Newmarket Era, 27 Feb 1920, p. 7

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dry, phr uud poultry Head; rt 29 tonly Sampler Suits forjiilen and?_ Young Men, Sprit t'g. VStyI esa' sizes '35 .tov- night, t... V dthEShIt d iltIIItII idi Gait: ' y. IN 'ttlttt l' IMPERIAL uttth ItLoott. RES - ~l rlLI-~ 'i EA ROOM spertrt supply or candles, " u and Drunnot lnr OhI lalmnn. . or 'l'ttt'ntlla I II the part. arslrted try . hunu- toh-ut. Ire iJIIvt-lllIlb; ut the O ttonor huh \\Ill hlntr take ptaou. ' V.) 0 I . )ltttti) t urnr ,. _7~__ uy Inlphtlnl Idrrsuro, also try older Irr. npeotat Prllmn In nottan quantt. rtoy. .w. R. COWIESON, V ttutntord tat. uznr um htarltol. - up hrund Ir waIsorna tn the mm uottta clrolur tt nutter tdll to plan: the roost; yuuwiu Fiupla. noy'uy { 1 MISS Margaret I ll rendered a . y. . We syrppattretteatly heather-en's "Nine m Y "W" ' Vttt'lhilolltt. I rntly need. V order It by name. SOU H END FLUUR END -FEED STUIE 1 rsttrdu GASH, tn. not roll to pureuaoe aII Feeds II . Intense they are rlrlug In prlee Mi .~ that. [0 hard o tull has at ttEItsotlttuLE Phlouu tltrW Is that Flour I'ltn t Della Ml It IulI Iu ease n clmngc ooours A pure. whteh In very prohnhlu, uALuIIAITtl it sort, rutnlll nettyory. Hrone tlt truss, 5-hour. tees Harmonoia Phottogrgphs V0)! GALE ' HIall]... .Ih Inn rut the hurt huy u. I m-rte duty or erprest hr rhnrpoteut \ wiilt Soturdoy .2339 I Ntrwurur-hhtdlrtn Tuesday Ilialll. aerator. 40' F . hit with. little. urtottets. 'l cttttlrt 1rd rtllll ItttulluK IL 'I'Ilura ohoutd he no lack next uurnhrar. V ltorkey ntntolr hetween Autorlt and Nchi hlnttduy In the int at March. How Is It edrntnrr trrI v It or to hutnw zero itKIIiII ) criurtl'ty upper and Enlsrmlnht onl. pun-t _IorIret the Annual Supper Imll Irrhrent In a the rrerhyter-lon -.r next \veduest luy nlght. MIMI I-:. 't honrprn and Mr, itaxandur I-nrk nhdrton pourt. lllrt ttunar- Judge wutdtttetd pru- hitirtl at the nylon at the III. DM- rtu ( ot the County at Ytlrk held tn NuwnInrket on Wpduusthry, There were tIlllynlett ogre an the hat. and out or that only on rare uhowett Itrrtrt. Several wet tttllnut-nctl trtt Ilt xi. unlll i. Them IN I: h mll (Il- terrdanoo or wltnusrau and upaetators. L'rttttl was uyer In ohant an hour. Leap Vaar- Bonlnl. .e 'J'Itu very nnruurllrnpller, tun. Eon-II: und'have a ts'hnre_ot It on tho or Itan at Monday, March ltti. ah the Mt: Ir. ottltt League. A very unlquo on Int terertlug Itmxr dttt In helm; prepared. hart 'ruoutlay ovanlnrr lllr, notum or the program was r gl n. Snatch and Irtr'tr. , All present we . dnltghted hy sauna Irorn hltru M. tttohardrrnn. htrr. w. mm and Mr. IIIIEII . the read- ltlgvl by Mimi N. liullt ttlay, Mint! HIL'r Illrtr sun-Ir and I \v. tutu hawrenoe, rhoro who do not attend quteue Into-r n nenntno treat. Itonre next Monday and ludrre tor onroett, cuteken aurpltrr. hart lthnd, l-ntrltr-y SMCIE, Ktller. shalt, rlt, reed tleppa lIKKs at IIlhnu' IIIrthr-e Itourza ltlme Lenten Buntian .