Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1920, p. 1

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IL 0, incnsbli,}liiiii iir' I ', V _ r7, shepi. Cliqul nd' "n L'Mwielr will no mm (vi All were minim more polishing wzx iu ihe pound and oi his but quiiliy. ii piodoesi . ile leii. mos! iasiinl saniiaiy iiulili ud panels will) rise ieeii snoii pod ii iiio .i railing win iii ihe world. in" ioieiium: woodwviii. sii sioiliud igidiiiuhisuoeousilud. Tiy heed-e , ' ' - ) S IfREPIlR D wnx is sold indfrsoouimsedrd/b y (THE BINNS Hi lifii'ii'ii'ii E] i THE PAINT'STOR-Ei - ' ulwliAiiliu' iiiohz 2s PROMPT unvin: ii ? I Every farmer knows that cattle raising is a profitable business , . Don't let financial considerations stand in the way of incl-wail); your herd *Il unihdvanw is necessary in a'lock'or'ieed cbnluit our local Manager, 0 is in a position to, Advise sndguist Oil. ' Nenmnrkel Rhine!- 'Aumra Branch Dry. Slabs. FOR v' SALE Both Long anii Short of w. PEARSON. Oar. Ohurcii tnd D Arcy an. EASE YOUR .HERbS see our Asso nmoni oi Enpileii worsted Boliiiips iii lirioss than are less than many ilndiil ior iiioasinu qus iliy oi aouds wliii ihe nddliionpi sdisninos or having Quin- Diallliiig mods to measure and any slylo you deal - iNlLLIS... . - hauliunlii-rr Maln invent _.__._ - ~ .Lu liiui niier April lsi ihe sulisennlino . ' idols in hepleannd irain ilio unuual 'i prim i-ooiii.iie piireiissed ior MI) 00 -.ihurioi;'ihu donut oi. lheiunvoi-n- upooi ruweededvlirni-awi er iroin Whiskm iumor merrier. i llnlc il o! Win Candid l.,i'~hieh in.iii e more, v lioWever. nmyvnmvo einiiiniiilns io ihe nilnisier. V The leader or liia'hvn'oiii- hop in "lo isee oi ohieriions irom ihe choir. pressed iii; s iieiemoui us io wh ero ihe money wus. lo ooiue 'iro'iu. Sli- lieiiry.ilnoliy r'opiied 'iiii ioiiow : Tllc' I'llanaril]:ii: iiepileiniiii iiiusi ii iirel liiiow ihoiihe moiliodu oi mis ' inn uioney iiisi use, Oavdriimcnly-Dro- pinion in oduiii are Ml illscloied uuiil ' ihe iiiduei ls,iirpushi down; niiii ii is - eiiiireiy improper niid' lrresuiir,ie iiiulie iiiiy'reio poo in ms huonei pril~ poinls heroic, iiisl occasion. ii'ur- ilwl' llmn llmll ,Wli Bulli ny. I am peri iiy willing, however in in]! in'y . lionoiohle iriunii iiiiii ii ihe mniimni l cerlohiir have no idea oi nnoiher popuior innii. ' z The niiiihiier his riuhiniiied eoii- niuieo on ihe oeiisulidaled {I'lnd i'm- souiii oldne (which should he psldpui oi revoiiuoi iolaiiins summoned. The revenue ior. ihe prenenl ilsnhi ,or will noi, ii is oxpoeied, oxo 30.000.000, snd wliii exiiilng iorhis oi ioxuilun ii'hi iiol in he aniirsnsied ihsi ior'ihe coming year ihu ioioi ir'dil he nny nreeior, in oiidiiion lilc ininlsier his iuhiniiied esilinui' on oopiiiii urnouiilvnnlnunllilg [0 353.090.