, _ ', tm e'ttlltu, . thttireteir thet trend W '. - ' Nanh'ank v' m merit 'lnr Illu {allu wlljllg v umhnrosoidur V pmdeinemnin tantrum I he eieeu met It m . d d / Illuan #51 V V y y . V v I I . - I V 4 V V l ,V l y >_ I I V .th Filling? 1. 5 a (M. tnn {allowing trr. hurries nutter , H > , _ V I I , I I, I I . I I 1. Hours trains to. 6., ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' twe elt with Am. lot: m5, 2, VininV W 0 .K" W! hen the _ I immeasurnd WW, - tantra. v ; V V. anal-IL imo ron nuns: tv 'rnere th'lm eo nt. t, in Burt wel- - . ideal in! here nor ttitu' tie-it d u L 'llll V Mllm tn.irt'- V L / - t ii in nitri- nitirrut Mr. tiiiuy.ltu-iV 90 tiiiindrt. . . . '7, . c ) . . , . V . v s r - tin 35 !th . n'fext |n llttl nglsluttlm til in'nt. "In, ttrnn {unlit Vilan of it? '08 l.ii- this University. TDT'IPU'I, stem 5"? ."" . e , . . - ' ere st'end. WWW! ' 't I | w mm, mm," awn ... aluminium. in hut an intslii @lcxllw- litheweeh-end lrhernhreuts. > I >. I. -. _ I a s a g V V_._ .3233? NAxl ll't I"? 0mm" 1 - r" "' i ' I olrl lyyfulzi tr. P. Within unit'the iii tierrii- J t i p P] B /V" i . . > ' Vi ' c. 'r; u. ' " hr Egg; 7. "mm in ,nwuhj iw-hnrd i}, nmI ny vmud Illnillialltcr, .\lr.'.tehu \Vll- _ |'_ I > V l I t r . " . ' " . 7V V .Tllo neuutu Aliltly m lien- ll: nllzllctl nutty fitilulllrlt) ierlll ul the {armrer "ml in rnr . ui. ixrtryerd s,- inst < r ' ( names I? and 26: I . i 000d Pay -5t63dY'*EmP10y| t- ' -w c' 1"dul itusiiitnh in ttnrnittun nnd utu'teh thu't hht (lc- lllfflyictl l[ONE r 4 I "mm, 0 Simmering ' ' ' v i . , I . f 1 f , .1 . . . 1:th it : . ~tw2 . . . . i it." "mt. mu mart re a v ' . .,~ , r , ' in. - '- , I - V ' __ null mtlll \\iillltl lttlrinllgzto in true in MM erl w du any on , I _ t 1 Emmi mites, lltlhilll ~rirrtiue In ', |5 DDIHl llllllI thutl eornidn m , mn m I. my tu Vin Ilin'ho m BMW th ,i " 00-, Ltd-t ~ grill .. llletl'l"lnllu0 l" m . iv. , I ' i' v _ .t hid: tllll nltltt. lt tun. u'ls 10",", m"; y huntnt in let lllil cllual guide it vrineui. | . tinr ni.the hm ntieinted The crittlla. . . V , ! thnt llln invertinnt inn wlll nrutlttim Ville iuhunt at his minim theme, .ln- a,..q_0,.Vnmmi 5r... Kiwi Gwlllliil- McCauleyV BlOCli, H mm m , mu". . , i . . . h l- .. \Vrltllil. in 'l'ol'lilllt) nu Mon hum "n m. 2m... me, to Mr. V i r ' _ - s. . l 5mm; . _ (Lonnnents hm utttrnehn. . _ end Mm. s. \y, tiring, d ran. V New i; m In W """ YM 6"" i'f U" ""' Exchanges . ilrltllitnl t: nulllln \Irtt. w. H1 P: Fl. m l H I, h '29 ; V ,inrleriuauru in 0mm" mm in ct "WWI" - - iir. '3' rent (o Nuvllitilrkcl yetierduy 1 "K "W"! ' t . nrewd rhntei my wtih n riinnnn ni ndininirtrutiun I I _ . WWW] H, ,"nmi ommninn or her i 'hl s innit3 n rm and m Found 1n Nuwttl he) Imil It urn tutti hrntnntim tu itntl out tlihiirs .mcavamunM' hmdhm Mm wry mun I cum MW. ulslll, avlntdy ll \Vrhit Watch "WW ihnt lmtt- linen mouumlml inr n tent; "mymmlm New}. ; in try lllili: rmii ' i . i l {MW KW" ennhrvn liwlltlhylll m tune. tlol- indium-V the. tumult a! Lie WV Mm, M w me I), muwmi ~ur. \\ 1:llll tett nn \Vrunerdny irr Dr en nt Mullnl .tthrri. on :ulurdi mwgmauwmammcmawcguwwmMM r Wm," 5m mylhii ""ui - will m Willa it! M mu'wr We mqunm m "Vlnmylm um you a it... and hi htn tu- tth. cllmrtry Hill. tn Mr. iml Mrs. \. ( . 