\t' Irnth Masses last Sunday. In El. Juhtt s Izhuroh. the parlor exllorlctl the Ilmmltl to uoturrtly and dot-nutty than the Indy stauon nt t.ent, whit-It rnthh-e that .we taut. nhstpln and glue nlurn. Ito showed truly the precept et Instqu Is at Itlvtrro ortglrr. It was a rnururuhtlnrent given to our Irrst pnr-ents, had they kem the etrnple Inst epIoInod upon thorn. we would not have the ranch harder tast Im posed rrpon us lo-tlay. ntter the Ian we ttnd that God, tlrno and tlnre rdnln, enlnlned a last upon prep, "Ite~eourerted to rne \VIiII all your heart III Iontlut; and In \t'celtlng. \ara-lltd words he spake lhmttglt the prophet Joel, Moses {Mind turty tilt)tt In the Muqu wtth and. and Elton In like manner tort) Ilays. nature ho hod the wondrous Nlntrltes rented. am| therehy erpcazed alum-Iran tested. and (ht why appeared the Just Indhrnrtton oI Gull. rt tlrelr destr uottnn. ttasldes luman rstde the Just In- tlthlMi 01 IO Alnllglli) , ll (I EE! lite smtl om CV" pusslnns which sti e the growllt at ylrluu. In order to necttre It rral Elni llvlli at life. II is nrrdlttl In Iliullk II sin by ille mulls. Itrtt weeds urow spree. and as tour as thetr roots renrrhr In the salt, they \ vlll cmtilnue la grttw. The lttttu who In early tor Irts shrs end eun- l- d thrur reoelreth ml dan. hut ll ha Ithro he steps to remove tits, mats nl' rtn that rvnunue In the term Ittaut Intpllt-rt In hlq Ithtt'mv'mr rht It hhuhststrre to he Irultless. The III-1 .uttmmo III Data " slrrs. and thelr ally was saved trorn - or out hahltu, the purpose or antrnd- . 31 WWW: VF WIS" HAIF YIIRLI'III: ans 'ybu Wettld participatejltt this great barga I SHIiJS>3J dOVEI'QOatS. Odd/Thouse'rs , dveralls anti Smocka, Unerear, Boots, Boys Sums, everything in Men s and 'Yo'un Feb y 28th. 7 Embrace this gre NEWMARKET 39m , trwtnrr [u the Ilnnlt'crrtttrt', Sun'le titlll 'J'cu In ttre l'rmihyierinlt Giltlru the data at, the Meilthtllsl tttnutr. L'trttdurl par haen cltn'tlgcti terrlday ot nn'xt wede e..._g__._ . Death of P10. Fouled. lld deuur tank place here on Tunn- dny. ut the hhlttury Itorpttut. ot . p- th' .Iohn IIQlIcrl, routan Irorn the or. tools or nhetl Itltunk. Itarn In south SlIiL-ldq. England, 21 yearn nut), nu served his nIIItreh|lcc~ hltip or a earpentor and come to can- Iaru' Innlhatt team or 'l ortmln. I who u'inrtthlmr or st, James (mutt. rill. :ttlti wall runny anr'arrtrottonr In the ohurclrJ .horlud urtrantaed the st. lamest Itrlpltet'thuh. and eaptolned It untIt Isutnrt overhear. Shttml' It lentotl wart Identttrud In the hulldhn; trt many at the' Important huiltlllltgtt In 'l m'unm, null WM general Iorernun III the earpentern tn the handled or the (I. It 1|. and hayal llnnk Itutldlntro. Itoan nvdrderm wtllr the lot II. n. n. c. c, In February Iota. he Ito-I IrIIull rhoelted In Itnrarnher. 1917, and war Invalldotl home to tho rtrror'n rentdonco, M nttute trn ptuee. 