- uous Prom preoenl rindlcnllnnli ii ' wniilii, iiiereiore,,oppear ihai a ileiicll nupmxiinriiiillg orer $100,000,0 0 iiiuoi he mood, and lids deileii can only he paid by iiiiriowlnii. Au d ihe Eum'llcr memory neiiinalen are one yei down, ii iii. oi canine, nrnirshio iiini ihe iulnlnier his in view ihe imposing iii now iornis oi inxnilon, iliii noiiiio oi wiiii-li wlii noi, howru , ho disnlnnud Illliil "ID lliiilixl l iii iimuKllI ilovill. noisiniiisoi nsiiwsys s Flllwm The inn .year's' opersiion oi ihe coiiodiun Noiionol noliw'dys under ihe uuspi oi ihe Horich nos-eminent _nd iiio old iiioiioiiciiioni oi ihe cinn- ilhni .uilher ii l rlih , hue eosi ihe people oi ihe lioiuliiiou ihe eiiorinous siiiii u!.$i1,000,0 0, or iusi ohoui oiie-ieieiiih oi iiio ioiiil revenue ior eond eir's experiment _ \i will coil iiie isx~ pagers viliuul iicllililB/Ihlil amounir li nol more. These are ihe Dliisianding mimay 'siaieiucni. [\kliuliied lo ihe iiouie h;- lion. Dr. lieid. i uhilsler oi railway i in l'clnimsi (0 illl cxninpid i)! lione- iossdiungiin 'ilie iiiinlsier announced iilai iluriiie n'ie niiii' year ilio Cops. ili rseiiio had puid lis usuni invi- deiiii oi lo per DEVIL in spiio or iii. rsrse oondiiio ' .pnd ihs Grind 'K ruilk iiiar pi ing ii doiioii oi over i. milr lion iloi rs on he iIulieii Sioies lhio hiiii a iniiuiii-e or menu to lie errilii. The Gmll Tiuhii will mess iiiiii iho hands or ilie Governmeni wiliiin a year. and ihere is every on in lie ii _ ihai lis hainnie vln'il ihereaiizr. under. iiir opemllon oi the admin inanl. Ila changed in a dellcil .is iodironue. oi liie uiier ialluie 01' ill/1 Government in handle a iiusi~ nine prooosiiion, ii may he imin ihsi where iho iisuonios Noiiheri'i in ma iisd ii surplus oi gags-mm, in me, under ihe govomin eni eenirol: ii had .1 iieiirii oi MJ'LMB. This is an (nere in ane milng loss oi iusi iiimu! ion per ooni. ii would appear ihereiore ihsi spaii iroin ihe iaoi ihsi ihe Canadian people inn-o hero siiouldeied by ihe nonirii Gm-imrneni wliii ihe burden oi up. porllng ssslorlls-whicli were dihauoii. rd hy iiinir iorrrior ounris. ihey will he esiii-n upon in iooi ihe hill for ihe rnhsenuonres oi iiiierlor in aiiiiiieiiirui. plus cxlmvaizalii sod lmprnvldcnl 1d- oiluisirsiion. Tho rounii-i his puiilirsrd o while ricphsni. who . oupeilie hue iromon. nousiy inerensrd sinci- the purchase was made, __.r_suo.s e . . 'i E no" or iiiiwepm Liisi week's issue ui ilic Oniario ileiorinir, yuhilsiieu mice -weuii. iii Duran-a, coplsins iiin siinouiisenieiii price will sdinnie in 22.50 per your. [1 has lu-eii arm) n year ior so ioe ihiie liui ihe einii sill-ones iu ihe ensi oi paper has neeessiiiied ihe i-iiiiiiiie in iiiu higher iignre. niooiii _ Inlarmxlinn r- d in ii on e oi iiii- [ii r while paper will sell in very shortli- iesns us to believe iliai ihe dsy oi lilo $1.50 weekly will soon he ihing oi ihe nail. in ii? new iii nominee: line i) ii nior pis ssenoi ih 'nuiiilo sehooii miui ii vihiiiiiiiildinn; emailed lloni on inilqu. .wiiu. ninokcnxiu x. leaderoiihe order oi inori names to Fm sgd ' liisxspd inuisychooi' 'v nonnoih lihni ilii c Keniielli Pl iiiuilol r hiiiriiarol hiii-ioin i: \vlnliieil iiaiiilnen norm 5 Carl lisw lilinii i-iil iloiiniii L Kenneih 'l'iioiiiris liliy Nels Willie i' lieslrloe Mac Nos Clarence seine Pa hioNE lull-1W: spied .