7 I b _ NW,,.,...k.,r niem limit in wheie lvihrinetnt. - i l M. will. ")ipnrltllllly op ll:0vc|'>WIirkl'tl tutety unit Jltmun tirern, it run. . V _ 3 Dow ma __;_.._._- - r it... in than. Ayil the rest at t. l 4 . , 1 net on truth. . ' v ' r . W' " .""l.m" l?!| I! " 9 W I" " "v ) 'Tm 'l" in" W ,3: .t ,\tr... ll . lturnhr nirtther dnunh memoir lit liniiiiththi, , "ll suniinr, 2' m 1' ' g l :an. per i : m' "5". l'o'lEUI An- um um m' "K much M W M rm , mm, m m m. litr, r\ lnltl, nre in liontreut ttrir l- cb, 15m, 1920. to Mr. and Mn. i r n r - D l hitterrntnntui ' N' . m." "i" tr ) ltt. Shill- in 10 . TI"; volt: in tutti enst lllv , 0 V 3 .K . V .. week on urcnunt .ii the denih at her \vinV Slontclt, n daughter. , ft . .yon too in ' l'l'l\'ltl'tl r Ittlllllll nnti h qulrlt-r iln|- "> " ' "'M " tllut'e V g 3 V 7 V t and unrnnge j 1 g . VV ' ' usual. at out Itirv. 1- V , V g _, . . -. n mm or L_ - ~ r .. , . : t _ r '2 ' m W'l'."ll"|. " l tttlllmku Litiserver: 'Tlli; llizr IiI-t 1 tie: it. A. hrudie, trrsldentlui nutter " cl , ,3 V .0, lim ty ll lull hlurn unit 'i' if ' N" whthtr Bray llnlrlt nre pr hwnr 0' " C U' l w U" "7"? 15 " \I u: in: H ) I ' - 3 an ' sound- '"U " rliqllluotisltehh. who um um. mininr {allll tuif i C, -rom 33 m u [-n . . jlloi i " .e - '- till it arm's" I m inherent.an his; lily iii :lml llm : mtuwhgimmeTywnltmgicrnw w_ By my. Mum , m um Bert/ 7!" NB\I\It\l;|qut.|{ll:;ll. zitgltizo; d "W" ,0, n . r, w... "min-h. Kt: to rent in extreme V uit iteuii e wu- ' V 'I I t V I l 0 runny triends in h \ lllarkel t ii i iV nn. . r.. . . . . . t V I, . U a m n... I le - hr rcttlltlg uru ilfl alil hi the thin. trivial:hexagrzntmgr \rrr ulili" Ilw 1mm . mmdmm mm "mm ML _ I k BU I LHERS. I | g h bl. n EW'Wnnw 1.15"'2..3"'.nvr 33.33.1335 "MM"! W" "W "WW llili"i'."r"li'n:l' ful ll}? $313323 ' 8 ' mm P ' . writ?th tiouu gen rnit r'ttlvalli' htiity ht llitvlnl; n hour. 0! their uwii. "Ural": 5.1:: c l Mlhe'l uwniu li l ttusiiitui. _ , Thu All . . GROGERS. i? 7' pin}; will 0 "W" 't'l "n'inn A!" "" """ m " "um '"r '3 revenue-VIN ' . Slum: UH: Inwrmnlluu WM mum! in etermeedmn tr 7r. Hut. int c: ' BLMmsans, n 1 i stretrd 5n. nwrntet / tietoi Can 51")" I W" m " wnl Enntuud rerteetiy aetkrd, 0" WK" 5 " 0 iruru'nin, en t'- . 2m, tvzu. 1 V o \ tinnunur. m 52 3.5000 train the thrusting cuinihisxio .. V . itrnih ni \ll Lhrl hvcrlngltnllh we .r. i t- ii iii in r \i r 3 i .thltit tint. . / 'W h. littllt| .. innit... irernymrnt n In ' W: 1": m mg, V W, V. W... n... rug 4, ', ,{ ',ilm-n 0; 3 OR ANY OTHER ThdtlL, I i L. h '3 - M; .. nnrnrnniiehiet. i " H'- i --/ 5- i o: F" xing! . l m nuruetvrt. 