'rorohtn. March, lath. Itnd eume lo the rhIlttar-y harpltal here the name Inonth. Survivan trtrrr orn Idr mother. or Saullt sntntdn. Harland. three ulnterr. Mm. Wm. hrnhleton, oI Toronto, Itrr, Itranlt IIIIII, or London, England. and MrsI. 'i'lla l' labor. at Durilth lon. England, him one bl IJ'tlIt-r. 'l imlttll't. ol south strtettlo. no 3 Producer. Poulll'y payr. so Em; Ineuhator and Brnodtrr eornhtned only 812.00 at many hardware, Newrnarlret. ottleo onselnlty oehrcnttnn. . The Annual (torn-entloh or the Irrauulr rrIrnnIrerr Itnd ntarv salesmen or The OIIIoe Speelalty Mtg. 00.. Human, whore Iaotortes. toonted at Nawrhurket. Ollitrtl'ln. are the Iarttbst in the lllllltll Klilpll e tlcV lEti to tile rnunaraoture ur trlluls systems and or- tree equtprnent. ls helm; hold all this week alrlltc 'l aranla others at the company 97 \Velltutrtan St. went. "'l . slogan at our company. )nu knuw," uatd htr. It, Stt urlls, '1'- ranto Ztlttttugcr at the company. a lt can he none; and In order to rnalte the tht'ugs we attempt dozllt . It to the pulley or the company to Ittssettmle IIII tnarreh rnansrrenr tor a ek's snsstnh every year. \Ve cau get luscllter and exohande our sell rut; exporlrrree In a way that Is hlohty pratrtahle to all at no. he a result oI gelling our hands lasellttr at these yearly eonventlons. we are alrte to pertcol our hue and our company pottey. all or whloh. aI c nutsn. results In Increased and Improved service to our vast hurnher ot customers. . The year ltls'. passed was a algu natty inddcwml one lmmJi salrs standpolnt. and It the nrosresr thus tnr Is any ludleatton. we predlet an even gteltt eehtsrentant duttnrg tat The Convention vlslted the Drum and rootnry Iu Newmarket nn Wednes- day and were outertrtuett wttlr.t.anteru In the Town ttrll In the comet rtrnu _ is yours, nldht or day. wtth one at our tnrrrrott \Votoher. All models $2.75 up st lttnus' llattiw/aret ttrrnlltou. l dt. 22. Sllallly dltur he returned to the home alter tretnd on duty on Saturday ntolrt. roltro Ftvrtqcnnl llerl Thumn II dlscnvurtzd ihai n shocstntr tragedy had Danum tl n the upper part at the house while IIP. was {Gatling the EVEDIHK Ilap. Through It he lost Ids ha and dough. ter and an adopted daughter. who tnturchuroh Forward wohdurtul rtspunsc lllmutgltmti cou- ada. Tilt) cmml ctsttiloltn ht all nhurcltr , . Itt'IlI-tt - (icing. 'rhe ohloollre tn ado t.. yearn area. In a nuurher at "my mm has hm m m '"" ""m" "1 me uxreuut ry cordnhtnlorr hurt tlltttti~ r tlt'itl . IIIIluted whh 3' K 'Newmat ket Churches (lo . Over the Top. .lmlumunl. opton ldty tturtotnoo. day. Mr. htaeLcando the tourth 'i'lttx Itharratal rarnpalph or the Inter. """T""giff'i'xmwgf [kgdf m'fm' t-lluralt i atwnrd Mowrnant ho had a ' " somewhat Immuan error- an ax- ave been Itherul and In many ctwl. i lrslnd I ltIlL ctii (liltl lht: I'rHIlIl Till) I t ltdvh am that heartr upon aehtovlne tho some uh- Jtlullwt {Is (In! Iccnnll) 50L by the Itothodlsta, namely 554100.000. and are array In a good start, with a total outleoltou to date or unmade. llxulca reached hy lh otlL'tts -tar an reported 351.1) . 