Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1920, p. 4

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- "andnnwml ee I . llertn York Marble Loans-Ir uwa. 90 0 bred. Id than glomlnnt uw nirmoimllnlv Ce nunuinn Pan1 Ind 00 een IIIIIrrIImI uth l'uvamhneunu nlu 1min, nIIIIII re IIIMIIII; Insmumm a I i'imtn n 0 0 z n . n (and! mum ( he Mathews Friend. - I vi hook ar/ lknumol In Uni-"or Our 30 Vein ml ennui-I cow- Au'v HIV! IImIK cm F0 R is A L E I .w. E. Rutledge i, I Machine Sling) A Ituuampr nun 'anwu up Will 011W. w. E; INTI-EDGE F. lIlIAlITLEIl, nzwnhnxar, - - nemumnlnroi mE MUTUALLIFE or DANADII, 1n. FallnyMoldorl 'ISMITHING, PLUMBING and, FURNACES I am- oua unions 8.1%.. ASHTON. laIIIIIIa' unnuyunna KEVIN-nits? z ISI Granite Works ' JOHN 0. Moss. I- mn I'llenc 255 G. II. 1?. iIIII-un SI. .Newmerlwi. oIIl. NBIH' U. 'l'. ll. Shilbn. 'I'iIe Inl scsl desltslls 0! I HOT!!! NEW , TABLETS AND HEADBTONES Ln North York. Eliteleuey A service" Our motto. EsIImALea xlvbn wiuront any olillxaIluu. Bunnie! cenriuerallun la dependents a! llllen liewee. No eanimol 64 large (In order Ian email . Ae we take can III Ihe one, We lake one III Incu- nil. 'I'Ile Innlnllaiian at Modem Eleglrlo Appllnnuss II nur works tnmleu en lo eIIer you nrninnl servlce mil Ilnest. workmen ride in Ensemble prim. All uonurnenuil Ennl lllng Ilene by on experl. rIIIlIIIIus stone nut, to erden Largest lmbnl tcrs anll Mnrllln end arunIIe In Norm . ank. ' Brighten Up the Home Iran with new . l uclIIn nloim. lie): in, assortment and heel Dealers III II mw allnrblli y' In; L n der 'puhllshed nuneen, In in nrlle'la'pnr odam VulQIM (lumen. In 'Imnln enneqe comm . regard Io" llui sirlwhoyallm allege my room yv luijllor em alone IIeIId mm mm llllll' . _ tr," u nd Ina KlrI who nuccx III- rin want the wink oi the vain: men with Midm.ehe In mains and IIVL'I' cheek mulnil iIIe." , l IIo Lender neweve deer, nI'II menllen Inn moonllgnl deuce. I'cI-Ilann [lull Indinnl dennrtnre Irnrn and Inele lIIIe net yc| Muqlm .Ilie II: in mi IIIII Inn and \\'M'Ili"mvnm| Inlllm oeenn. Canada ell-nu; Ina Inernenn Ireln u. a, uanlnn In Inn ,enn-l. Men free mm, In IIIlll III- Iun 'nlniutpd ethul by tile epilunnl Inree I 1 inc iJIIIlnII meter. Lind. l-VYIII Ior (Ill) lourlll Illilk. lllil . nnlu ancil |n rend II IIan In I e l'rlihllh lll. wltn II mill: IIIeI it IInd re- (IIIII-Il LII mlvlml mill comm! III II)! IIIIIII Illen. The mall" III rnxnnlml nvnryvv lnm an Iillvltl g.pllt river Intn Inn IIulIllml t-ampal/gn Inr deplIenn Ine Innxmlll lIlllAtr thlIl between lire eiil ei elqiltllllvc and IIIejennte I- lerlty. And Inn Unllcd SlulcsIlR IIIlI rm miner an In IlIe mailer at llxu W r [him the Immune Inul eennlry is III In neIIlIId In deeming peace In Inn wun.ln lnklng In. her lair nlnre Ill HIE \an . I lunlloml limb mm , nodnrieil am: Tue I-rne I rexs aunt/"London would eerlelnly min. .I rewu IlIey limngnt Iney w bull-lg (axed IoIcarn' (unveil (o Dill In] I'll" eny oiner eeuirr -' . The Bier liellm'cli InnI Durham mlil tinder-len iInd rnnny nIlIei- pineen ere IIIIIIIIed III nklnz n mw licenan lIIe eleven or Inn] InI'InIeIpaiillen llItII. tank IIIII In lnllvn III swung Ilio lIy'IIro eyelem Ire nIII entlnlied wIIlI lielding nn IInIalr