\i I5 s ion and liiiii n s only six me. we rroeniiy received a siiipinem iroin ihe iilili in rail 305.00 s ion in lwo Dur lnioriusiion-ii in iliu uiiei-l ihai our nexi pni ciissr viiiiwsl (in'3 30.00 s (inn so an. a venue in iiils ane Iieni or expense alone Audrey Lund y linlii iiouio iiissi iiiiwiTT'ii . ' i .iuiiiiir Secdlid la 5eoior Second. Arlinuir Alien Ii (iwennle McCarlel liulii iiorneo Grich Lli'owll niiilley Carley iieniiire ililiu i'rauii soonko iiiirolil li'hnii iiiueu coolierill Lily WIdt-maii ' Lesley iii-Dyan. hiai-ie money Alli eii Siniiii 'i'iuill) uniliie i rdnk Carley illiorlie iinllrilde Willi linrdeu MISS S'l'iUlK S Ci. . Pirsl in Junior Second. Glenn I'inyd Chnrlie iiroilii- Allii-iia Minus lioi-o iineon Rliiii Groves lioiiiile ilaiiiii Sr. prhnerI i.islle Evans George Germaine Lawrence \V giil Melvin Slichwood iiriise iiunier r iiuby Csrruihsrs Marion nrsminar Marian Sisrle iiazrl hiccordlok Eileen.Pair Gui-don iiowaril Elsie Verliy Miss STEWAWP'S noon iuierfprhnor lo Sr, Pr. cum-iii iiieneowr isoliel marii Zliilrinn Mlillgnn Elsi: \Valkel Shirley l iliersnn Cecil Jarvis Norma Weidriiii .ioyoe Trusii \iiry suiioii :lii'ixiosril. For ilonr iuuior ii. in denim ii, illuulnml iriossle 'aordon ' Pllnnll! cuiill niini o_ Granger iive h'h Sillilh Loon-rd ciooiiei- . uenirieo isoin - laiiiu ljuh'iaon i' iiuriiinli iiyoiis , nosli Taylor'. mlos lilsle sideanen iion Medial-i mix hails ' ioiiii iluiied'eo Nellie Sulioii Miss MUilNINLi S noon. on iiisss io Junior ii,, mvilili anrlrii'lia Sullnn lielhcr ViuMilin iiendei iiooiiruee ilain I rnlk iilllou sionoii Alice iienderson liyia Graven ' Vliilrr) Cro eiier Sousoin tilodys iloiilniioii Krniielh rivcii hiiss.ii.\iir:s' nuohi. iuiennedioie Primer-in Senior Primer. Eme l nonshury Aiuhza Ganlon Williilc Cummi- iliririe \vllnmi , zillh Cnuii Max Broilpiiion viuiiiiir iirlmer io iiiiermedlele primer .iiiliil Gulm _ \iriiiii i Alhinson McArllillr iiiliii Vein Fail-y iilida licar slvy mmy \viiils ,iiiin Leonid iiyili Jilil nhlm son Had ulna doom. sonool. i.lnle Tru. iy iinglwmi ileairiee miner iienninisiori iioiis iilKKlnson and mud rookier Him iioiiii equal 55. i; 'll'lcs Verify 1M \VvlJSlt-l" Jiic): Loiiiln inpleiiew sipr iin Pmsicr ie in rlrsi. Gardnn Hurling ilek n nannls Cameron Liane iipsie_ baker Val-iii Ncwion iiiie iiunolne Lyiniii iieacuck Pied Arnold ioeii Evans lirii cool. _ iieorge him-r .\il|inii liowieii i.nw choniier . on. ownslei sieiiouzie 2 bill ac .inlmalm liariorie liai- Lelia I li'lllei' \ierni Phillips iioss Smari . Waller sueiwo irdi l| iiiilnnn lirlr-ii honors Arilliir iiiihnso' smii gloiilh iiuilliis ikin WDOOH sooiioisiiuAL 1'0 onivz new .\i iiili)! in ii i-ei-oni gasoline suiuiilioii speed iesl, . roinpareii niih slow, horns up gase- lilli lo a goal oileni liinn iii usua'li :u-inn ilgiiri-s are no (Mi ilii iii . iiilos 0 ii 25. as. M. iii. ea. 'in oi course iiiese iixures urn slanlliv il willy cool ior o. coiiipsiisou unis-i iiurrny, {Maurine Thelma wheoier cordon sieciilluiii Wiilrcli Mehiaiii iidiiii irsrlpn iieorgo Lenlei' ' IM' ii. the , London, April iissi'e r, hui-il was ,red with iiiel ooi , pioeo, ps'h'sn'iooe espeeied ,Tlni] oum s up iii'e'miory oi llic'iourih mn- nivoisury oi ihe zrcoi leis rebellion. Neigv eiiiele usionis iioiise res iiiaios inioel, ihe null iliuil usieiis learns ironi iii_ Duhlin oorrdspondeni. 