. ,Aolon Iiron Prt unlit IIaneon arenl~ oportn rr Intomtn. lo- VDlVinx IJWN onslnt muniutonll llul r-Ilrood .altd,mln_lux norpaI-n lion! In ommlred lantern, tho ,tuteh nnlonIII 'Jolo} Comndllion on,;wnl&r~ 50,), "mum", Magma wnyl our the proponent dovetqnmz I , w. wllh at the SI. annnnc ntwp nh M mm. mm m" I" do I y iron! and me OnllrlIL' ho hrtn- I' It: do [to or at Ma homu. h M um a Y clpnllJn the ollnn m I) procure El. 511! Loan, (numeralch ronnouod Ivllh. anmn. "WM PM V mm Wm" An" m m provinoon ot cinndn M Nonniiontorn li- I y ;' ill?."illi;.li. ll$ plll lmot Slates. nonnwvutorn Cnmdlm onion Ill!) ll'oly aoIrII ho won turnod Irorn on non Inn nlIlnnlnIr letoreotn an my (Menu and lurrlhln pannlun to II ii In arm-linke- which dnnlru' to pro- rnnlrnlnoont nlllludn oi tamiwnunlh vldn deep waterway Ior nonunrzullll; a. v inutmmeni lllrlluldll whlnh lluh- WW? ? rm mini" Willi V " hood nun who wore rccnnclleIl onll n mm", mm, we ... , o" w... Wm " 35)" #w n ' Itolan llro'e Freon: II will he Ivoll " my omm' I Ior the ownon at m ntlont emnulll mum n ohonno or hrnrt wrought by Vlotory hood. to hown rool plutIIIlblu 1nd 5va (P not rm 1" "w Warld- nolonnon who Ilcult Io dlnnorn oI 'wml I m mm 0! W WWW" A" Y- worlhlcnn nhnroo In mm on or mln- Ina' oororuny In nxnhnnoo tor thono government lmndII. II In rooorlod IIIoI mnuy oernann, Itilrcwd onounh In orrllun' trnnynollono. Iorlrot tho .Irln- olnlrn or wood ludnntent and our- rondor tllelr Vlotory honun ror nIInIo-I In oomnonleo IlIIII Iluvl: nuvor onrnI-Il II Ilullllr hy lho onlonnlhlo hu' non tloII In luring oxolollou. n ded'm too quickly ultullltll'rlolu'lt. no ulroulrly Juli tor llx#64258;mo oI nod. 309 BERVIOE 90976 IN THIE TERRITORY. _ UEE Tl lEl'll l ' nllmulntod lly tho honoulutlvu non-II 7" Lu ol Hm mm and w mom I tor- nt lunch_lllutlc hy othern, In It ohnrno rlI W. E. Rutletlge s Machine 1'3 Minute (Jutllltox I1 Lulla' Linoll'lno' I1 Llnht ouulnn no anLh Plow nrlnnnro 1 Lou Eamon leililw 1 IIougr-owcr, I: h. n. nun. Cull dolor, tdrIIcrllta, uhLiunn dell nullny . lullm ( th IHGHEDT null!- In! coral, 0!. And Wrourlht lich uclqu Ld M Hll v, ltnx'llndrlch nllo uInI llil: nolonmon III oll ond oun- Inn ulocku honor to Ilnd III lllll oran- noullvo \ lullll. ' -W ~ Otll 'l olllto Letter. Au doontnuon Droln tho ontIu-lo , i ntlon or Secondary 't bnollolh. hooded lIy tho l'rcnitlum, Mr. w. lltloholl or Iurordnle aollootolo. wnII- cd on Ilull: ll. ll. urnnt. lllnlotor nt Hduou tlun loot. woe-Ir. l'Iluy mode throo roIIuenln. Fll ltl. they urged IlInl tho uonoIIIndnt Inoreono lilo, [eui pull! to tooohom who oro uIllIolnl/ul exnrolnorn ouch nommer. Loot your the roto won dad I dIIy ond Ilon' owed Ihot It hn rnIIIod (ram 012 tn Ill. II any. Sucondly Ilon unkod out the low ho umendod Io nnrmll or n honrrl ol oonolunuon helm; nooolntotl lo no,qu dlnnuten hotwoen [anchors and honrdo at KIIIIIIMIOII. 