Ind reatminlnn mommy over me lIyIIrn saneIn Ior IIIe nzslia years ny Im- Izmian an IIIe. nIIIer nIIInIeInniIIIII higher ruler Inr nowlll' In nr IIer In nanlIII-IIIEIII (and IIuIIdIIrI) In ,gelltun eIIenper newer. but now uiey nope IIy mlftlnlng Inn nrnnenl Iiytlrn,t_~lu ~ lrIe commIrIiIInn. and Inn prenent dis- erInIlnuIInlr Inn-n in nernelnnle iInt vieionn monnnnly. JNIu neopltl are daily gelllns wine in thin Illlng and nre delerminee Io IInII n reIanIy so that Illrrvnrlpnn renlian III the pro vlnee he developed in Inn Inlereiil at every elm and neeiien in IL- lll'c Frlcu line:- the Apex VIII 7 Allinlen IiemIIl. Will IUI9.bucnine mnnu'I In years In name as year at IIigiIeII nricee,ln IIIe Ivurld'n Illnlnry l. I'IIIs million in Innlellmee asked, but the heal inIIn-nIeII men in Inlemnlienal mmmercll here not IIIe lanterin to annwer II when In IlIe nIIImInllve or In the III-relive. Certainly, nriees or every Imumndity need III, we nupu Inee Me y creeping unweni Illl llIIy have now 'Ichml a paint. neeme: iy e nsldemi yloasillln at IIIe lime dl IIIe ginning m the drmlellee when. It- ter tnIIr years nt war and nIeedIly 1II-' venrlng prices, unnnle neared n nigh nI relic! IIIInIIna met the eerian III Intlnled mums and IIndnriIl plnbllllm lInIi niInnt l nlllc lo ml end. ' wInI em a .II Wary I'rimiilmlily end e IIIII rulInII-ed :Itmlllrr nd- \ anuo lIiI Inrhy pl s [ll'P' Ilan an Neveinlrrr it. 1918, Inei: lIIe drum In the nuekeu nl m'MIIy Iniinled vnlnIvs nt lurilny. NOIIIWIIII. 1" "K ItIe when I everything. IIuEn II I: mm In evl line, and Iiesniie'liw \I'nrnitxi III are cnll lminlz sminrlcd :nIeIII IIIr. nnmlmse ei lux- nrlnn III Unlle Siding origin. were Ix avIIloan II! .1 br trade in lliis Iiile ln Illa Inwn ni Allisloll. Mnney ls nyeilnnle and an IrresIIIIle Illnlind- Itnn lIn ing :Nztd IIIe posin- r or lire mrmcy In acquire rnmelnlng an. sIrI-II, [milling mm at IIIter Ilml ' Ilnn mu nrnrenl the sale. we Quenee, Ilzren 27.4 Ien o cluck In-dny I III]; Ice Ineve began an the CImIllllL-I I! Illi'L . Al. SI. Jacques tile eieelrie darn and paw r house was nwepllaw yr At 5 . Georges iIIe strccls are needed nnd Iiiere are ne- Iweeu tour and live IeeI eI waII ln llie stores and residence: elm-s lhe waleriront. I- sue / I LOH 302I3I90UHs now 1 0 on: com?! on mlalt , new I . fly a painless name Nth or male InII hI-rha, we have cured your e di 'nnre IIInn'lO yearn standing In Arte w- a time. our treatment In Kunmi- "HI In he harrntess. And will build II I rumdown system. thu [at- me 'nlomlnllan Io ' Ex :31. Toronto. Ont. . . I ' -E ving. , ' I - ispeci-I nimou IIth us new line, Islam In line mm Irr- linIIIIuI In II we Rubia-I on! 15d 06!. vmllv' Mn rd Ior " neIIv rival. I , . l' ' . I Ill/"I 'I II'I'I neaee Irenly . IInI up - mini-I514 the Mandi. -Ilrs. Ilium &;muq,mvmmnllm l, I m n. . re. forty yum men. hiya Mel: lelll ' 411 E. Pmkbun {Yaw pquId . hes remind QM: Ill ulul when lu erlng VIII-h lemAlbIlIl. Thll mu {0! the mammal dc for It 1mm autumnal. If you In trauth will: an mallllu a women wh _do'nl. yon.t.ry I- an E. l nkhnm'l a 1an 7 II Hindu from II: vs ml. and WM Ind wnhlna I10 nnrenllu or humml dnl'jxn. Inn. cl .IIrIeI que nlld wire to mile II I (I'll. Pinkhnm Medicine