'rhounh ttrttirtn ~ni-hl in 4' Norm: MI" MSW l "t" ytlimillt m, M. (ininri-rty at New V [0 hir. hnr yuung 'llttlllt r nn . f - N, 0 mm I nnrentr ht porisiunnih, New llillnli- i mm D. m M... M, H, pmro, a, on Quiet. Order 3 . . . . ml mm mm, man rnru wnr lIllV n.,H trt attire in y _ n p I M h u , e. .3 min on ,n nr rr. ' Apply in AV lIlec)ttzlill;li ' the heme (illitl nrnnuni tiint Dr " "" m U ' 4 Aurnm. (ml. 3 V new i)! l V Vi 4/. . . (it . i I p. tent-mt try the United .5 utes V " - _ V I V i_ Mr. und .\lr:t titui-iiir will leurn tor a .4 s 77 "- : r" f n iterhert Li i V 7 "will; "i xii. ll ~. re : ii. we I A I' s at 3 f is '3 = .nnw mgmg mm, , I ' ' lwclm nt' in 'leml tunes in rnnnr nl f?"i '} '2' G {' I . < t (J 2 9 pneumonia 42 ! A ' her ltn<l ll 4, she is ruireni unit "(in : le Km} k3; Vlalltcr lll .'indrrteiut c, Kw, ,' rnurlrt 42 M I," "M "y. m E W. ml, WOW tiliuut on her n n reel. " " M (b5 m lmy "WM; hh ML HUI-hi1 \ i HT 17? Sm Sumpan Ila-lam 01 13111 Rsimlmm i 1 " 9'11" . .. ' ' , ~ _. ' ' ' .\ll!s l". Gr,-n mil 1) r rlllll 1189 n ht ' ' 1:0" 11an on nEltT inx or M lllr he wirrue tor ynu. Mr. \. A z i iii N WHIEH t Will re ret to learn 0 . . V i. <1 .7 . ., a l: .. r hkymm mm. lustieo Lutnhrmri hm given it tuning T . x ' :mmmnn m g, m n M My In Mr \rrinln miter o! Iliratlliit vl. PP INTG [P I] gun T in stint-cl; lWU m mm] 20,, thut n ningtstrntr, ennnnt u the his 0111 0! Ollt0 lLLttCl. may," :U I r, l / . V 0 " _ tieuue. WWW * the tier unit Ilitliu m 1 line 01 ie u - " i K ' , I . , mmmumb - t . a i it. Drdlitr er Utacclirldge, , I, N, m l h n _ nt . . e . ) hem my (I ln mum then the per thy tar ttlx (luyn an V'l'llr: tiitr I. 0Ilnt:|| rm niirhrti utl , "\\'c me having 'rerr 15km; LOT ' ml, ma. ML Newmdl k2! banner; nah . mm Mm mm nersenr cum Vtt-u oi dvlaulllnl; in Monday that llm Chunty at ank hri lllcc \vnulller lltlti rnnnti i. which we MM [ rim," .1 in}. Wen... (; . in .I': ll" ummih lllmgmmimmh w W innhhiir their lnmmc tux-return. l or- vnttztl ll) cxpnnil Harmon until! the y...ng very much alto Itmlng ig st. M mmm Smm m .5 5m; 5; mV 1;..." rit-umi ( i 1 Amy 0m . mutt \vltn tin nnl. ineke their ineuiue 'l'al onla nnil Yul-k itoudi tinnnnissinn mni ..ii through the mnnth ul .tu- Ne... 0, m'and m / 1 la- 1 "in x "" "" "" " 0 Wm durlhis Um tllmnl Yam . !!! uwv Fatwlwhw MM 0" his. eh ,m D! West uwittimhu *i'ornnt onni I ILL THIN; - i ty nt' elm) irer itny". accoman t the 515.0110 M: the county's rhere a! cm- l ullt! nlcnly if not hirreit tin TIL 51mm, Cm / ' M 1 1 (limit - inediuo 'I'tlx Ant. and tliVe numlmr 0! inninte unee nlltl 50.000 er. the pretty w t. We enter the Km hi \Vrntrnirl~i a. a turnover Allah the hue tmn he levied enunti- nit-ere nliconhlmcunn. l'ltn our htttnu my nnirh, her-inn an inueh ; . lntltrtlol tins linen l'uhlt1utuil hy the-Depart- city was reminded in the teller that hnnie news, hut wirh iietiinre n Seniie Th9 Tomb mm will trite . merit of Jusllcu tn tllx duys. Local it was required in mate a hltilllar [it-n. \Witlltl wake ..,. nu i like in hm m," V - mm , , , . Mllkl lrm . It'lwcr er. lith hum ex rininn by the. net. my home lawn. A hint inny do. n)! Mi. ett. II..C. F c .