'rlIIrIllIlI lhoy notrod Ihnl Ihn not ho ohonnerl {$3 to normll ot Iholr heln g nonoonod Ior Illnomo IIIX on Ellllll'y lusts than tllu lounge; nmeunI pold into'illu ouooroonuotloo I hvl tllnd. hy n rullnn rondorod In tho An- rllnto lllvlnlon on o ntnlod onoo nuh- lnllmd dudgc Snider ot llumlllon, Iho Onlorlo llt drovnlclltrlc l owdr cqurIIloIIlon In llohlo lo hnnlnons Inn to he onlouloled on tho vulllo ol'illo loud lls Mulnlonahpo or Why \lcpnrk Vmont ucnuplea n littlrllun k or llnnIll. Ion hnlldlnlr In ltninllto . _ 'I'lIo Ilunn- Ilon T lilml 'wnn tho llnhlllty at tho Golnlnlnnlnn to n huhlnonn IX or onto n Inspect or lllcsu ouloo IIroInlooII. nllll It won eonIoIIIIou lly lho llo lmlllu- nIoIro nollnlloru lllul Iho nonImInnlon In nol II o rylno on the hunlnonn or dlnlrlhuIlog olcolrlelty wIlIlIlI IlIo nIIonlng III lhl: Asnrsnlnnnl Ac . 199:1 , 211m I. W. 1.1 ' 'atm I In: oul'l o eat:an 5%... onion. I, A El Edi SIWVHSHSE paw no: mm; moot halal}; nun am fen . ml [13} I105 ' Fills lilallletl l All Itlmln ol now run V c" noon-owner .nlrufn! Jinn IL, or n no: 111 "WWW In 1 wa m mum nut: J Mlutomnq noun; ensodlnbed Front varmorly "no. Im'u, whon lilo" no mo only- too nenllnn ottno Tuin-Tmn on a hunt Ill-ploy sonnlo effect, n or; alone- rn And rlnxlnllu. Tho nlrnoI IIIo over lIIlnl III-et lhe.dl1mn. wl iilnm .lo,ilL - III gnu-king and rnnoh nlnotng, Them an vnI-lou lormr oI opcrn nnd I wllt mruunn June It Inonl Imporlont: oom- rhnllad oporn IIIItM comlo or low comedy; open J rand upon all Ilnnlno. lull orehrnlr o, hloh'muelool rharaoter. . I , Awuv nook ln lho IllllI century In It honuIlIuI olty oI ttaly culled Flor- flich n low Irontlerueu 'Kalllurud |n< Keillor Io dlncun llow to discover or rrcovor Iho muldo or the nnolout Greek driilna. whloh had been lost too many oonlnrlon. 'rlIe nnmoo ' nntn. - ln man. 'wnllo ale hlnh no: at llvlnx In Japan III v ory loh'wma rod nun conndlun merionw lh'nu. u." a motor mother wllh bod wornln. oondlltono'. union on om- uo nt lh nlllro tho mow mlo, phyoleal, ornl nnd nlrttunt llIo o1 mmorkor. . , . .' whllo'urn curl-tun nIInnlonurIos lmo hnloodtomotlor tho llrtnr con- dluonl a! min! woman in Johan, my hove noonnblo to do yory Ilttlol tor the 100,030 womnn nndnlrln who I mm lgg giggling lllm' nI-ntlomon wore oallloo. Inthor w w, um, TM, Mm. warmth! IlII oIlrunnInrr. (Innulnl, I orl, haum o. Ilny~ln Iomo com ulnleen ml. nonuorlnl nod nomo utllvru. ma , uml m, hm. o, my uh I mot Ill/till: Indoor or (lluvhuni mewu In to clean up aller'thelr gnllml tlwumdlv work In none. Unlcno tho (notary 'Ihev talked of the owner or omnloyorlnn chrIntInn nnd "Inl rm-h mm of Hm mum mkm'pruvlmob [or um mum] and who Mull; lllclr lrngrdlon tllrallgiluul lillynlcal rrnlrn ro ol hln norkorn. lit- Hm Blade. II I no non no dono Iorthorn. chI-ntm or lI-rro ontt xtutoo, I'm: out or nor 81.07 llm nVelagt-Iltmull utJnell thought II would no In monthly onrolnzn ornIronInndneIory t Ildoo, and worth Inn 1:11an lo Wurkurilllc olrl nIunt ony 11.20 I - Va um 'um: Hull III nIoIolI- on. mooth tor Iood. An Ihnt In tern tnnn IIIIIIIlnIIIonl, the cool or her (and tho Inolory poyo Ihn romnlnuor, [Lilo u moolh. Yci