on, Lynn; m 11.. result a! (on! Jeers exmrklwe In lit ynur selvlw. YNE man RA'rloN or menu H llun TIM", llm grave clullien are laid sulde, Inn IIII: Iumh ack- nuwiulsl e III wcalllvmll. I lie IIII-nen. BO lel In ue. let IIIch LII: - l all! In our IIIIIe ' urnwyanl. m I! Inld rip me [ram eiumeu. IIIe Ira,- dlllnmi that lIlnl I luI Hill walk out (mu Inn qullrnt III EIOHUHII belle)- IIIIII s. , V II: me. (or lie unemmnd Ine law Illal overcame. end we may I-Iee lI we eniy nnIIenulIe Io unIiendnuIi. wnetl mm IIem Ilealll' Well. Is IIIIImIIInI n llenlg (lentil! Lot. III lny side Iile mve endnee. lIIe lmdlllona lint ensllrond nu, Inn walk out [lilo Inn glory oi Iiu, New IIIeInnII. llavu wc neen llll . time at our Illouullls. and Ileld down by me [mile-I (hill we are In VIIIIIIIIFI DI circum- stances. Inen unuIz lilo draveclotli und ow It away. We are nut \voriml oI Inn IluII, wretched null \ IIc, nIuInuglI Ine InInn noon IIII-e declared LIB Id. We are Inn-is lrmil the rum III (Ind, and we Ime wlllllll us he power It: be lnnslnl n er nur (Illa. A IIir in Ine lumnl IIIKlll IIIe liliin pl manor. and look In. I lice nnuIIIer old ismveoluIlI Illnuins tilere. Itemiin I Inn II all like father like son. no. Ilol. Ma: Iml y. miner n IIrIInIIanI. end InnuIer n mom. I may no wiIeI i will to Le. Away willl IIIe tradition Iliel nMnL'I In IIIe hindlnig nI llclcdlly. IIIe ansluvlni; or man. 'I cur II an. and (Jim! It mil. lie I: Iinm Sn may we nee ennve neliy Illlngu. "qu, well; I wnnl in tell you ennIII Illal acnunlmzime ni mines on, Inc I: n Imeizldler." an. llullg your friend IIIEB almvc Illa WM!ng DI Ionxuesl Ill) I3 risen. Fr] may W "Dll, In [men In llll XIIE ln trick ll Slnllll wand an In e." kernel Anal. and I'll!!! iiilrI lln Illililesnlmry'. that. Is lrig lerne Ia InIuII Inn and Ins IneInnnss. liernne. Lellis .I III, IIqu IIIII luIIIIs us end risil. loo. LI us EEK :Inme lIIe nem- Image. Is IIInI-n n nIren slrenk In Imlrscll. In I-mn- Indie. In your lei- low II we Inn, In Iln, Inan. m In the Innll I Innr allnvc II an. ill .l \' er IIIIIIII llm IIIingr msy oi ni- IIIiIIIIIQIlL W is ' much [mm In Ienlnili, Inn It is gland and In- SIIIIIHI; IU IIII Illa In unlnlll 11m . 4.unawd III) um: F0" FORKEnS nnoisy." lm \llllsp II. as Ilin) Ingclller nu III renee surmnrirling III-s. Fillignn r pigstI'I : er neeulliui II Iw l Jts Iidnn III II Ilelsy I When I Ire Imrrird III will item I pig a! nun n)\'n. 'rIIInII oI ItInl. Ilelsy I" "In." slit: Illlisnercn. a 11010 M re- senimenl In inr voice, what IIo.I enrn for his: I I ehzn'l want a nil; when I've gel you In .' Then (III II silent once mor slvr Ior llIanuSicIl [rcch n! zepMn; air OTHER lielEis NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" _ are (knuin Aspirin II ynu dnn'L see me "llayer mar" en the teen", you I- not, getting MIA only .I. itILI InuInIIun. IIeII In line Indian III-III; wnuld tin nepn'ul oi Ille thn ' Ineuy ,menwrno by rem oiztnelr {nlher n _ltirenrllip II-II 'Inerneeivea been; nrieered enimnrnt In: Da- lnlnlon in rent years weulll tur Ien yearn to cnnne have at: any In the elee- lioII e! me Nprrnenlalivu eIIhc pennle. ' I Point- owl Inlulllica "H il jwem \vorlll evldle, Inld Ilr. Euler. "we mluIIl eonlnnre IlIe nreIIenI