'tho Angtteanr are low well willlln lthillllg dtstanee oI thelr new goal at goddamn, with n tolnt reported at Ezmmad. on 'l'llt; Itaptlrts tin: oonttdenI-Ihat they will so [Ia l (ht; million mark. Their original shit-alive wt ta 8850.000. Iraqi report uhowed that mow had Irren eotteeted. wlth n large nurnhor ut eonrruratlanr nuttte he heard hour. In Newnntkat the tiltttva'cra or the three ehureheo Iatthtutly eon- UIlumI theh- walk dull tlretr orturtn were :ltlt-rltletl wtth nratttylng re. rerults. Mel-y ehureh uhleh outraged In tho errnpslno Iran Kline over the ulticcllyc, 39 will he seen hy (ht: l v lhwlng: I oth. Lift: 24,. nhlaotlre, sutrnerlhetl. Angllean .za,aua $3.5m) Prcu hylnrlan man 3.0m) Methndtul. .. t. 6.8 'I.ol'r 'i ltc nplendtd corps or nt'kvrs wild acenrnpllshed thls very grttiihltrtg re. null comprised the tolluwlhtt: Anglican. Chairman-4. 7.. Neshttt Secretd canvass VJ. w. hat , hog. Stat- lam. . ttItI. cuss. Flynn, r l rtlnch. Wm. Iteltlr and .l. H. N5- hltt. rrerhyterlan fllmirmdn n. A. IIradle secretary II. It. Marshall O, It, rI'onolr Catt IVscrsAll. Marshall, I:. 5. 1311315. \V. II. IIeIrner. w, Osharno. II. P, Ilarntlton and 1a nu} . I htothodlst Itlralr-rnan p. \V. mars/III sec reasAI. II. V. IlrnuKiItott canvassers Itrs. l' tIIehsrdsnn. M . H. Young. Miss w. hops. Itlss nose. r rt Plpltcr. Wesley mourn. ,Itoht.. nrtnrron Laurie Dane. Fred LaSJlle noht. .rnnlng. \VIII. lanes. It. It. Ilteelr. N. A, cotnell. G. n. \Vartt. Ity. Bennett, L. 0, Jackson, Dr. N Wilkinson, Andrew Stoutter, OUR OTi li K. Itacltenn. whouo retlrornaht Irornl the Union Government has oil/en hum Inteshadttwed. who nlaeed in the hanuu ut Anilth Premiu- Irurter on Saiup \ttn latrrt ot the ttordcn Government willt scale In i arlldtncttl. Prist- str x, Vliugll , "0". . A. Grerdr, Him. 1 . \V. "l mm' rnlllcm. Ito . Itan. .t. K. . adhezn. JIJJJII" _lIl.Ei iill Thu tormal realenatlon et non. A. They come Thomas 'hltu, Sir Sam 5. c. Menlrurn and Iterohrttonr hardy. , The order paper tor the eornInn res. stun to already :ttlarnutl path scmrdl Int ailing Items. 6. It.,IIurnharn, M. l . ltrr \\'05l l clctltom, hrs a resolu. llon ealttnrr tor a run and tree dtneur- hlult oi the "despot-ole oondttlor '- arlttnr out ot the Iigh east at Itrtntt and the prlee or that. General str II Ilunhru. trout the llosrtllul at Toronto. ltrtti rent In a teaser lutlou eolllng upon the house to vln- dicnie [he {tall n taken 1!! Alalur llhseh and Itapr. hIeCantay In eon. III: resalutlou elahur that there Int-n Mint! ltt HIE leilrr mm to lnslrutz- ttons Id thetr htlptrlum nut! that thatr rellun tn erery ease wan sotlstuetory. Inhl tutti dinerellon helm; Ltch towards the partles lrnrnetllately concerned. . lltcdllttitrn en l dlranltuo. General liltgllcla has another resolu- tlon on pl tlrulldxc, which reads 3' lal Inwa ll'al In the optntan ot thlr quite the part Intererto at (Jan. Ma and the people wnuld be served and the prInoIpter oI rerpornth liulcrhtneni would/ht: malllit tlnkd by A syulem Ill IIrIllllcal patrhnhge Whitfi- lrI appothturentt, In and pmtnuilntn In hath the uulelde and Inside chtl - so would he prouaht under the hlw, tte eonrtdaratton and meorn- tnrtldailon! 