(.'. d- 9 / dirpeere width 5 c: {imam HBTCSVOUE lance tjl-llslht; t r rullalt in the imnositinn Tho lien tmlm Clinlt'. ttttmlorlt'tl clll Then: i n Ml or hlclenmta in lozoJMnmh i Hell-m. I Min/(1M, 9 open Dnv r n UIQHT man f the 'le and In timer-ll cam hy the Philadelphia Orallcsll ripened nni- lnwn ni ltrfhcnl, Air's. .i. n. rill. L. and the inte hturtinret L3 I . Hmwmmm you m m m. Mk 6 utilised tines 0 ! only little ur tin heritmn home at impurity audience shite unit tliimglllct ere hath unite limiter Lenard. aired t2 rem. ' G vice in mm. i . M can a armor or husl nn hinndhy night. tnw with itu hntl nunumaiiin, lttss i H MM wm Ml mm WWW m PM nhw lilallvkllow whether or not he in r. w_ iirnnmn, n ,ninmmi whim, em m m Mu r_ i,r..,_ in ir Ucntlny At stuutlvitte. en Mummy. T "W" 0 i tlmlmm. lined billil,~\ /cll und dwell- 0 Mm X H '5 KW "0L was commuted tar trlui when he. np- them is ultra minded to her heil Felt 7.3m. Nr- MW Bentley. In . V til HEHnTT n or . i "Y W - lug, iteusonnhte Ieritm. Apply a mp 5' neared tn netted cduri ehnrirrii with with triiuhtn di e and mm enm- Ills 85th year. N 28th of April. 1916. ELIIAUE II p soon: Ghritre > VV _ * ~ n ahtetning ethoho by (mm! (mm the nllcztunllil." y . . . I V Marie Rappoid,o the _ \, Wm. 0 am. Duirlcnl, . " mini E'ial25355: w mew # timid: "distal; What... up... A" .l:' t. i. :dr.t(innuxi'lililtg.. _ i I I s .7 ' riieiutton. ' . m1 ' ' 0, N arm, hetnn e. . l Tmnm ielinstnttox: writ. ivntlonw In. Mlnl' iinniei Mlllu, the (our -r,lil him 95Lv : wan 3- Company.flood m3C who tllnd al N: third tn] ' ' H -: 4 er Allicrl.\1|lltt, New ammn. w . hi- _ L'lolhcrdll Al the home or her nlccn 0 Carnegie Hi "I NW day a! UetuherV mo. are hul'lzby mllr Inlu Ilir, ' " - .t iitt thti l\\rl : l- ekt 1 | .. . . . . V e ' v tied in tile titt- liamei DWDCY y hmV-l'l V fl. Amendments to the \Vurkmcll My Human" The cm nx her in the new Lexlslutum him ,, _' 94- "~ ~ Cmmnr WHY Perfected by hm? Vttnrderet t-'. Starr. rule executer iii whim : N rD neinnenention Act. ' itol yet heen cvlrtiplhtml. ulllmugh 4" 3W - A. Edison. Site tang tit me test will at the will deceased. in h r 4 ' 1 r ,1",me u, mucmoqumm_ it" A S KH- 0 WWW" ""i "M " neeur lint; dranneuierii has . ~. .