1n i'ruriieii noon. The oesiiueiipn oil ihe nei-eiiuii niiieos hon ioiuiiy.dis- hikinizcd lilo eyeieiii oi coileoline in- eoiiie isxes lhi-ougliqui. irelond. .The loinaiio'inauuls lillii "my mlllllii ili oi hounds. i I Dilly 4 liondiui iii orrosis were mine ill lreionn his is roiuli iii ihe organized inrimdinrinm. - I Two ,- paisl pv .eiuiiy, There were iiopuhii ii demonilriiiohs. mush rioriuii oi'iho llllilnric's oi iroeiieiii, mu! nousinni siliiiing oi iiir. Sinn i-oiu hopper. , v rho nniy-ael or violence ill'\'DliM|l1 ii pried up in line euhiinf ooeuried when rain suio irueini, llled wllh orniiii soldiers. aided by u moooied iniu, raided ii'imuBe tiring lllc ilepuii- iisan (lag, peer Sackviilis sin-eel. SIX orreiiis were made. 4 iireui hoslillly io ihe soldieis wan shown, The iioopi mo valizy ii ororiiean. all herring ihe cmde Women iiinion and mm m5 a near psiiie, but no one woo iniuied. Tli crowd reiurueii Elinrily oiienvsrds. singing hopubli- can song and surrounding ihe iniiiiary ears, The iroopi host iii no oiiiinpl io deprive iheiii oi ihelr riiles. and in line .1 imp ruoelycda haye nei ihrusii Aside min ihis ihe doy wan speni imimllng iiie damage imrn iho tire, is lmii oi Willi-ii iiprerd lo KEVW') eouniry lii ireiand. liu; repori shows iiie i he worse ihin ilad heoo originally imagined. ml i' iillirn doinoniimlerl iiieir widespread nrmnlzi iiion iind iiio uiereey wiih which may om ahis in ncilln iiieir i'l'illrli i ll in - mi| iii ihe eouniry. , Nol only were in oiiieei rpd noiii-o l nooks aliaikrd, iiiii ih-ivoie roil- .ienern oi IiiV roiieriors were aim I'al'lNl. K were ri rrim'cd and iii-iiroyiii. ' 'i ili' [lill vilinllli l' M G nnmnl iinlidiniis aiiarksii,.snn iiilrnr-rl you. imloy .niii Soiuniiy niL'ili cured}? 200. mm iii: Linraii'aiin liAn mini: (iiciili ii ,\\'C'dll|l h,- increasing iinil \ nlu . Bronzili ihe iarinei close in his moireis, inalingiarniins a more Pm- hiairie and pin-diam oeeupaiion. iinohioi ihe piiisieiaii io Edie lime in milllb' instances. increased (Iii: noraomle icinnuy or .ill business men whn 'hero in shod ihoinoelies oi iis hips and iahdrrsav luii ailvaoizsee. Aiili ii [lit zi'l :iiii in In Her mare ieriilorr in less limo l0 iio his'uorii lii , quicker and at less Expcniii. Furnished e mulls oi heniihioi re- rrssiioii ior oil. snmoleied lhc liulliii'iig oi ihoii. s ndri l lliii6 M MEHPI iilKll\\3Yr bringing coniii'luridi prosperity huiidmii oi eiiies :inil iowiis ionneriy iiiinditom'ieil heeiuss oi llieil- lnirces- iii-ill i-znnhleii lime in rural conlrnuiiiilos is enjny all his adrnnioges oi iiio cliy ind ihose iii ihe cilii'i all ihe pleasures oi iiio eoniiiri'. iiimssed ili'e ihe eouoir_ by r ironomie weaiih oi hos a new hiuusini which now rsnli, mom? ihe eroai lu- ihisiiirs oi ihe l Cilllliry, Siiinulaicd Krc ilrr satii lliiiy among larl ltrs and eurouniod mom (i) mod-l Ei llc IlI(-il' maimili and lh ir llnllil nf'm i "W economy and S - perlorlly iii mo iranspnriaiion (or all commercial use <<:~___ THERE is only ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN o'niy Tohleis on Edyei Ciou" are Aspirin No olhcisi oil Eli-Elan Re "you doo'i ere ihr "my" Oren on ihe isoisis, reiuse themiiilay sisl iioi sspliio si si_l ~ I insist on new "ilsyri 'i'oLlain oi Aspirin Bikini; iped will: [he :aleiy "Bayer inel Alqilin pieserlind hy pi. noises/iii nineino ms nod mm (B 5 million; '0! docile, oonl. .siii, Ludo, mansion. Lumsi s, (with, Well iii, m P ennui y, . Mimi ! We 0 I! Lib Him: P- l' on dii Finis/mi li'sd' a red l ri'ihro ion pollnc'liurnulil Merely. ' iioeh suceeeii. ' iii reueiihiir lilo paiienis and rave lli-es . Nari-rs. Woman. . ,- li eeiiain womun did n'iiuiiiiier iii senieuces in lliu midi-nu- ,ini) and .iiiisen, one door during sorviqc. sli e dcoiar'ed ihsi wiih ihe, help 0i God she would lend s dineran iliu. Run is now happily married HER iuiiue'nce is or inoslenlshle value in aiding and encourag- imr oilie io iersalie lives oi rin iinii wnlli iu ihe iiaiiis oi' hlrhioousneis. . ,iiuimnzns or ' similar eases prove ihoi ih e' prison Work ' iii "in saiviiion Anny hos had . inesi hiesseo resuiis. The "Salvation Army ' . aoii OI'I'ADELB r min IHB OTUITIOES in 7mm EBRI'FGRV. ~U8E TIIEL! i ' ulilii'a equilu iiall ra vim? oAlulDil liaudnil, Avili d. piioce Aiheri will represeoi dresi iiriialn ei ihe iereoiiliinary nelebroliuns oi ihe hind- lilS oi ihe ile 'l l i-ziiheoi in me Unilm sioles llch .iuiurun, sereni- illig iii iniormalldii given (our come- lilinilelli. ill: will Ill mm! (| inoiiih or iwo i-isiiiiie ilie orioolsai clilt u in Canada Mid America accord- iii); in proi plans, ' he is ai iilc pie ieiii linie. s sin. iiiiii oi Cumiil iiixk liiiivcniiiy, and will nniili his eolleisc ednciillun in .Iulilu Alreony he hos hail iln assume ln oi iiii :iilhiic duilrs oi ihe "rian "(Awaii a during iiio iiiier's nbneliiie iroin aneisi i ,- and ihose will grow heavier as one sons in and ihe heir In "it ihmnE'li mnri: and more EWRY in varioiiuoaiin ni ihe Empire. Prince mom will he iii-eiiiy-ilve rears oi m in hereinher. [it is 1n oiieor oi liie lieyai Ald Pom and in one oi ihe best oii.rounii sportsmen lo ilionoyol iaiiuiy, nassiie ihe isci ihoi his heaiili has neiei- heeu mr- iiruinriy roiiiisi, w BELL TELEFHOHE OD: PROVIDES BEHEVH D Foil EMPLOVIE siehn s iiieahllily' lienonls Sill. 055 '8: DH! Hl neiils 310,991.97: s ideiii Dismliliy iieni-iiis din,ois,- hs: pensions amines loose are Farm: iii the paymenis made lnr Ilia yrar igli iiein ihe Enlyiluyces' Helm: iii _i-'ilnii oi ihe Brii Toiephonv Cnl v irony. Tile Ecm iil Fund C mmlllfn'ii r9- poii iusi puhiisiieii is an llileiesling iioeuinrni. ii shows press payments io ripple-ices iroin ihe heoeiil iuud in 1919 oi 53.50202. Duran ihe year," sass ihe ri Ml-i. ihero nas'a ioiai or 1.655 sirlioe cows in \Villcii henelils were Dildo This is m Nerd ioss ihan in ms. The ioini days oi disabiliiy was as, my sin luring l nly 213 days less than ln,iela ao-hlidi iudlrsles iiii ihe slriiniss ssses in mg were oi iongrr durdiinn. ierre ouiniirr oi in uenza rises hien helped in swell iiisi ieiai in ma. ihe Midi no! :3 of a very lharl duration. in ma, wiiii 2.isi sirlness cases. 