Iranclllliu nlii wllll IIIe wullme clen- llnIIIl ueI In line degree DI dIIlI- nuelInI. inx IIIIIt wIll occur under IIIIII ML'M wiiieti 'cI-ery wdmnn nII German or Aueiilnn nlrIII wIII ne denr'iI-ed III e vnle In the eenllng eluollmlli. . And It I may ne allowed n nerennni remark. I Inuy nny InuI'Inle n I! II pnnreu. will diulranlilllsl: my mol Ier elinnuxlI ntie IInn'Iiveu in unnndn an i; good annndieu einzeu. Inning rem-ed Knml Guladlnnn, [or .Iny ycum. . it will deprive ol the Imneldee all women wlie nnvn lived In llllII enuntry tor Innny yearn. IIut wire were Imrn In nemnny. and were natumllzetl nu n lumen nul aIII erve IIII: Iniusllne at IIIIu. Mr. Sneakcrl may or more wnmu Inn eel will leIraanIIIIc have neiunlly ruled In part mil-s. having need duly naturalized IIIIIIIIII gull Jun ). .uuder llllr! rel, II it in read wlln IIIe naIurallllIllon eel. my are deprived OI IlIu I114)". in vote by renion III the Icn- yenr lanai. I new. Ila mmudy. "I know that were are in [he riding I represent. Iden wile um Ide In lliel ineellty durlng llIe pm Iew years pq- Ieelly neenre end serum: In IIIe nellei Illal, IIIeIr mnelrie'e would not be Im- normedN lleeaune they eeninlled will] line requirements or the idw In llIaI llIBy Ind iIeen neIurnIIzed \VIIILIIIE nntum'llznilan III IIIeIr Inlnem, 'rney lune nn reinedy now. There can he no deunI In line mind a} any Ilunnrulllc Igcnllcinrln IIIuI it mean men IIIIrI lnr one nInInenl runneeled IIIII a lew Inluld 1m [msme Ilenm-Ine mum at me ImneIIIne unless they olIlalIIcLl ner- nollal nelnrniireiiuu perm. they would lam; mm Iii-Iva taken ntens lo ununn nuen IInlur-Ilimllnn: nnw. un- der III law, II In ullt'rl) Ininnsslnle Inr II In In Mn 50. / Nlls net \Vill I {Nuchliic men who reuld neI vale III the wdrilrne lee- llnue, it will cnliuilnlll c Inere men III." were dlnlmnciliscd In Inn 1an eleelinn II llilly iIed liven netumlized \villIIII IIIe lant ntleen yan and were nI enemy nrigin; II wIIl dinirnncni men who Iind Inter In Ilie warllme helium! . "an, ml III IVE this neeuliee alluzl line: Ilenni nllen origin \VIID could nel Valli under wnr candlIlons will lie nliewed In \ nle new 'IInIl we have peace. and Inn who were allowed to rule In wnrilme wIIl not Iln nermitlrd IIIII Iirhllcge In IIIe Iutnre. Tllzll sure I,- an anomaly or the rst er- Ile. , "llF'lSIlllln cIIlIl'd II If: lnEH CIVCI some 01 |Iic almmnlil ' rll Hm IIiII. . llr. Idreirr was keenly snlirlcnl m er r-xucpllnlix made ill Um IIlsqunIi 'IIIK III. , in Ln nx' of [IEI SOIIS' Daril (III IIIe ceniiuenl ei Nnrlll America." II al glmd Ml". I'Icoh, sllcll \\'Ilultl [IILII K' lll , Ialcnled or m- . el e dis- .Idumlnee. Inunmnd III the III]!- lil mlril nr-grn OI S'Ill Domingo, IlIc III ulglllrr nl IIIe Iierleen gee , and me Innlnun ni margin. Duclmsa Dl ranchltud. 'II the Inle nun-lien: er Cltlll'l'lllIElIl were alir .