- r r or more the tenth day a: Limit. f 03 1 m m, "mle 0mm imalhc unnreeehiuir iuntur trunh. h, n rmed a. The 0mm, Burke . at Muirlgomtl) Mm, Nullll dim cOmPHL m "m 5 IDEU, us immediately aner that d rhr, mi [H.714 ewmzll kel h Semi HI! nunm hi 'i. Three 305 n! the NW w inhoupytim municn 'l'orrinto. an ttenuti Fell. 23rd. n s reproduc- in otccd ludlitllhutl. mamno ' . ultll mi: itxiunieinnl hit; nt 0mm" C" C"'"" ""' Ily 'lll in'vriuus tin intents; HA 1920. autumn. imam 0! Mm ition at her voice and the ilhe a flu return-st those Engine? :llilc ytln . . t . v '1' .1]. I V I, I" _ < i V- . . , . l name tuyiigrcsa ' ruin ' WWW ' It ml. "inund '"mn mm". 3 L mum num' In I. am composed 0 bltirlise clzlms [lien tiled with lll_ll tuit ' m at WW mm. mmm m. up: it'e lttly the condltlmi er (lain-l ml dm ml the WWW" m, com "d I 7: '"li'm m "3V" {We ;H ' . mentyh rye hundred music the ereeutnr will not he tomb in mm, mu... mm. 15mm... mII m the returned rutdler settlement. at .V. I | . 3| . '11 "2 W15 "its VIL Hr- It remains were than! in H- ,. d. tor the u s1tiereatter. r m. 5;... W3... mmm Ax... Knpu. using, Mr. ttuney rteted thut 51f." ," 9130M "'3 "WWW. "WNW; 5 W- W! he 0 Fnl m VHill 0' Newm r' l Cemetery ml m MW . 5' tinted rt rtrinarret the Hill thy at mun w M my m imn wmum hy "m Gummm mm mm d a 0mm IVntmt ilmio Inw mmailtl I\:;|:lrr:.t :ld: er iiieinhe. will he interred later in John's tingu isli this great [Inlna Ftbl lnry, tilt). in] mm) V "mm: inert t. t ion at tin-er, men. n .ii ml. and mm a, m nw a" hill]. tleluutt. in (A l "ttlEl'Huf llattLlll Cnthnhe urine errV . .trrnarket. damn-3 living voice in)... \V-flsip tgr 2" Fh uhw l , Mimi, ir~- luv rii' ' " ' ' . r " 4 -e -i ' r Y ' l 1 tr e titratith Wl ,wa lm mirth llrliir at the hint nt a luw k)... ,1; Marya "is WWW K Wm. MW "03 its on the i. nnnn. . Out, 1 i n. y tsn i- ., i ue " I . v- *"' ' .' ."" ' r :- ' . .m 1 mm than, the uttuntimt. ..tti.ui which gotta) in" IL de V" rd Ledll-m al' the tlnnusithin when it utter. Fell, 2t. Pin-rte Jultn itehnrt Mdeteon. .. Nextdfi) " 9 r m 3" sllnw hurt the next. aesslml er the n, 0", . fm glmi-wly edits-sled otnnn nnrtyoirly. t'tiu Fenian. inernhr. 91 Math cV i:. l i NeVIank'rnbuue H. \Hall a, Burro vs i - *7 Lentetntin-e will he un important one. ' " l; ENG Liberal molnhul l tie growled WWW 3 0' "r5- ml "10 '0 r - . l m THE 0F _ 7 r u v - , with him, _ ,Petrr l nnlrm, Snullt shields. En ~ A I . V l mm; .L Pm Eb,an 'l'lti) ugttntiun in .r r of thinsnii. H', fOlWTnSHHRRmH [ Further down all the ten side land. and minor at .\i . w. my Edna/1 SIM/65 Real Estate Olflw l tlnlrlil Linens in mm. mm... .5 - 9 ' ~ .ol the Speaker will he the mom. hirion. 32s snerrihe tract. To. . ' 7 mt parental! hiltlng clalins hgslilsl - it; my mini .Undcr m, A aw 7 here at the Conservative party, route. the Soul of . r the iistnte of thin; . heirs. lute at t mien. the tuxuttnn hs net rm: I'RE IE" M Fa-rzltuoito "0". G- "0mm Ferguson acting . e ,, Illiul lihrv mntmL- - litiriut Alhert, tinner exit Asull. tlii evtzltly distrthuteet, while with the V as Lender. 'l lte sulury attached "Ills Al his residrnrr 10129. 011.4, Maggy .