out or thtn mom on tho, Mornoo inclnry zlri nondlt homo titty could a month, for )Ilm oanm more mono! dun olmont any other olnon or Mr mun worhor In upon. . who nInIorIty or doonneno Inolorlt-x null 'run only And nllsilt Itllttul or nnnnoolnt, 0 mun (It lilltt Gulnpully named IIIIIIIoolIIl. \vwltI o IIIon Ior o unrrno loud round It "Datum" 'ond produced ll Ill tllL' llauue 0! Count Coral, hill. illu Kt:an llml llccll Inhl. ' rm: Seal-B another room. the nlorr III I Inunlo- I.an tho ohm olnI, wrol Inn-lo to II, but lllc muslc onler on conuldered rnont unpro- prloto. 'rhl, oIInro It :urydlw' l5 uonnldercu lllc tlrnt worn over wru- ttn. and won prcncntou at the tosllvr than to o ohrnto the man-logo at llrnry IV. 01 ancu to Mario (ll Medici. at lth oom we know wry Iltllo cononmlng llIe contuln on the) worn or- tho otngo dcltlns, llul wn do know IIInt tile nomhoner sang the hom'n role, and ham): 0; the ntzno Sllrnor 'arel oresldod (1 the harpsi- olIoIII. 'rhlo lllllo Kulllelillx III men who worked out llth ohm intended ll lo ho II rovlvol or Greek musical work, lllll In place or that lhoy un hnowlnllly hucume Inc orllglnhtdrn nl ohm on w lluvn-lt ludu) . Eurydlce conlnlnu llI. are'ul nrlnclole at the modem or I llenunalnl, nown you later roll: to \llhrotla'x Ior ll ohmu 'Allenn- IIIIIl . llt'l IIqulo wan wIlltun by Monte- I rllU. .ollornoun. nolldoyn nro rnro nnd un- oomin Lvu or Ihroo In tho nIoIIIlI III tlIII moot. The molorlty ot the loo- i071 :lrlII nro (mm nttoon to twenli 1631: old, though ollon Klrlu Irom nornn to Inolvo may loo touna work- lnnlhero. nooouroo marrow: or tho .loonnocn uoverruncnt to nmolloulo tho condlllonn or toctory omrloymont luvs lawn-brought to nought thwlllll tho rolueol oltho loslnlulve bunch .ol the Govommnnt In our real: mounm. l homo ol the Inotorlon hovo donnl-I torts: In ,IIhIolI tho glrln IIvo. 'rhoy on enrotnlly lrnpt Innlrlo tho dnrmk tartan, in ornny moon'lor (ca! tool will out. Tho oulod Ior whlrh tho zlrln "olrn no" (or tnctorr Irnrk In three yon . out o! ovon thooennd zlrlu ntotlotloo allow that 270 workl loen tIInn nix month: In on: Elm maniac Icon lllelzlont) year. In Iwn tum tIro yenrn and 141 lmnhnn one year, 179 lwa thnn two mu nud- III 1an Ihnn lIro yearn. only ought. nilw noon the mo yenr norlod. who [mun Ior Ihln In that the health ol_ the glrln hrak down undor tho long, horn tlork,r.nd Inn bod hyltlenlo ooodlllonn under vlllcll oho Irorln 1" WI - _ .rhourn or Inuro lhen lit) IIlnlromoIIlII. The Imhelsntunht Uomrun tho MIIIIIIII-mlo In Iho man that wanted Gun" BcuhIKwnmm at Mono and the tronIolII mnl Itlmlcdto In vlulln tho II IIII Cotton golnnlng Company "mum. Am: mld to on vory zenoroun and km W], .nmmlwm nonoo n this Incoherent or Ihelr em-ivlulg MW, mom. '13:: terms or employment, mug, w mgr: hold, txavlltlunll tor III llwlth, m mm ,m. 1 ' h" K MW thorn. n/rlu r on In I Ilrzr- hou old ogo, roomu tor notion. rloonlnu m, m unm' and rooroouon; hnthlny catnbllnlI-V n ml, mm), Llonlnvuda "rlio nthor oI II lrnn motion In Monlm do. lte II ;Ill tll lll to out rhornctor to it: ult llr: rn. 