0f IIIeInhem'Oi Phrllnmdtti or the dotented eaadldatrs at the v I Working Shine, Working Boots. Fine j g Men's Wearables, ail great, reductions. at opportunity. Look for the sign- m' . Damon s Famous Half-Yearly NORTH YORK S [GREATEST r "o' J I ' 0 neotton with the (Irrelph Novttlate raid." C U-Htghhdiidadrgdhhh "the l "rret'rttonu opr'rn oods pour-trip ln' ov Fair warning f Sale ends $aturday. Sale. v - It ' Working Capital E or FARR/BE; R S It. L1. LlDTEn, V RTSGROSOO5 HE bttu-Ich mhmzen cl thin Bank will , ' moor reliabln tanner. in my rasonrtrhs """""E"' dcnundalorctuliun nlmhuvierzmps. EWMMKET to tend stock. to b uy when. or tor my wund ennrprI-e in line wlrlr-nrtionnt drvdopmr. Further, n. [aiding money to Isrrnspn It I. - ourrirn to rr-rrn eumnmauitlhnirnmhrnnd thus rnrtse thia ank or preean assistance re lhcm. M run I a V iikugili tii Slimline . Oppnallo Post. Ol cu, x NEWMARK ET Inti) in honor. always havlnrr due rcghrtl (or II|E Eiahiliu' a! lht: scr- rlr lha rdornatlou at derorrlux at he and the proper eanduet or my lruslh :45 or the ununll , and that [he clrtl rerrtce should he 'umentletl In rentonnlty theren-tth. and al to un- crtuh'u l pdsilltrn cnn istent \u lllI It! tllgn ~ and Importance In a new sphere ot a, nu - Who Ir oaI. cooper 7 .t. It. Iuclnlr ot Guyahbro rte rtw in )1th \Vhr-iitrt' ll is (he Gm r"- rnents thlentrna to 'sidre ttru law lnakin hank notes redeemuhte by Hall]. "I: aiin wanis it) know "\Im is Colonel John A. Cooper. who In an tnteryrcw purporting to have LIEqu [4' h to the Itoston aloha. deelared hhnselt to he the ltrsl ,represr-ntatIr-e the nartadlaa Govenltncrtl even rent |0 Ii Iot elEn cauDU ." In the new Parliament thrttdtnus uradtord blstrlct or the Methodist- Church. with an ubi e nt 330. two. reported 326.362 wlth several elreultr to hnar trout. I I Dlslrtct Orgnnliem tor Speotst sult-l scrlttllndsiMaynr Dasstll, Ituml a. r Dlhirlcl Organizer lot" nodular Suhv rorlpttons rrrd chantler. Nev/market. It to gtnenllyrfcll lttal tIrls great eempaltm Is sure to he {allnwed by r rich splrltuat upllli In all the churches and Iltttl tthrlsttaulty will rnrau more to the Indlvldurl gent-rally iltkn (or years past. e: / THERE ll? MOVIE-JV L'rllll'l r- ot- Tlrouantltlts tr! \lnlci lia. In Dart-pat toll! on ortterutn. Ilouneit made provision tor the ram an rrtll- at Igl ntutlles lu Imperial eoldier resident In Cart. mtn VIM/um n nl , - . r ww- ,It is estimated HIM. soltluwhel'e hotmnen In and In on not) wt et'tttts the honor at hotdtng the that poll- tlesl rnretlhs Ialts to the Nattonal Lttteral Comrntttee. Members at the house and athrr prominent Ltherals met on Tuesday with the apposltlan header. Iton. w. In