{ V 0n rtntothy til. Brick lluuee. llitlun pressed brick, 7 mums. blank Link lltllhlt, Fuut-dce and nil irihiierit Column (MEGS, 't itisiie B i irsl.eiass lioudi Lot t251tnott. ' Cl! (It)th Unln 2!. 0m) Fl'rtllle Honda. 5 Moms. ~ V ed whu died at Mount Attitrt nu tie twenty tuurth tiny hi Mann). that. are tierehy MHIILLI lo hie the rum nrrmerty nroycn with it, w. itnytdsmt. Haunt Mllul'l, tint. and or the i-ixeeu. tent or the lust \\ lll er the raid de- mented uh nt' heioie the 20th day or turret-.1620, es llniilcdlnlcly allot thnt 43.16 the Rxeditlals will proceed in dialdllulo the itssels unlle there nur. Klilg. n n Fell. itth. used 30 yeeisV la the Leadership 0! the Oppasi [ion is 35.000. To enuhie mtlpluyccs nl the c. pI it. in get writer, plant-s were liliij from each shin or Ute. tun at It? mum: at Chlli. It. Gnles blunt). ' ill. Markham. Over lllnsb (the men were eeeustmneti tn he. One day, eseuni v the Vigilance or the Callsnlldaletl School 75 lull [he rdlr; would he ellu l it) all. (llus-m cam- hit; the lllKll rule 01] 5'. k auctions. HUGH ol llollul" at it mail auQEeSSUIl TIN BVENBD il daudu of lllnnylll-tnilllcl under. Ute ausnlrt': 01 Hit; cuullll') schools It! {mill 1!; [030, \ IS' Clllbll a! [he l limm le- probably (en classed. 'l lltli llulc ll l In the G..\V. V. A. lhtlt (millilll time can he given In any min eisss, Nanny live hunuren (annch end it \VllllB the enemy Koch nu the time A: \V hs, il'otn all [MINE n! the: (lldll ltlr {or Ll) or 50 llulllla. The (law syglnm'w v: lrl attendancg and m Premler allnrds uppm'lunlt) (at halter stllurles \S'a! invert ll most entltttslaslln Y l elelllarn, Fch. 23. lien. E. a. tlrury, premier or Onlaan was the Call and let us demcnztratc to you the superiority of the - NEW EDIIS ON 7 d. ti. v. ixmuttm i, While, it Aurora. an Pen. i9. tozoti Sat-all LouiseV tiriored tie at 1. Hi \tltiiis, nutrient-triangular or the; 'tete itey. Henry McDowell. inte of Aummt Funeral on Saturday [rum 'l u'nlly n... V, . , V I Chum. Aurora, lo Aural-d Cemetery. I M entitled therein Inn an resent unty und consequently ties cllmucx In the urn. On his urrlvut tu Peterllom he {l g" f lit-If new hml- "M" in those etnhns then tried with allow) leuglllnl; slhll. \Vltll the earning at tendered n clvlo Welcome .it the l;) l in : mtylxh Q'me , g Wi-lalit~ n Pen. with, man at his ' ' ' Barga n. .ltxeculor end the Exedtlmrrl will no! the whentideted sellout the llllle dingy an address held: ... am? down I: amgr one 2 law Msldence. a'it crawlerd st. 0 H down , m he rennnneuttu tar the uesete there. unmounted Mullen! schoolhouse wtth pioseuteit hy liter-er Mclnhrc. hm Hack While m [h 'I vrontor AndN-w Er WHEY . 