'l o tho oIIern ()rlr, I III' onlleoled on or- om Illnllnar PliloEn PAID A well-known linum III 'l'oroolo no. alumna ,0, mm Wm, Wm Aka nu ltlndo o1 Junk ond ram lllwmdm m 5 WW I' y 0" " "d "mm "" Mm n" "lilo III l2 mm m I lursday In the poison or Inn, Ell. rollylonnInuotccln com o favorably (I. u m r" H mm; a, a m H l l d I m I - mhnlh any. who oloII ol IIIII home wllh the heat to no Iound In onnndo. " ln ' 0 l H 1' u "m I" 3 M a i 0 I. I"? W N" I: III hrr douglllcr, Mm, II_ II- norms The clIrlIIlnnvnluIIIton oII-Iornnn., l"fl". ." 5 'l =' N W - f Wall 0! Iman ' ' 237 Grononlcr rduIl llor lil'hl hIi I 4' "mm w 1 cm m'mmlmwh mm "M ".flm'r F a d In south 0! o I . , ~ .' pormeatlnu Japan, he helped rub ' 0 4 f 6 more How M gl"lv "" In ownrd Innklng ho tnotory ilylnzl , I'M" . . ! mm , V / , so. . lv II hun'lwd by me H, mm cundjuom mu h hum . lIIIy nlllll'tl I.IIlll on IIrmIglll Mills and two Ilauxlhorn- llr, , AL lll ll Monro, [5n lzI-IInIgollnIn and Billsilldss lidlts dolly Ior uunlulno P drulun A come in onn or mmv'e uohoolo will qunllty you In Short Ordor. Vlrlto yon onto. logos and moot o1 dumnml In: our uredunton. Addrcca P. contain, chldI Prlnolrtol, Vonnn and (lemon: law To- unto. nut-President ol tl Asnonlollnn; III I: ll. Moon. 5. shot; M Layman lIIItl um I. .IIIoh., onn lIr. Leonor. qIII odlnl Cllumll, ond' many putrlnllc and o mines, llo l lll: will he to Anton IoI- lIuIluI. I lIrIerI amt-dud hy Mr. .lu. ualnsl II, w rlolre. Ihomutunl promise. and Ihot Iho mlgugemonl had last years. Judge, that II In lunl It's well that In if. @llllll llg N , Ilepxoeoulottno ol IE ll'll lml. LIFE OF CANADA, run Izolloy~lloldtrn' Ooulnullr tho some luv, doroodonl Inmolhlnx tor Indulnlnlr In o rgI IoIIly ohnnge alylnlnd nIId ohstruclln tlIn olnlnlm'o In Irlmnnlnl mm for so lam: ii lllna ' v r In)le III. KO. rm.u ,n m. III treatment at elnhloyon doon not "' "0" V I purl, .IIoIlI. . that Dr. Robert Bridge-3 past In rroll-l I I llro II-orl-rr in my: II Illnecure. Lsucll one by no. mull... Mm meann mouse In Paulo tho only Ink n Jurllnn ll for 3w} Illlll oasis lln _ no Lonlmx wilatlpanluumoxcanlln Pernlnnttholyenr Io lo- In her eotloo Leglnnlng or tile lonr cenlury, rolnten, lolhor II o unrher. end Curlls DNA )! of promise ! Inor- 'l'l|u dctand nl Lllfl not deny Inez mo vue Item. buoy, Ion, \rldtla N no ehrht urn hlniorlozrnoher had In recal' tor I nm or Inllnlnll," said the pualerlly all the dalnnn nno onylnzo engagement was hrahen oII. hut ull vanoxpoctedtanglehmtonluzsvrm}(other who at Innsl [my wruun at mean tn vereo. Mouthnal Eng-raving. Snead nltenllon gluon to lnsoIII-I. Iloh, loltrhlnrr lo the ermotcry. Lot- Ieru nished In n worlrmonnhlp mon- nor. olem out and deep. All noun or Corneler \voI-k promptly Ilicndud to. auntaIlono noel, ntvou. ll, w. louusuv. l l||ul0 JU-l, Arden AVE howmnr . "once or Avmbkndu Fan mm I ulvunou I I hereby Klvcn that or. own ot the any oI 'roroulo. In the acutely or Your. In lho Province