\I Inenlis sentlingll' ndnllnurd, sire wenld IIeI-n no rule wllalr I , iIuI. tier cnnk nr Irnusemnid. Iinnntini (rum llamme would gel the (Vielurln Alberta) reaelulinn to keep a gavermnenl III nnl r widen could lIuI keen In power celled IIIe bill a by another means. such I III , he said, was \vm-Illy et McxleoI Ilunlerl Oonnrancu. I From wlial ran ue E'atlierlxl, llrere lies sInII been n IIeeIeII eunterenee III IIII-nIIIenI ni ltIe Lahlnel. Lilieeal llnianlsls ennlending IIIaI. snlnelhies was "pul mar" and um the eel must in IenrlIII so III-II Her and eampiele II rI-IIIIl Islloulll unl III. iIqugIII upon me name "Crinadlnil eIIIzen, On line uIiII-r IlnnII. certain III In; can- 5" live IncINIQN or III Governmenl Inc nnlluu: IIIaI the slribluel poaslhlc Illraslln lie eInnInI-rrl ugelnsl all ner- Stills III allrl illll'd rnelny ulINI origin. III. III Ilnw Inng iney may Ilnve lit'L II In lire nuulry and no Innller new lnIei I II- rllizen sliln may have been. lIIIII. Al'lllul IlelriIrn, minister 0 Int r. was IIIII up by Inn Govern- ment |o cxirlalll" Inn Gnvernmenl's inlenliunn III- denim-ell IIIIII it IIIII never been me Inlt-nllon at me an mlnIslraIlon In Ilepllre yit rsans 'qu III IIIe ,IIII IIIII been cnnsldeud as As I! ,"lhyer arose" in your only wAy III knnwlnn IE you Ire gruivq ngIIIIDB, .AIpirIn nnwlhed IIY'Illllyd l tor. lover ' u. an and moved e by VII 'un. Ier gluduha, Ml. nu Innem; WEI 0, Hell! I, end Iur I'- urm-ull ' MA I In CIIIML .IIne, In. boxer. III II IAN mu Inna padugu In: I'- d Item, . . untrue III-mined ~ me 14! ' I-a lcyliudd. I known LII-timid! 2 l IIIIIIIII.IulIIIeIa el IIIn Irnnelilse'. 'rne InInIIIIr, or III: Inlr or In. nannerd um "I: envemmenl wuuiIi .mrnd Ine Inulure, He even nol very clenl- I! In le nlluI-a o! "\I nmnndmem, hul (mm will! an be lumen-d Ihe requireInInl 01W)- ignll nu lnllnllon will 50L !le In person wire In In. em line neen Erma}: uhlenI-l by Mum] n2 MIKEI rehllnnlhlp nr Ills operator oi the IQw, lIqugn nwh runner will be re. qniml tumbth molt GUI-U ullon- 'tn ainer reopen-I ' TnnnM-rn nIen III alien .nuenlrr Who me isnI ' renull nl IIIn nn|umllm|lnn,ot IIIeIr r a lien on" we. 1w. nuon. In trite ! pldnv ' mode ' -'i In .T wellhnl lirst Int 5an (I air, IHIMIEI I .I | I In lured eI IeI-(n Iunl Iu nIee mu as n Inn mnl .. ' In .III'Iiu rnInI errr slmlnl, [in Team In Hulk; lull! IImIlNIlII; I-Illki, lII Illl (lie nlzll'esl. shades and [ml run 750. I $5.00 [In @Iliovea lu IInmies. cu r. nucde uud {ineimnle rupee, In neremi sJIIltIIIs' c p , $2.0" In 3550 m Hats line In iirm Ire net-e nn eequeIilien. liarsnlino, IIrIIeIennd Iting nIIIlIr , in grey IIruIIIIH ,lJluI'S, greens, in nil nenesl Slmpcs 30.00 to $10.00 Ili Capt: .I' enamel nilnlvlilv 0 Iwwis, wersleen und'ierney Ine newest sllnpm unIi colors , J . clollI clips, III III! "use In $350 III/I Shams In lllnlck. um um! royal purple. In rmde, mnl lll or III- nd We. Slalcl , Anne and DIIILT minim; SBD Dul new bmnuo lint III boat or DXIONISI $5110 to I HO Balm, guaiimne (Su ? Links end Inner neemiuee ler me well drugged mun, we excel ' See Oul window this; \iJeelI, and don t llll EN S OUTFI TER In Inerds, numeric und enI olnrin nil 010mm In Raincogta nu muIirIII. nullnlih . Inr Inning em, in Silliness 's In nelirrn when mmn nI Inn Ilmluml pntlllrm no Ilavr \l IIII nunre nlenl Inst eolnln. Armw and Item;- fol: that; Spring Suit or! Goat. 9 gain". browns blues;.-ll'vlll$m~.-lu Min, '4 running Iron: :22 In sumo Cleats ..... ..m Isle ... .SIZUII law ) "Io make $100 In 58. Tenol. lln. 