01952.57 vias paid in lirueiiis. in will. niiii' only Leos slil ness rsses. 2ili.0i35.sli was psidiii henn- iii 'riie,iiii e is due lo lhr iiirhrr sierere wage oi rnipiosoes in sesordaiiie wiiil' ihe'recoiila li 0/ inc coilinlliltc, lllc- l Dln- Mn) 1in rsiiihlisneii n iiiiiirsl Din mrlmvni ill i'oilueeiinn Milli F pins-er; i i-ihion niiu iiriieiii iilaii sun hr. (3 \. \\Ill|i:rii has Inf-ii ll ll Lilo i'liargv of it Is ". ieditdl Adr ' ! lludilua eh Hand . . D'. \\'iullri hill l llii ilii'ul rlilll'aiii {mil inuilli'zil i \~ :iiiiiiiiiioii ioi- v ' ll l3 llii inli'liiifrn oi lilo i'llliii v io iiisuriiriio ~oiiii- 'u oi lilii nii'ill or iuiii ixiuninniioii oi nuw eni- ii is considered ihni such [ii'ocodliN is \rl ilrrlishir, lioill ior. KIM piulii llon Li! iliu (moldy i. ii) in nu: semi-o sud io ensuri- w sini'iiniri. neiur giiro worii ior which' and ihai in ihe s nl- i ].ii iooii pm si in? Pei:- ny ileddinsa on Friday evening. L, under lii o surplus oi in'e' oaii T m~ plsrs. in insuliisehsinoe iiiil J. 0. V (xiii-ii, nsninudss, .i. Phillips. .i lirTaciiey,,hlirs' M in _liuirsrlson and Miss McKinle D. w nosii suiiouiiees me open- ills: oi 'iiruii slors; in Aurors on his is: oi iiilyi ; Spencer :2. Co. udvoiliie ii niiiilnEl ) nr. T. ii, Lloydfvei. has incnled iii Newmarliei, opposlle :Ulc Roi-i ow spnnp' 0ch The chrisiiuii Church shed hes heen' removed iins wseii iron. hiain 5i. lo ihe rear oi ihe phureh. The pupils oi h's'miiiiiiei couoiy ' Urdrnm sr School held social in ihe hioehooiei' iiail iusi lieioro Easier hoiids ' The Sharon'iieehiv run by a.- r. srriiiii. odverilsos spring roads and Kidder-lei. Deniiey'l mug slors snueuneei ihe arrival at English garden seeiis. <>' 52c... 25 giEiiis lei dies! E, A. ins-:1- iiasier poem. Miis iieiiie en is back ll'am cooirihuies a'ii liuiialo. Mr. end iiirs. \vs c. viii-er were "Al lining" on Wednesday evening. ' hilss Geraldine iiiiliero and Mr. { nk Millard ilalieii here our sun- is): .ihi. niislo Kooieh is Easier VIIEBUGD in Guelph. in, .Y. s. Green is roprrsoniisr i'l. T. or T l iiisirioi council in Sloull will io- . ' " ~ .i, A, iioiiinrshcu/i ' 0. Noah gamers are ropreoenilng Nizwniarkei. Tiiiouoos ai ihe slruiierd'mieii The firm) iii i- ox copper shop a: ihe iooi oi liahi SL, is bring iorn noon ihis week. . cneiir-i Club organized niih ihe ioiioii-iug oiiieeia: T. i. lc-heilaou Jae. Bowen T, J, Wood oli, To ii: iirunion, ii, siewon, w. (\L niuoiou w. iloder, ios. i ipher sud Ii. E. iioe'. Dl r Wesley oi Kclmicii his rrnied iiio premises or ihe leie Dr. Nash and iii loraie iii Nnuikei. Trmpcmncl: iisli paeiie d iasi Suii~ day zil ihe Gospel Temperance lieei. ino. Following ioolr pari'in ihe pro grsm; .ii Leninsii. \vaiior Armiiage Chris. w on, Miss Elia Cour, iii)i Lush. ill Manning, iiiss \Viison sod Miss anble. iihiii Scliniil i-ooiirrli Cile oilicuro : .i. r. iiolliueshesii. .1. e. unison J. I McKay, h L Il KUi, W. C. C in, w. Tni uii, dinner. F. Lioyd. J. ilul , ii. siiluis,_ _Tiio Aliakln Norm Gwiluiniiury Apr. {will by lief J5). Pinter. L ': \Velliniilon Slienpsrd in Miss Enuna' nerd Ai 1hr) (iiiriiil m Parsonage. N2W< mariei, Apr. ion. by alder rmsser. nln Ciiii oril s. lielsr oi uaidniii in Miss nonrile Chipeiie oi iiriidinrd. The Tomb AI Zephyr I niie nf ilir. iormerli- oi iiiiie. used 55 years. iisriieis izrgi 0,. builer iso. noiaiois one. pair, ehiilieiie doe. pr. was; . vAiiidzn FALL: To own spending; 3 and iron, iirimpioo . Anni i.