to (Iner Win only to the Padlme or Coupon at tho um nnooIou melee! Ior . run or INVOICE from her IIuo- KEEP up it: mme uuPl LV "who exnlllple or lhle InroI lulu lllS llild a slrlkllm llluslmtlon DI ll]: building up 0! a )IUM' sandy cell lay the nddlIlnII nI ornorde matter and llIIl jllIlloluus use 0! ( Hilton \vlllle the roll was yloldlnn a radr IInnnolnI -Iorn eooh yonr hy n uollltrtunun owlng or crops. .'l'lle toot IhuI I IlIIn null hrs hoen hulh up hy sucll Ilmnle Ioolnoon. nod lllc ylolon mom. 'IIImIIl for 50 long a period. teaches Came Valilsllle lnssnns tor the Klan " lllllK lerllllly prolliems lll Kell- nil. nun {urlllnllzs on ex onle at tho "(Mann K: I)! Inrllilzcm In the pro Inro nI ultlclolll ornonlo motto ilo eyrrnule la oh the more rnm Irk- \llle. hnonuno on lhls IornI no how, Inn no rnonuI-o has horn ontulod, and only onmpnrolltow omnu noIounIo o1 rornmorolnl terllIl-Irr hrI-o he used." Wag WHERE, on WMEHI V "II Uilu'houna Hron t n'o LllEIImce- truly-Iron uni-led he. 1 Inlohl he lurid, Gnome Arman niron of tho Gil) IIJL IAII), la the, bounty or rron , I Ioror, on I In ground a A mg dgonrllon. . ' ' mm ' r. at Toronto In Inn on ' I a. thin IIu dry or Varmme QQDPBBvr PIIPJMN' a able lo I II my low nonnerolo ns. May re ogulrono to the wilerullullta or my m .. I 4:35; or . ruined one. "run nl. onn Bo~I~w e on onm I lIEI night without llul"y mme Gullah, Hell. IL mluuso to tho mom or nonul 525,000 woo dono lay n (Inn at the Taylor-Forlorn 1:an Inc. I in Puri~ ill the l ol v., lIIlI-r helm; lIiEln .lIlIll} eurnlltl MI- him do \lolllli in it: K llrv I I tlInnIII nun ten and ll II yem Also lt ha been lound that. nay nod tor hunlnonn rconon nIoro MS m I gulllus llill l ' II . -I no . Lilli me Poe! Mormon From what Mr. Bonar law loll: mo Home oLcOmmna 1 lllt orlglnnlor III the mature. l'tlwn I-ollnI II] III country benldut Enziund Iqhoro .n hoot laureate hon heen Ionlntalncd ol n:an year .'~ - ' Hardwomrntn, n French Irzvnlor. Ilnndel rller lIIItn tho Irroel J. til i III III urnt whenever the soon I rollodwsalnsl ildndcl hbtns II ouloldo tho capitol lIln oulIo includnd II s IIln doslro that young (1 on; Ll.dtlurl.nginnt,ajc:llor,ablhlollo< should he o li|\\'}' . nrnnlnor and n poet laureate. Tilelnllowlld lo otlcnll snllool lleoalle ll LIIonlIl not out the nonlo llut nnmr lhow o nInnlI plnllo cullm a nnlnet we smuggled on Into the gnrret on tile Inuroolunooroo lrhmm Io nlny whllo hl 'orlt. _ llonrtel II-rI gnlzrd on n EH41 composer. In he wrole 12 e at the lung or Ktn l omln I L highly commend this custom. IrhIclI whrn I tell you that. ha round rlztdly (allowed, "(or the ohnlr. knolrlnx llmt. Innny or htn up, tomoeo and deeds would ho oryolol- llned in n odo. tell b au'nd on them ioynl yrogreonen to IIIIcalr nod behnvo miuurauy Amri a hy IIIIIIIII Pupil. "nlyomy In who I nInn ll lEG Io harm two mnatonl, ' ' The low mom I; only one wllo In led monotony , "The lIror In on luIernnI orgno n! the body." The nrtest ond Iorho word on the other ilde because the non 1|in noon mth nlrnndyx' Soldiers Itvo in 11 (ml: th-m their nlrrn Ilro In when n rot-Ir '- A butlrm In the who or o butle " "n Lcuaolmanlor In round I: n: l-I groo yl K kI nrlcclohu hrrlleno. j TlIn Messiah." Iran tlllll ow, hear lhln work, It s the "King or nrelorleo. 