00"?!" or ? mm u r ' utter - its Geeks herring the Initial! a! hurt An interesting uddrenr was irivrn- "Mk Iain cam 3.035.123 u 0 0 ""9 will" 0' the Em. in NS 5 0" gmmm . ii A mm) the 23rd dey ul tirinnnry, lure tethm, that nerttes 'at lac-arty ll) ltrs, nredie. t'reriuent at the we {allow SUSS k. Hem, m ) m- , mm"? frmnlw Erwin lore, hwy" WW rressqnad mil pass into Lila tietted Farm WAmen t! Arreetutlen or kn . A-n Brunch] '6'; h K H I E l G H" h I _ mm w 1' " ' I ;; fnnwr . ohtrii ut. Arnqbltg lllnunlltnrt sneakers mum .and u is said. mm Bag;- 29235 Mt]: - Wmmw We pn Ill-dell Annular (5 {ti my my Just ttmv il m . V e N {W 5 M' l' m W1 0 r "ire" : "'3 r Jl'h tt-li - d an L" - - "3 "E 0"" whims Lo" nus # a .. . . , _ k N l, erg realized rm Lnst ihirhrun. . remnant.pVP.1an Marimmleummmurwnnmh 0 1 C e)- 8 , WM ~ splendid site. There are t .ihi awn Lx'vgulnt lull} that Mlll n xnonc-rs are '45! PEll'lll rnllkllt {llltl ll. J. gauuy it). I lnlen etl nl QDBEHSHUG CQXMQKETY. "Lhan Et BEEDDY of In: fruit [rat-S 0 ill 1 . _ utu cniistuerdht disddruntsge, in M. r]. [1. mr vicinith .i. ll. wtrmer A Earn timer." at Poll Hi5 lnlltcl . who is (I lm ul luv IN hit: Lunch or: "Wm 0 him- Cumillau and llritirh nu..- . Ed rd ~ll F351 i whtiinhnry I ih Ylgln I urn now nrenrred to like or. center mutuality and chariett. err. . V . . . . v. lininr entered netron Muinrlihe W ' ' ' ' r r o it dlloum) ttnu llc . argvttm Dlml hn mun; Min to Almannnl exchange hh l I ' " You 1920 Ellltu Evltnrds tn~hts rim [or all llnds or static. he [numb . a tloisuizm s' EAL det- ~ i-dilw i . ' s. 'v i i t , e . . s . vlrlllsly nllcms heih nnitien to husi. 5 m m 1" "9 77th year. cum-rice trith' erery rider. 4 m "4 m 1 "n" ' 0M onFFlitB OF V V/tll muons huring etuihis agillulll. tiort attiulii' ty is d m c Olll',1llltl the umle or Bluullell Draper. late at iunder siinilur circumstances is ilrlYt ltduse, need rtshtr. Noon. l'lrls ls a snap eel quirk. - nesa Il' lls. Out! 0! the must theldwnrhth oi iterlh (iwtltiinhury m uhntmrt results he: heeh cul'inlllllunl lite thunty at York, Yenmsn. deceased. oi orders inr hnih my rnutrrtnts and Inlhlmtl products in the united states it it ll", Prh. 23. lluri,-tars title-d ltuusdinuin u! tiller-tutteiilznrg castle' the said ever In have been detun millet] M will not be tluwl'mlnml who tiled ll North Gwllllinllury an lllt: itlud dry at P hlunly. will, are here try untitled in his the exine pruneriy hroreu with the uhderrtuuedV solicitor [or lohn htsirttt. solo cxzculnr at the lul will or the sud eeeeured. on or before the tenth any a! Mmh. tam. II lmm lely A cr lhitl tlnlo Hm erur wlll mac-15L! tn dlsll'limle the met: Amnngil those parties enllllud lllue a. lllvlllK rt-nrd only In 41mm claim then tried with him, arid |Im creme will uni he t-aarioniithte [try the nuclei thereatler. . lled u_l New-market me "Ill any of szruur , will. )V. G. \VIDIHPIBLD. Salk- or for Execulor. Newinrrttei. oht. hlldren one F hy lI IIJtllall tnanuisniurrs and dent. ere, It in repair d in Tamnln that the (lhllndlan ulgunlxt ier n ceitatn Ainerteim dutninuhiie here euueeited urtiers tor