~h Theo- iiaiu, need iii, oi aisiiley llllis, uiis ioiioniiy iiiiid venerilly eiierooou oi iiie (erin oi Nicholas ilewsonaL aiiioiueeousy. lie was his owner n! s irarior onii min rrushi-r siid wis oseiiuii his machine lino iho him, when ihe heouw hroiir, iiie (moldi- making a limp ill (on feel lo Iii? giuuiiil below. Theobald": nl'i k WAS broken LI) lhi {Jill and iii i fig in- nelllls. ' lie will! a young Englishman. and had lIIEL'lI iii Cullih a number of )i iL-Z lii' .u il iil'i. if]! ill! illi 20m hallliiloni Mill llniie ills llblui? \\'l l Jnnlus unwell, Lil Sl Milli. his piirrnis ihe in NIH-Mi), noeiiou. is -. . . err nil-don should lmr n our. our plspiuii in rhuiini-ii or pii plain, oiiu oi liii- rnrhu si oi psiileh proiluris hnii niispisiiiu ior J.\\illu iiso'iiifiilr. shire lollies ullli pro 'rl- S. _...._e._ sioo RIWAID, n00 ' ia readers oi Uilnl paper will liu r i la learn ilini more is si lessl one iii-ended (ills. se liiai uionco iins been ulilo lo cure in all iii nurses and iliry are hysiralli- mini. should- sin-ii Yxsniinalinli disclosi- niinor sil- ihrnis or s isndener iiieroio, the new omnioree would ho lllldi! mm at ihei rnndliiuiis 'siiii iiiiiissd in eonsuli hi5. liiIil is eaisrrii. L'nlsriii iirinii iinuiiy iiiiiiuriireil by coiiiliiuiiunxi iondiilons i require. cnlliililllllonil itulmaul. ihill'r csisrrii Meoioiuu is viii-ii low- oiiiy soil is lhm iris moon on lire iihsoui Sui-mes oi iiiu iiysisin ihors- Ayl'i elh. ' Lug . new nails-gin. sisiis is med - ,7 . . Aspirin is true is ii; i himd. in pull .0! BA!" )1 lIIIl: um 11! or hl r pinli iii, in order ihni only by dailmylhg lile ioundslloo or iho irisiiuiiii niillii orevssi ihs iliuirni MBBIM'KIVIHS'UIDDIHOIIIKlinn ! heroniinii serious. l\'sinshie sud oi mug: :k'd gowiu 1;; . ' modelers inns in ion , min in. 'miiawr shining rip-om oi, llI .izsliirii rii nml- ' Medlolno ihsl iiizy omr Grid iiuo nus iupil. Mom or. lldilsis (or .Any our in I500 OM. is _inainioined h) iii'o roi euro. semi ior ilniou 5' l viiiiinui eoniiwillnin oi oily AWN P. J i kind [mm Ilil emplnun. oi iiriosi ioi sr ind oun-inii limos. inikrs llliie niiirirore wimlhar s 4 r AYWIIJIHUXI yuan: ii iii-squ appear um much or liliie iiicl par mile. ihei iho dm iii in: do sr IM s huii insin mini; is iiisi ii um iuueii new mail) .wsi nuinlioiori Wim loii when going oi high speed ilisn si V v iv - slow. and no murii mori- iiisi mdsl simiiv' or I iiirouiili iiiiveis will he ioolinsii io inks. ihe in .i., you ran urr insier lniii llMilllIi > on cum in' Wail ' * ". munchies, I Wincld N Bill: Md. _ Wuk ll iI'ldl'hwn m n inn mess. in or iii-sunshine, to uni the Ni: gs Almlis dlliirk'rsizleis oi a. mi .i. . si' s sin .ii ii niih enlihsiis uni. Wont WI- . an , or. I lied: Ohio so'idiir

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