Itaeteurte King. to eonetder \arlous datrttr at or ganinllnn. It was deehted that MI- .Iahr. beets. sdltor or Polltlcat Lttcrt ture tor the . llonal Liberal Cnmmll- tea, wttt o a weekly delter dur- ml; the comma xesstou. lle ohleet a! ll? ii to give a muttan dom- mdhlary on Parltrrnentory Idoceedluss. IS mull! hy C ituailvc Lihetailsm tn lite aclm' wortlng out a! that edunlry" a_"~h~s. Just now It will ha pull": ml has not her-n doterraln yet. It was Rlso dretttrd ta Imslt mqu on urltmty tar tunds Irorn ltth-mls with will I It) has an ltd hurts, prostlli't lml nI lrllrrrai prl rtples rent llrmdcast om- Canad 'MEAFDRD lertr thI. hurt and donate: and pnhIIu events, 5., asthtrausetnvttt would he to reap the Itulrllc mp , a ... p. Implant lttr another job. A nurnttrr or men appeared at the IIII Monday mnmlng |0 Siilrl crib and the management molded to sin! clptmiins the plant It noon yesterday. "The slllppins mom and lite yard men have heart walling derttwlang, and the company expects tint {mm mm! on there tronhtr. rs dl|.llte men were patd an on Saturday and only those adding to work Ollllte [At Your ServiceN Wherever You' ' ' The human In town, arioourrtry. has the some ad- vunlugc n5 ltet; sister itt the city in expert'sel vicc lI-ont lite best known iil ttt in CLEANING AND 'DYEINGI Clothing Oi Household Fabrics f For you ., the name "Parker s" ltuttt aigui 3 ? i ieti Itel'l'cciiutt in this work of making oid' gm thing's look like new, \vlleiilct personal. - r . garments of even the meal I'I'ugilovmtt let'iul or household cul luintt, draperies, ' rugs, etc. Parcels it'otlt lite country sent by mail or express receive the same careful nlle lion us work delivered pet sunnlly. " write to us {or turtIn-r pullenlara. or s your pat-cots threat to I Parker s Dye Works. Limited DLEANEHS and DVERB : 791 Vongu Etrcat, a -- Toronto. 3 5....s-muu,sx. a; a welcome 10 t,aoa eathos dolly. and most at ma hodles here helnrr esrrled luto,tho rountry on sleds and lttt In the story. Many oodles were being tlt rtged . through the tee to tha Iurir ttayr. Funerals in: prohlblltd thrills to In smtrli) ot horses and because or the dept I; ottett ot tudrral process stops on the titanic. , ~ irtns conddtons rra lntolerolrle." rrht Pm! Zeldier. "It uosls- thlrly I ttrnussnd,t.enln l'ulllts a day tor trod atone. i etroydd at rtlsht Is wtth- wtll I In: no turttrer III hour hasls \rlll be - tart-u on south." , out ltytn and there is my little tutor. I h 1 mm new mII passtnptnt his nature" grill! we humd m, awed My"... :1 'l" :X gr _ on TERMDUR Hutu -oua-Kw houses arr: Itoodrd try bunsilnl or W m ' m" W' ' Strattord Fell 22 John 0' V Irozou plyts. ' tcsewul'e rro stopp- . . , . . . w. .000 . , htly ut "lull: iresimrusitre :1 .' N m?" 1 wrMnmm fainter tr tn Gnnray. leeir liii'fa" ir'nii r- Gm K- 'i ylkr, Gurrrnunndent eat It nttv mt: III vrmoumtu Id and srnttny cendrttonr rre It. - tone taunt; pne "manner. ;|: ":a non-pp, (o mmmg 0,. ml alwwl In ummg at the Milton Itrnt .o. or htrstord, I 5. b N n plorahtr, r.