'l'IIe Ionncr om ol Ilendel'o llle Iron lnkun on In iilz IIrlI- ing at ophmn tit Ilcll lie Wch (L Then In drop ( must at hlo own ban -- Iupto) hrnunhl enout by on ahanlllg olumenl. \'/MI pllalmd to 0m tmnl an Inroorlont rnurlrlon IIIInIoI llnhoncilllI It Idol two up opens ond Ioolr ta II ting nmlnrlo Ior whloh wn know Is fun : as I; genius rests. Later llrlrlnut llll lllttl to leave lonndnn, ll v- loo Men nlsooI-rrnd In I Illnllollorallle mm of claiming annillcr's rnrnnorl- ~Ion or Ills own rnII llnnnol was ten maittl' at tho held. chunk Anotllcr man I \lell Io spank or In f rlul-k. o smut orlrrlnol "linker, He made some cllungcs In ooeI , llo Iron horn in ml to Ilohomlo lJlll IIIIIllr-II norm ln'lloty. hut tho lrtor out or Inn life Ions mm In parts. l Illl'): llmadened out open, also Inonlun the overturn convey -IlIe rlIr-rrcler III the nloy lo the sprotrtor. noun-It Glnon WM nloooo enolhor mnrlrlnn bllned I lcrinl, In I'I'la our men IInII lrln norly sought to morn alurtr.hy Introducing Ihe old mm or tlollIn one". lln orounrrl rroIII ornIntlon InI'l cnnsldurahlo "lrl l Iortln. The muslenl world WI! Juli! Into (um powerful MINES. nIIIrrhuo IIIIII plorlnlnt ' ona Illerl n urn-t IlnIIl, nllho I no record ecu 11mm, "lift on! In [unrul- n1 Inllllll xpllllnr 0! blood. Till: I! Ilgroo rnonnn II III: or your do :undaula." , " th Irllo ot o prune IIIlnlIlor In dulled II p!llllnle. balzdau Brno [Alon Ml proollonl loltt * lolrohono operator on control. nlre mo llIninII, -,hut thot [sn'l xxlml nilc Kayo lle . ,. now 70 mm: ounml on 1mm . riton By I pnluless homo mm Ind NH". ' w h hat 0]! root: 6 I I MIN 50 if I N "ill! 40 ) Jnl I; e. :n-vr bugn Ir , at n elton, been Inl In , run the poem Io strewn n the drum,- l- to Ilon and (cello: Thonorla In wtlllnx Io Ily, lhll. mo 1 nlnolerolh century will doubtlono ho romemhorod In the muolgnl nod dra- llulle hn af In It It roononnloln tor III tho 191M Vorul woe horn In tau and a tom the mono moo, llcnueolnl. wrolo I 1 no home o l, ~lth Ihl t Inl . Ion nemed ornhoud _ dig on tor dlIlIgtir no huge; 13 Ma named hurydloo. 'l'wn muolo. month hlllod. on InIIeI III. , um tor root In tho goronoor'. . ions or till.- column). I lzrl nnd-cIIo- ll III-It Im the Mllcrlclnxrnm lllu orchchlrn'onnnlntm M on oucm lied oncm' \vus It. was on Iron. Italy whrn II ulIllII oIIIl \wIl kI-ll I or the nlooe lrIIr I I tho I than that lllllll . % lie to rornl Ilpnro nul tho llorolol was horn about line month ltu was not nIIIslenI works. it rneIun hardly ho. Noble and lncludbd in this was the IIIusIo student will , H . ' {would M w erl Illa mo [ _llha, Iroqhuu- ' , pen, . Ilo,,hrou5ht v, I >10 Ito tron onrpm to IIDDOHI rl Iar . wluoh tho Indium Walden In otnrlng, llwlll ho scan that IIon 017an and tnly l Iuntly proud M (Ito honor nlno hll. Vordl, Inn mndnld man to ooorn -oenlury. In ltnllon. ell that, He wrote many onernn nod IIln nonro rollolnlt lls e uoooood loho lIln motor. " - ,IlJeyVCi etim Sodas ' showroom. loo one: mono-n, a . . _ ,'.,rnr y,or LONDON. Cannon. 