'Asu calm) Nell II. Buildi leave ii: too late NEwmmIiiai W near al pioduqtton u H0 The Ban of development, allons. Talk over .our Manager. A. m. LISTER, manager. ' Cpilel $5,000,000 FIInmEns HAVE To move mEm Goons UPBTAIns widen uccurred lalc Irstcldey utterr man was A result I)! 250 Ieel et (rack. Insl i'Iol'HI ei Heller-re, being washed (ml. by me Ilean- rains. 'I'IIree cm at the (min wiIirII was heund run [In sanil, ale 'ed en the luck Into me much. and. I-IiIlInugII the Imln was well Ililcd wIIII passengers, eel one Wu wIIIIIeuu en Tuckl SIIuII Ste. Marie, ant, .\iarrn I irnrmere in IIIo vicinin oi ner ruler were enmpellcd \o I'Elllm lIIeIr Imusehold e ecis In the upper S|orles OI Illeir houses lasl Milt In record lime when Bar mm want an IIII rampage. arerllanin. ls banks InI- miles around. .\Ian) at the Iarmm nul In the moel sirenneus nlElIl may have ereIrIenreII In liars. as me Ireler entered IIIIir names. rising Io IIIe window Ivdges at the (hit Iidor, nnout III-a end I Ilall Ieel deer. _ .\ltu at me eslllr en Ilia Iarins are standing up to men lmdles in water III-day as n usull ol the rapid mulling et IiIe anew \vlllbll has taxed IIIe curiae )! of ever) rl\' and me: iii the nnrtII country to carry It dawn |n Ine lake. IIer nIIIIII wnI spent by nuny iIII-nIIrs In an mm to me the gain In their nuns, end any were come nzlled |n move Itlshcr up to get away (mm Inn waler. T InI on 0, F. R. MIMI-d. net rrn amen Mines InIt nu- nerals e wlslmul llluul n anrIIr III e mile long [Ina ed Ina ersl and, erI lieu-III lulu: allel- Ine Cauldlmi meme n-IIwny m4 III. waler In Imus hlvooIlmenuy ell Around. old mldenu or III. anunlry rude may never nw' lu'wlnlu new dIc~I were" In rrpiely were. . A ml min hu been unt dawn min In: syn! lull-waiver wIIII Iho uhlwl nl'upuiurmrlhr pule m [he (run tram Toronto, for It it repoNoIl Innl lha ever; 1119 III:- Nu: nu beau warhead by uh! I no mm mm In; he can Wilding: wk} Have Your Do By Experts Cleaning; Ulolliiilg, llousulldlll III-IllleI-i delicate rubrics cull lip lo look us [will RIIII Might I IInIIglII, It. makes IIII difference \le Im rent in by mail or expre A eII'Iion Ia given I town. e P :m'vym gy - The? \Wmiicie i " iii germ you make more money per neieil you had 'exlia capital? Do sect l, bleedin or fee Ing stock? reliable farmers the means IOL sound and convenience_ pIOVldeLI to assIsIl Iliemi linancing pioduclion and marketing oper- I IS experlen matteis may be cl help'to you. ANKGEVE QRQNTC) Reserves elouiIeI us when that CLEANING AND DYEIN Is Properly Done at Parker s ha work as though yaII' I We wIII tie pinned In name yen on my quns|lail unending Clamp; er Dyeing wnms IISI arker s ,Dye Worlis, Limited Wm milling ' you to the limit cl ,_= n your farm? Could all need fertilizer. a; Toronto extends I0 R Eva banking Iacilily IIK y l 3': plans wiIII our local cc in nancial $6,793,983 II hurt. The passengers \me Ilium iilln It Saul! I1] {I Yxllel (rein wall} the company sent up In Hillel-1* The: was no Lmln lull lliis mama! II nae been raining IIeIIIiy Illa Iiln .\. I . II. Ilurlng llle part I: Inn; 5. and Id | water InmIII aim; LI line. { 1, ' OI I... lie . linen min I IIIIII IIIIIIItI live: parcols elm I18 rerun nuI-n nn Ivml III ere y ssI 153cm

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