|rlli| tit/arm that or reaardr whh Tm is w ttnrvthorne road; and Ida 'wtte warn IIelltglhteImperialutoopmy Slated llclsmslurs. Pittlttztl, tr e - v- ewuuns o ICN/ E tor pnttlurr the proper ' ' ttltrd thts rnorntnd whrn the 3 5 nasrrudor lmtlt rronr srrnle crashed tutu thetr auttrr on me Emmi urns- nInIr as they wtru dr-trlnrr to market wtttr produce. Mrs. horde mun "ndxartllltx the lunar rroulde at the plant at the group... lieu! t Itht. Mutmrd. on amount or rtt=h orders. tt war deemed horn-sen Ihe oo'rnnrny rud n cnttlm lr: trorn tha workman ports at sartest-ltylug eoudltlons st Patrvarntt Itn rt hren reczhed hy Pmressor Iterhtanu zehtlrr or vIlrorg. shovuurt that typhus. rholert and tu- tturun are min a heavy toll ot the Prul, Rldler Atrlntllii or or the lit-(In'whlnlt nre pr 'erntnrnttv the Ind Wth of our nhrsnpl nature, Its ruen \w are part heart and part mini-l: II we (At-Il lltc |\P- i.\l we It or the spent, The only way to awnin- for In gmlttily Nl llhwinl. ml 110' Irppiiculiou will IIB considured BIL let Juh' Isl. [020, * ' A simllnr alluniion' hxlslq in permeation with the refund or the utiIllIl on anrh more or n Int littlltltmilc rtnpdanr rhodt- lr lc Call and 3 those Instru no r rlhrh enrppor Iavoratrly Milt than. at a rant-Ir higher (Igutc, ,.Vor the IIAI Ihuu'trr the hlsury III the rounty III srtrrzoo there was nn huslnrsr tor Ihu split); rsslrcr. med, Iur Tuesday, Feb. Ioth, * stanrt htttrd. rad Jr, Bo'c III I . th-t tn the Inst lull-ran5 or path pir doptated panutaton. or, .I. Map-13pm", W i "W" " A "'9 "l' mlntllxs nttrr he vino nrtrriltred To :3; 733313;? s the Iratnry would he run on! wtlt hm charse of Illa lttrsslan ttett ntrosltr hthttrry Itospttat; " """ "" ' ' l 5 III-arm Itoeprtot. 'rltn Inttrnittrr Me ' ' r trn-hnpr ,Iz-trl Inr whteh lime'vttnll (has: rrtlet work at retruerod. when n'rI (4-an from nutte elrrr. and the curtain: to an r mnt n MIMI . "fur" ' "" Enron our The that that built r-Irttnrs Inertne- VIII-Imp, moment pp grunt the rnld wlIlII-Itl puwrtunen u' "w "M! dllls Illa antyrnhrtton oI Hts trarrdv In..."n v on. Mn. hrrttly. It at art, - ' hr dulllyllul l1drn. Vanna Eu Friend l r V . Council 01 Noxottlber Inst, exte d- rt|p1<s I I'I rlrluntttlhtll-I who rptrrr nrd '1: tr s lli}l l at threw er and. 'white about In 000 veterans . e rtiprrlndo thermal. only hnlt that rruruhrr [tau annlied. ' Newmhrkel . paid tor- the ertra lrtlttrd worsen. It number a! the mm were In Iarnr or thtr rr- rnnrrnrrnt. tmi a hour. was puqled uttry Its, dzalhl tn patron-rd were I... the hand In thls riled. red stat. manta; r total or 3,000 a dry. The Itap that snyoue hut nijl gd v. I thta eomn nouris- could turn out only ttunta I; opened rum to the oulaldu world. The repel-ht stole um up lo .tsu. xnud tho tit-n In uuxnnt rrtnndn. Hurt-qt: Ltunnrr Ii IM EM 0mmv Anettlvs or 0N ' TORONTO t e . try, \1

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