2 Br- hen t Moot-4M, Miami '.IlnnIllt rIo wml oen. realgllry, rot: Arthur. s'r. John, mi. u enmcl college at I tho Royal Ct loan. on IIIoorotlEldn my CnileEL lloapllal. L0 Iuosom, plur nod won wrlltcn when so Sunni or mm, m , .ooooerm . min AND MOHEV t06niinuod,\llom page ll, nor rondy, Working Icnolhor no Imuol. '1'er s, o. s. Izoyto. warning on Innno noor m. lwl Calm: homo wllh tilem (or dlnnor. Ilnd to them Mm. hrown Iron lclllllg on eolnodd In Torn-n Ille. when no Ilnd'run nwlly to the noon. Intng IInnI, nnd homo or the ooyo lInd nlolr-n IIIo olnlhen, and Im lInd Io ntoy lIIIlIIon in tho runhon unIll It not dark enough tor lllm to make hlo woy homo Imohnertorl. non new no IInd drenIoII llllnttcll In lIlE hoot null, nno nono out to llnd tho noon who had rohhed turn. 'rlror worn lounhlog lw muoh. thoy IIIII not hear the door-hell, and the boy wllh the telegram cemo mood to the hack door. The Ielenrnro rorrrllod to lrIIorm Ihr I lhot l>rlrnle 'rlIomon'llruovn had in nu hy n mom: 0! nholl Ind In rulllt . ll rl'grcl :Il ill lnlnrm lllllm lIII'Il l'l tvoto .ltIllll ill-own had Ilnen illl. hy n :1 . of shell on Alumni, Em. and lllhlltlllly ltllllld l - N lhl troot Itlnrlow o'I tho-ornoll llOlliiL', ullll ln'nudd a! re , Illa Honricl lumen of tilt: Sumac F1815 h VB noon changed Io gold. A nmolt wo'rnnn, , wltosl: lllllr is all stay now, goes Eotll) tlllollt he work, Mien aloftan Abhcnh llIlndedly, as l! he were "Stellan {or solncJImmd willnll rho uoen not exocol to hear, The BDrlnglxibna ll- w Kane erm llcl movements. and the neigh- liar I'ICI'DEIK llll lance Hays Mrsl Brown In "agolllx," ilul. allo Bllll lllls n Ilnllle when )ler hushund comes home, tutti to him IAIIB otlcn hays. ll seems I'ltgill llIni they hould go together i" Al the desk in tile lnslda uttluo of the implement lluuhe. lllllY llruwli still keeps Illa ncLuunllI of the Ilrm, People my in: Mara url wonderlully well. SVIIIlEllmBK when he III llll alone, lll nllrluldllm salt a Mia, and he has lldnn lili/llYfl lu talk it) llilnscllr generally Just a word, it nunw, "John llmwn I" III: \vlllil mra. and the", anY bunk in llll: Irordo n, III In mory, he sons : ( lllllllly [I ll (40 up III; secs a nuddcu ilasli 0t )Ilue eye wand :l law'nf Kolllr-n ( III tllul in: "(Tim ll chlhllIh Ion-o III _e ohm-or: l'resclll !" "They did not lull. llc \vlllspr- > \ Illun lillrrc Country CdllNl lllJ Ilnn hwelml " I llr L not unhappy, tor the port has it?! [llmhuru ion. III. J! an Dre Fullt. X lll: nhrllghml my crawl when lilo 'l IIII \vllronn hovn onlurgod Illolr hoqu , II. and Mn. Wilson lm hrr own not how. \Vh. not ? The money willle lilt x' intlllt d IlIelr gIatqul roun I I hm hoon gand iirnnni, It tiu- null or ilzlli nor rent. lillelr l. and to Iron. Irorn lnxntlon. Twlcc a r l _ur wllh}. which opl alz ii nolloh :r dilllde, ' r In loon or money. our Nollon l5 .