rood lllornlurc nmI slrongrr us you nrvnv nlorr. Loon. Io lore III-suly In In lls YWr" , -'l yo... Imvc no unh - log rourur I-I nor-plum. Iv Ind . .v , ..ln Inc urh "le Idrla were mn- No) II I! more: In ooh. hnnclxn s oI TORONTO Park! an Min (M my In. use. man. n: .11.. Juno-nil." rm. .u v wth.mur.m3.-ouuulnu . Mum-ammo. Wm! nan-nu: rum- .. m... Ca our... ullluralll caller-rt me no land. I slnorollol .Iuy coll Ilojlplul. Evan 'I oIIolc ' phone UNM u IllIIc c l. _\. nun. lln.

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