am into em. The ehernest ear at "the there is net lest lllstl M300, lllt ofe Illls llcrn ill-ma Nulcaehln two nilltidn. tire hund-ett and twenty uterus-rid qntturr w] iii-e lust to the Arneiirdn nlllluluttlur-l ers. Attrr all the excessive exeiiaugz rule lrluy he s gautl ung inr annudn tr it resulls in turning all: people In deneud unnn our awn reedureerV it [A else kely that Kiuerleen llrllli wlll their ir'undh lu Canatl :rhr at haul . mm .15 u Leaturr 4t ladcullnrdl edllrmlun hi lending to listings as. time goes on and us Amulet: to more (My un mdg t sundry. lteY tamed the lid turd re. ltl Ulla as the C. P. R. has rnereil the le els lmni Queen Louise's ttirreed to any shuts. nmt n set. rat/in hut mitt-d tir open the other eniiiiis. huy rclltovpd the gold nnd ri oi Knitternr William L, limit-ass gusts. Prince Alhr crht end miter: The tinusnteurn at the itnyrl hire. in this plate mvnm the hunter oi Qunell Luukl itdlrd thinl' mil her husheud. Pm!- wer ereetrd hy Genie; erlvk Wllllnm HI, ( tllrdkllln), kclller with Illt rtorla nee, ncmr whiinrn L title lentil. mum nrnnrhes lol- the nrrnuiucturn er in.- Enlpresn tunurtn turn: you.) W and (gilded 'omwns lung en the rather lleiilettl nn these terms was ratr Iliad by Mr Jll (to Onlw ' W In > Memorlam. him tn lovlns m lllnlrx at w A. Dyke, whom the unset: edited. l-t ll. 22ml, IDDH. Mother. Ill-Mlle: nut Sister. trill? Aul tn~ u. . EmJIh At Hallstatt LutIdIttg, Ft-ll. 20, 1920, lUL'lIM'd Sillllll ln Ills alsl i-w. The Funeral \ rlll like him train ltls lute resideuee Ynltae st, llnllund Landing, '0!) s utter. 29th at it n. in. internient st _ milket Cemetery. Stew-M. minder Sutuntuy. Prlr. histV mo. Mnry Jane llllltlrr, be. territ wire at ' .tehn Stewart and V mother at my Rum. Finley. tenth-rit- ut Nettinartrt. 1'th ' am. used 1-2 Ltwooxr64258;u Yang: El two, when Lawsuit, And 9. "5: _J., Roedhmrse Children (it: Plihiitieiilihltitaiiing ' i!w-u.,nmhf: I . ..t it P ILL: amid: 5: vein, 9 months. [tayinl nl Hahn and easy time. lwa t Also agent (or Gruusnhc-uas. Small I\O\' FOHSY II. llalllnt! Landing. Barelalter Wanted tlunrr-at summer It no in in. 5%, lumenl .'| numeral mimicry. unm' n.-At autumn-liar . 'rrnmt. on'tieh Ilth [Owlloltn 1 , Bonnie. ( ' _ Newmatlet'rcemllety In s tteurr AI-Bonlrlluwn. (loud CEllnl , ermeiit. V l2 tree. 1% acres 11nd. Ihur inraiuarxetnurdru. tVu. Niall trkel. Prltn O2! . 0n will It. - Six muted house. not: v [Men .350. . , on who. in. 6 Haunted hot-so. Dugh bail. Crntt-nl cellar, we!" in house. Mie- rt,tdu.. time ensh. _ ' 2M Arm 0' 0mm und. . y loam. l mitt-r lrenr ttnmuu- let. solid llr|t~l hnure. trams, drtre thud. hen lnlI mu 0le t (tyr- u prclllld. at urres tell wheel. . tie to mutt-m April 1 run. legume}, if nary. mgr-am. I: u need wlm mid anl uloltleltlus dune. wett w-inred. tour well. nne rprtde . Parenthtwito. an my term. Art n o ' , V r t ML Alumni . : . KW -