\ )' grntrlhl. II In only Ihr oi IIIIII, lllrll ls rol'rzotl n! 20v Dye ThalSllirl, Coat or Blouse Diamond Dyna" Llnkn old, Shabby. Faded Apnornl JII'JI leo How, l n o o n q I s n I Don't \iorr nhono patrol mono. Us: Dlnmon 1: en," gunrnntord to Ire noon. rich, hale ea! onto: to any to lie. whether wool, oulr, linen, ootton or Intml goodsrdleseea, lolounu, ntochoga,ehlne, thlldreo-n mu, dxnperlur-uzryilllugl A Direction Book In In Irnnge. To mnldl nny mutual, hero dezlzr draw you "ulonoro n w color cm. TINSMl'i HlNG, PLUMBING and FURNACES l OE 0U)! l lllDEB h. ASHT ll. Bll li' IIANDWAIK NEH/MARKET. I Italian 01 aphllenllnn tor, ulrorro. No'l Is hereby slot-II that link, can Mu , 5r Boyiin, oI the Toml- sillp a! York. in lllu Conul) 01 York. and Province III onlnrlo. Lnlooror. \vlll apply to tile Pnrllu'nonl or Canada. nt tho noxl nonslon IlIereol, tor o ml! at mvoroo IronI hln wile, lleleuo'llnylon, residing st 5i? West lit 3 reel. in (118 Lilly at New York. in the B to or Now York. on tho ground ot adultery out! desurlioll. DATED at Toronto, In the Provlnoe nl Outnrtn "Ill 13th day at, February, ll. IL. I020 NELSON ALEXANDER mum, wed to b: henolenr, 4 will hulln on IIIn WIV II In. nIlIlrd: mh oom- A mun-down Iyllem. Writs far from - anon- In wrlln HM mil I pl" to ill: Inlor rnnuon Io , . . 'lmm oIllro "Vphlugln nTuI n"md I-rol unto, no: m.mlo.oir the Ion-Io world ,In on} a - o , By l_|l| sollrlton. . RDHINE E. uonmnY."l A 16 Adelalno so, TORONTO gi, Monte "ELAN AI W3 Byco fl . Hours 8 ill? "lion Waugh: to no to tho Oaun try an l6l$iilt oll OOSOOOGSS oall up ' 9 (b v ' .{r ollll It alllEll Q 2 - PHQNE 03. Lot uu mnllo you communqu In a cumin D DUQGV. DAlii ilAGL-i on llU'I il Promo! Ear-ultra. illlnrllca nucohnblo. . IL, DDVD, Prop. L A . l V (A a ll GOGGROOOGRSGOYOGG . I III [lawn EC AIlY curtailment at new ccn- ntruclion during the var, followed by the unprecedented development since the orminlloe, horn ronullo d in n Illlivorsul shortage of telephone material, In order to utilize our hleply u! equiplnml lo the hunt udvullluge, to reduce doihy in inhlnl- lotions to u minimum, and to avoid l'btus illg service to anyone, we Mk llmae intending to IJl'llCl lclopllones to consider the advantages I)! two-putty line SBl'VlGBl The cast it) the BOP in eulmlonlially lower limit for individqu line, and lim service of n lligll ntondorrl. 1'1, The rate {or two-purly line is, for llusinnds lelepllollcsl $19.80 nod ror Ilonldo'ueo stand her Illlllum, We will he glut] lo flll'nihll full information in anyone interested, _ Io Btztlod. "Every uoll 'lolcpllonq II n no ,G. . HUGE, l'.l:IlI::[,;P. "ll l Boll , ololtllollo llhlllhall or onllhhlt Donn in 1117/33 Woo. Ion. mam rm any. 2 :3 e44 5 * @ *7 I. .I \2 13:14, lid/@th l. 1 ,v, , .un . 1 Maw ll \o lov " A v MW 3" :W Qon It : on. terror. oomu rm... TCROm IO .7 Ml you ! new" mW.Nd-Itmnu m m rukf uu W malt . "Iu-.. m_ , . ,V K mum- mum I an